Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Rizka Mahardika





Language has been called the symbolisation of thought. It is learned code, or system of rules that enables us to communicate ideas and express wants and needs. Reading, writing, gesturing, and speaking are all forms of language. Language falls into two main divisions: receptive language (understanding what is said, written, or signed) and expressive language (speaking, writing, or signing).
Language acquisition is partly innate and partly learned, as children interact with other people and the environment. The language acquisition of all children occurs gradually through interaction with people and the environment.
Baby talk, also referred to as caretaker speech, infant-directed speech, or child-directed speech and informally as motherese, parentese, or mommy talk. It is nonstandard form of speech used by adults in taking to toddlers and infants.
By 2 to 3 years of age children should be able to follow two-part instructions and string two or three words together to talk about and ask for thing. But, children, sometimes misunderstand what is said to them, utter oddly worded sentences, and put speech sounds in the wrong spots (or limit them) when they are learning to talk.


Observation was divided into three sessions. All sessions was done in the different periods. From those sessions, there are 4 aspects that will be analysed. The aspects are phonology, syntax, morphology, and semantics. Each aspect has the example of dialog between Sallu and his Mom.

Syntax Aspect
Syntax is the study of the principles and rules for constructing sentences in natural language. (Wikipedia). In this research, from the observation, writer found some forms of syntax in Sallu’s utterances. The forms are affix (prefix), passive form, adjective, the function of words before and after, and question form, and negative form.
a. Prefix (di-)
Sallu : Koki yah... Ini gimana ini? Oh, diputer yah...
Mom : Iya diputer. Eh bunyi yah..
b. Passive Form
Sallu : Koki yah... Ini gimana ini? Oh, diputer yah...
Mom : Iya diputer. Eh bunyi yah..

c. Adjective
Mom : Gimana rasanya?
Sallu : Enak.
d. The Function of Words Before and After
Mom : Sallu udah mandi belum?
Sallu : Udah..
Mom : Oya, Sallu udah makan?
Sallu : Belum... Apaan tuh?
e. Question
1.  Tune
Sallu : Bunyi apa?
Mom : Alarm. Bunyi apa?
Sallu : Alarm.
2. Place
Sallu : Beli dimana itu?
Mom : Ini beli di warung.

3. Thing
Sallu : Apaan itu?
Mom : Kue. Coba liat apa aja warnanya?
Sallu : Warna kuning...
f. Negative form
Mom : Ini apa? Jenggot yah?
Sallu : Bukan.. Ini kumisnya...

Morphology Aspect
Morphology is the identification, analysis, and description of the structure of morphemes and other units of meaning in a language. Two units are affixes (prefix and suffix) and stress. In the conversation, Sallu could produce prefix /di-/, some suffix /-in/ /-an/ /-nya/, and many words with the stress /R/.
a. Prefix
di- Diputer
b. Suffix
-in Bukain
-an Mainan
-nya kumisnya, rambutnya, bajunya, warnanya
c. Stress
{R} alarm, warna, rasa, stroberi, warung, anggur, kring, garpu

Semantic Aspect
Semantics is the study of meaning that humans use language to express. It typically focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for. In the case of semantics, Sallu could denote a range of ideas. He often used an ordinary utterance to express something that he understood. Some stimulus that can be understood by him to express the utterance are movement, pattern, size, quantity, voice or sound, and taste. (Clark and Clark; 1977).
a. Sound
Sallu : Nah... kring...
Mom : Iya.. bunyi yah.. bunyi apa?
Sallu : Alarm.
b. Quantity
Sallu : Abis kuenya. Uda abis..
Mom : Iya udah abis kuenya. Ayo kita cuci tangan yuk..
Sallu : Ayo..

c. Taste
Mom : Gimana rasanya?
Sallu : Enak.
Mom : Rasa apa?
Sallu : Rasa anggur.

Phonology Aspect
Phonology is the systematic use of sound to enccode meaning in any spoken human language, or the field of linguistics studying this use. In this case, from the observation, Sallu could pronounce words with letter /r/ clearly.
Mom : Warna apa jamnya?
Sallu : Warna merah. (he pointed Mickey’s cloth)

Mom : Bapaknya megang apa ini?
Sallu : Megang sendok sama garpu.

Mom : Bunyi jam alarm. Bunyi apa?
Sallu : Alarm yah...

Mom : Gambar apa coba? Gambar bapak-bapak yah?
Sallu : Gambar bapak...

