(Assignment of Second Language Acquisition)
By :

Human develop their language by interacting to the society. It starts from acquiring knowledge process. Babies develop their language by imitating what they heard and see. Babies develop their mastery of the language from the smallest part of the language to the complex structural form. The children develop their grammatical system until it corresponds to the adult community. In the process of acquiring the language the children is also affected by social environment.
There some stages in the acquisition of the children’s first language development. In this paper the writer would like to analyze the process of acquiring the language through some stages of the children’s language development. The data is taken by recording the conversation of a child and an adult.
v The grammatical development of Children
Children develop their grammatical system until it corresponds, eventually, to that adult community. Some the main stages of the children’s language development are:
ü Telegraphic Speech
The early speech of children is often described as ‘telegraphic’. This is because it lacks inflections and many of the small ‘function word’ such as articles or preposition. The situation lays an important role in conveying meaning. It means that the same two words might convey very different meaning in different situations. The children use the language creatively, since they use utterances, which they can never have actually heard. Nor can it be claimed the utterances are simply imperfect attempts to imitate what the child might have heard from imperfect attempts to imitate what the child might have heard from adults.
Los Bloom (1970) found that sentences containing two nouns were used to express five kinds of relationship depended on her observation oh the child in an actual situation:
- conjunction (e.g. cup glass,c.f. cup and glass)
- Description (e.g. party hat ,c.f. a party hat)
- possession (e.g. daddy hat, c.f. daddy’s hat)
- location (e.g. sweater chair,c.f. indicating where the sweater is)
- agent- object (e.g. mommy book,c.f. ‘mommy is reading a book’)
Dan Slobin (1979) looked at the communicative functions performed by two word utterances in the speech of children acquiring six different languages. He found seven main types of function:
- locating or naming (e.g. there book,Buch da);
- demanding or desiring (e.g.more milk, mehr milch);
- negating (e.g. not hungry kaffee nein);
- describing(e.g.Bloch fall, puppe kommt)
- indicating (e.e. my shoe, Mamas Hut);
- describing person or a thing ( pretty dress, Milch heis);
- questioning((e.g.where ball,wo ball)
ü The development of inflection and function words
Telegraphic speech extends beyond the two-word stage. For example, as the child’s processing capacity grows.
ü The development of ‘transformations’
At the same time as children are increasing their mastery of grammatical morphemes, they are also increasing their ability to carry out ‘transformations’ on the sentence structure, in order to produce more complex utterances. The development of negatives and interrogatives has attracted particular attention. For both of these structures, children seem to follow similar sequences of development as in the following:
- At first, the negative element is not part of the structure of the sentence. It is simply attached to the beginning or end , as in :
No singing song
No the sun Shining
- At the second stage of the development, the negative element is inserted into the sentence. Instead of no or not, children may use don’t or can’t, but they do not yet inflect these for different persons or tenses
I no want envelope
He no bite you
He don’t want it
- Children begin to produce the appropriate part of do, be or the modal verbs:
You don’t want some supper
Paul didn’t laugh
I’m not a doctor
With interrogatives, too children first produce sentences in which the internal structure of the sentence is not affected. In yes/no question, they first use intonation:
See hole
You can’t fix it?
The development of these transformation provides interesting evidence that grammatical development is partly a matter of growing ‘competence’ (in the sense on underlying knowledge) and partly a matter of increasing ‘performance’ capacity.
ü Later Development
The limitations in the child’s performance become less restrictive and that he becomes able to perform operations of a more and more complex nature. As well as operations within a single clause, these include the joining of two or more clauses into a complex sentence. There is evidence that this later development starts with clauses used as objects of the verb. The child develops knowledge of the conventions for varying speech according to the social situation. Craig Lawson found that even at the age of two, children were able to choose different styles of speech for addressing peers, older children, and adults (quoted in Ervin-tripp, 1977). The children were aware of the social significance of the various forms.
ü The language environment of the child
There have been a number of observational studies of the language addressed to small children by mothers, other adults or older children.
This conversation is between vivi (21 year old) and Alen ( 3 yars old). The first language of them is Indonesia language but they life in Javanese community so most of their neighbors speaks in Javanese. As a result, this second language affects their language in communicating.
Vivi : dek, ceritain sih dek gimana ayam adek ilang (beg)
Alen : aaaaakkkk……..
Vivi : gimana dek, ayam adek, ayam… ayam kecil adek itu lho…ayam kecil adek
yang di ini yang… yang…yang kakinya itu bagus. Ayamnya mbrobos
dimana dek?
Alen :………..
Vivi : apa?
Alen : kan kakak inya kan cekola abang mau cekola. ( no conjunction )
Vivi : trus ?
Alen: na adek di lumah, tiba- tiba ayamnya mbobos,kabuul…dik…lali lagi di
lumahnya mas eko, lali lagi di dem, lali lagi dia ke lolongnya pak cuki, lali
lagi di lumahnya mas eko. (creative language)
Vivi : terus-terus ( asking to continue)
Alen : tyus- tyus dikejal-kejal cama kang anto’ cama mama’ tyus-telus-telus dib
lobos. (Conjunction)
Vivi : eemmmmm......siapa yang ngejar- ngejar ????
Alen : kang anto’ cama mama’.
Vivi : emmmm………
Alen : ini apa kak ? (Questioning= interrogative form)
Vivi : itu…. Hati. Trus dia mbrobosnya di bawah apa dek? Dibawah lemari ya?
Alen : he eh.
Vivi : ow……, ayam adek emang warnanya apa ?
Alen : item.
Vivi : item ?emmm…….. Trus yang ayam kakinya sakit itu dimana dek?
Alen : yang….yang pengkang itu ya ? (Describing thing)
Vivi : iya
Alen :yang…….itu ya ?
Dikolong !
Vivi : dikorong ?
Alen : he eh
Vivi : Siapa yang ngorong ?
Alen : Bapak
Vivi : ayam adek yang di korong itu, dikorong dimana sama bapak?
Alen : dikandang jelek ( the location )
Vivi : dikandang apa?
Alen : dikandang jelek
Vivi : dikandang jelek ?
Alen : he eh
Vivi : o….trus dikasi makan apa enggak ?
Alen : iya dikasi makan.
Vivi : dikasi makan apa ?
Alen : belas
Vivi : beras ? kata…
Alen : totolin…..tol…tol…tol
Vivi : o….. Kata mamak ayam… ayam yang kakinya pengkrang mati……. Apa
iya ?
Alen : udah dipotong kok (situation)
Vivi : udah dipotong ? o…….sapa yang motong ?
Alen : yang motong eto ?
Vivi : he eh
Alen : mamak cama kak pipi.
Vivi : mamak cama kak pipi. Kapan ?
Alen : ada’ telolnya.( description)
Vivi : berapa telornya ?
Alen : kecil tapi.( description)
Vivi : o…e….ay….apa namanya emm….adek tadi makan apanya ?
Alen : atinya.
Vivi : atinya ?
Alen : eh.
Vivi : enak ?
Alen : nak
Vivi : emmm……
Alen : kak pipi makan dagengnya.
Vivi : iya
Alen : kak pipi makan apanya ?
Vivi : makan dagengnya.
Alen : dagengnya.
Vivi : kalo abang, abang makan apanya ?
Alen : koletnya.
Vivi : koletnya ?
Vivi : kalo kakak inya’ ?
Alen : bulunya ?
Vivi : kakak inya bulunya hehehe ( laughing ). Kalo kalo bapak ?
Alen : dageng.
Vivi : em…. Tadi kita maen tempat nenek ya dek. Nenek masak apa ?
Alen : masak atot. ( creative language)
Vivi : masak apa ?
Alen : atot
Vivi : atot tu apa ?
Alen : atot
Vivi : ehhhh..
Alen : atot tu kepek. ( creative language)
Vivi : krepek ? o….. e….enak ? emmm….
Alen : kak pipi……. apa ini kak ?
Vivi : emmm…… ayam adek sekarang ada berapa ?
Alen : ( silent )
Vivi : ayam adek sekarang ada berapa ?
Alen : ( keep silent )
Vivi : dek………..
Alen : ( keep silent )
Vivi : ayam adek sekarang ada berapa ?
Alen : ( keep silent )
Vivi : adeeeek……
Alen : apaa ?
Vivi : ayam adek sekarang ada berapa ?
Alen : ada duuua’.
Vivi : warnanya aaapa ?
Alen : item. . (Description)
Vivi : sama ?
Alen : pengkang. (Description)
Vivi : pengkrang ? hehehe (laughing)
Alen : yang pengkang itu yang cakit.
Vivi : oh….
Alen :y.. ang …di cito ( explaining the location )
Vivi :oh…..taro’ dimana ?
Alen : talo’ dikandang.
Vivi : kandangnya dimana ?
Alen : kandang jele’. (describing thing)
Vivi : dimana ?
Alen : cana pokoknya. (explaining the location )
Vivi : sama siapa ?