Sallu : Rasanya stroberi..
Mom : Mana yang rasa stroberi?

Mom : Ini beli di warung.
Sallu : Warung..

Mom : Rasa apa?
Sallu : Rasa anggur.

Mom : Sallu main apa?
Sallu : Main ini. (still busy playing the clock)
Mom : Main apa ini? (while pointed the clock)
Sallu : Ini apa.. Jam.
Mom : Jam gambar apa?
Sallu : Jam Mickey Mouse.
Mom : Warna?
Sallu : Warna...
(silent for a few second, he was difficult to answer due to the clock is colorful)
Mom : Warna apa jamnya?
Sallu :Warna merah. (he saw Mickey’s cloth)
Mom : Mana merahnya?
Sallu : Ini...merah... (while pinted the Mickey’s cloth)
Mom : Iya.. merah yah baju Mickeynya... Terus, ada warna apa lagi? Ini warna apa?
Sallu : Warna putih
Mom : Ini... apa?
Sallu : Merah... hm, item juga..
Mom : Item.. Heem.. (mengiyakan). Ini jam berapa sekarang? Coba liat jam berapa?
Sallu : Coba..
Mom : Coba.. ne liat jam berapa coba?
Sallu : Jam tiga... hmm, jam banyak...
Mom : Hahaa.. jam banyak... haha... Eh, ini bunyi apa?
Sallu : Tulit..tulittt.... (imitated the alarm’s tune)
Mom : Bunyi apa namanya?
Sallu : Bunyi itu...
Mom : Apa namanya?
Sallu : Namanya jam
Mom : Bunyi jam alarm. Bunyi apa?
Sallu : Alarm yah...
Mom : Gimana bunyinya?
Sallu :Tulit....tulittttt

Sallu : Ini jam apa ini?
Mom : Oh, ini jam koki...
Sallu : Koki yah... Ini gimana ini? Oh, diputer yah...
Mom : Iya diputer. Eh bunyi yah..
Sallu : Bunyi apa?
Mom : Alarm. Bunyi apa?
Sallu : Alarm.
Mom : Pinter. Ini bentuk apa?
Sallu : Bentuknya....
Mom : Gambar apa ini?
Sallu : Gambar....apa ini?
Mom : Gambar apa coba? Gambar bapak-bapak yah?
Sallu : Gambar bapak...
Mom : Ini apa? Jenggot yah?
Sallu : Bukan.. Ini kumisnya...
Mom : Pinter. Kumisnya warna apa?
Sallu : Warna item.
Mom : Eh, bapaknya megang sendok sama garpu. Iya khan?
Sallu : Iya...
Mom : Pake topi warna apa? Warna?
Sallu : Warna putih.
Mom : Pinter. Bajunya warna apa?
Sallu :Bajunya warna putih juga... Rambutnya?
Mom : Rambutnya? Warna?
Sallu : Warna putih.
Mom : Ini rambutnya ini..
Sallu : Warna item
Mom : Pinter
Mom : Terus megang apa ini?
Sallu : Silent
Mom : Bapaknya megang apa ini?
Sallu : Megang sendok sama garpu.
Mom : Pinter.
Sallu : Nah... kring...
Mom : Iya.. bunyi yah.. bunyi apa?
Sallu : Alarm.

Mom : Sallu udah mandi belum?
Sallu : Udah..
Mom : Oya, Sallu udah makan?
Sallu : Belum... Apaan tuh?
Mom : Yang mana? Coba ambil.
Sallu : Apaan itu?
Mom : Kue. Coba liat apa aja warnanya?
Sallu : Warna kuning...
Mom : Warna kuning. Pinter. Nah ini warna?
Sallu : Warna... pink.
Mom : Pinter. Kalau ini warna?
Sallu : Ijo....
Mom : Ijo... horeee.. Yuk kita buka.
Sallu : Rasanya stroberi..
Mom : Mana yang rasa stroberi?
Sallu : Ini...
Mom : Yang pink? Iyaaa...
Sallu : Iya yang pink. Bukain...
Mom : Yuk kita buka..
Sallu : Beli dimana itu?
Mom : Ini beli di warung.
Sallu : Warung..
Mom : Gimana rasanya?
Sallu : Enak.
Mom : Rasa apa?
Sallu : Rasa anggur.
Mom : Anggur. Pinter yah..
Sallu : Abis kuenya. Uda abis..
Mom : Iya udah abis kuenya. Ayo kita cuci tangan yuk..
Sallu : Ayo..


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