Alen : cama kak pipi.
Vivi : apa iya ?
Alen :iya…..
Vivi : siapa yang makan ?
Alen : alen lah.
Vivi : em…
Alen : makan – makan. hek hek hek hek (laughing)
Vivi : he he he (laughing). Kakak inya kemana dek ?
Alen : Kakak inya mejet ( mosque ).
Vivi : emm….Kakak inya cuka ayam enggak ?
Alen : cuka.
Vivi : kalo kak pipi takut enggak sama ayam.?
Alen : enggak…. Takut ( meralat )
Vivi : takuuuut, kalo adek…. Adek brani ?
Alen : bani.
Vivi : kalo mamak ?
Alen : bani.
Vivi : kalo bapak ?
Alen : bani.
Vivi : kalo abang ?
Alen : bani.
Vivi : kalo kak pipi ?
Alen : ban…. Gak bani ( negative form)
Vivi : emm….kalo alen ?
Alen : bani.
Vivi : pinter. dek, besok kan hari sabtu,mamak beli ayam apa dek kalo dipasar ?
Alen : ayam putih. (Describing thing)
Vivi : beli ayam putih ?
Alen : ayam putih ?
Vivi : ayam putih ? trus ayam putihnya diapain ?
Alen : dipotong lah.
Vivi : gede enggak ?
Alen :ha..?
Vivi :gendut ?
Alen :gendut iya, yang putih itu ? (Describing thing)
Vivi : he eh. critain sih dek waktu itu adek liat ayam putih itu dikorong ?
Alen : aaaa…………….
Vivi : kan bapak beli ayam putih trus gimana ? trus sama adek diapain ?
Alen : diapain ya ?
Vivi : diko….
Alen : long
Vivi : tros ?
Alen :dikolong
Vivi : dikasi makan apa ?
Alen : gak makan tu malah miuw miuw miuw eh gak ding kukuluyuk kukuluyuk petok petok petok ( Describing thing)
Vivi : o…. bunyinya gimana malahan ?
Alen : kukuluyuk petok petok petok
Vivi : trus gimana bunyinya?
Alen : petok petok petok
Vivi : trus bunyinya gimana?
Alen : Kukuluyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk (Describing thing)
Vivi : emmmm………..
Alen : gitu
Vivi : trus ayamnya ayamnya bunyinya kayak mana dek ?
Alen : Kukuluyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk
Vivi : katanya miaw miaw
Alen : piyuk piyuk…… gak bica dong jalan.
ü Telegraphic Speech
· Based on the transcript, the child uses creative language such as “di dem”, and she mention cassava chips using ‘atot’ ( this not include to the her first language ).
· Sometimes the child uses conjunction like in this sentence : ‘tyus- tyus dikejal-kejal cama kang anto’ cama mama’ tyus-telus-telus dib
Lobos’. She uses’ tyus-telus-telus’ to relate or continue the
statement. But sometime, she didn’t use ‘conjunction’ like in
“kan kakak inya kan cekola abang mau cekola”.
· The child also ask the question to their sister, for example, “Alen :
ini apa kak ? “
· The child also use her language to describe many things for
example :
(1) Yang….yang pengkang itu ya ? (the child describe the chicken
That has physical defect in chick’s foot).
(2) ada’ telolnya.( there is some eggs in the body of chicken )
(3) kecil tapi (small eggs)
(4) Item. . (Black chicken)
(5) kandang jele’. (Bad chicken coop)
(6) ayam putih. (White chicken)
(7) gendut ya (big chicken)
(8)malah miuw miuw miuw eh gak ding kukuluyuk kukuluyuk petok petok petok and Kukuluyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk piyuk (Describing the voice of chicken ).
· The child also tells the situation such as “ udah dipotong kok
(Chicken has died)
· The child also tells the situation such as “y.. ang …di cito” ( it is there ) and “ cana pokoknya”. (it is there).
ü The development of inflection and function words
The child is already able to master the function of words
ü The development of ‘transformations’
The child already able to master the interrogative and negative form such as in “ini apa kak ? “
But sometime the child didn’t use subject in the negative form, for
Example: “ban…. Gak bani”
ü Later Development
The child is already able to say the sentence in grammatical.
For example: “kak pipi makan dagengnya”.
ü The language environment of the child
In this case the child speak to her sister and she cal her sister “kak”.
ü Baby talk is a kind of talk provided by adult to children.
ü Baby talk is affected by the people or environment around them.
ü Their language will be developed well when they have communication to their family, peer, etc.
ü The children are usually created new language.