By: Desti Mulya Sari S.
SRN: 0713042020
1. Negotiation of Meaning Interactions
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors. Varonis and Grass (1985) proposed a simpler model for the axchanges that create negotiation of meaning. The model consists of four primes called:
a. Trigger (T) which invokes or stimulates incomplete understanding on the part of the hearer;
b. Indicator (I), which is the hearer’s signal of incomplete understanding,
c. Response (R), is the original speaker’s attempt to clear up the unaccepted-input, and
d. Reaction to the response (RR), which is an element that signals either the hearer’s repair. The model was elaborated into the following figure and the excerpt that follows:
The model containts two components: the trigger component (T) and the resolution component. The resolution containts three elements: indicator (I), response (R), and reaction to response (RR). A trigger is defined as a utterance on the part of the speaker, which results in some indication of non-understanding on the part on the hearer. The model suggest that from the trigger the hearer can indicate non-understanding (the indicator=I) which can be respond to (R) by the speaker in various ways. Reaction to response (RR) can be produced by either the speaker or the hearer.
2. The Conversations
Gusti : Astiti, I need to read some Islamic books.. would you mind to borrow me it? One of them.
Az Zahra : Yes of course, what for?
Gusti : Emm.. do you Have Wanita Pilihan di Zaman Rosulullah?
Az Zahra : Emm.. wait, no I don’t have it.
Gusti : How about Fiqh Sunnah? The book written by Sayyid Sabiq. Don’t you have it?
Az Zahra : No.. I have.. Fiqih Dakwah..
Gusti : Uhu..
Az Zahra : and.. Isti’ah..
Gusti : Uhu..
Az Zahra : And… Could you see it? (TRIGGER)
Gusti : uhu..? (SIGNAL)
Az Zahra : Could you see it? (RESPON)
Gusti : Which one? (REACTION OF THE RESPON)
Az Zahra : Just choose.. choose one of them.
Gusti : Do you have from Zero to Hero?
Az Zahra : Actually yes, but it have been borrowed by my friend..
Gusti : Well, I will waiting for it. End then, do you have emm… Shahabiah book like Siti Khadijah, Aisyah.. or emm Rosulullah’s wifes.
Az Zahra : Siroh??
Gusti : Uhu..
Az Zahra : No, I don’t have.. but I have 100 tokoh dalam sejarah
Gusti : It is Islamic book?
Az Zahra : Yes, 100 Tokoh Dalam Sejarah Islam.
Gusti : Well.. I will borrow it. Emm.. So, I will borrow two of your books. From Zero To Hero and then.. What the last, the title of the book?
Az Zahra : Seratus Tokoh Dalam Sejarah Islam
Gusti : Oke, how can I borrow it?
Az Zahra : Hmm.. Tomorrow maybe..
Gusti : Tomorrow? Would you mind to bring it to campus at our Lesson?
Az Zahra : Yes, of course.. Wait! Do you like reading novel
Gusti : Yes actually..
Az Zahra : Have you ever read Maryamah Karpov?
Gusti : Not yet..
Az Zahra : Have you ever heard about it? Written by Andrea Hirata
Gusti : Yes, I of often hear about it, but I never see the book, and I never read the book..
Az Zahra : yeah.. the book color of cover is black. Emm.. it’s interesting book, you have to read it..
Gusti : Ow yeah..? May I borrow it?
Az Zahra : Yes of course..
Gusti : Well.. so after I finish read two of your books that I will take tomorrow I will borrow the Maryamah Karpov.
Az Zahra : Sure..
Gusti : Thank you..
Az Zahra : You are Wellcome.
Ryan : Yo, Sabtu wingi kue masuk Fisika kuantum opo enggak..?
Cahyo : Iyolah, ngopo emange..?
Ryan : Piye enek tugas opo ora?
Cahyo : Wingi gak jadi kuliah yan..
Ryan : Lah.. kenek opo emange..?
Cahyo : Bapa’e eje neng Kota Bumi.
Ryan : Lah, terus piye iki, enek tugas meneh opo ora?
Cahyo : ora, gor kon neruske tugas translet sing wingi kae..
Ryan : Lah tugas transletanmu wes rampung opo horong?
Cahyo : Horonglah.. iki tembe are diketek..
Ryan : Emang terakhir ngumpul kapan emange..?
Cahyo : Mboh ki, jarene Arif ngumpule terakhir minggu iki..
Ryan : Aduh… Aku horong meneh, piye iki yo..?
Cahyo : Alah santai wae, gampang mengko tak bantuni.
Ryan : Yowes nek ngunu, kue bantuni aku ngetik selembar wae yoh…
Cahyo : Yowes, gampanglah..
Ryan : Hoo iyo, kapan mulai UAS Kuantume..?
Cahyo : Jarene sih krungu-krungu hari rebu ngarep. Lah piye?
Ryan : Materine lah tekon endi wae..?
Cahyo : Sampe materi terakhir kuliah wingi lah, kepriwe toh..
Ryan : Waduh materi wingi aku ora nyatet meneh iki, aku jeleh catetanmu yoh…! (TRIGGER)
Cahyo : Jeleh catetanku?? (SIGNAL)
Ryan : (nodding) (RESPON)
Cahyo : yo tapi kue bisa boco tulisanku opo ora..? (REACTION OF THE RESPON)
Ryan : Waduh! Iyo juga yoh, tulisanmu ancor koyo ngunu, aku yoh ora bisa bocone engko.
Cahyo : Jeleh karo sing laene wae..
Ryan : yowes, mengko aku jeleh karo Feriko waelah.
Cahyo : yo sip.. lah kue saiki are neng endi meneh?
Ryan : Aku are ning mushola deset kih, musholane horong dipel soale..
Cahyo : perlu dibantuni opo enggak..?
Ryan : alah, ora isolah..aku juga iso dewean ko.
Cahyo : Yowes nak ngunu..
Ryan : yowes, aku lungo deset yoh..
Cahyo : yo, ngono mangkate, ati-ati neng dalan, tukoke jajan.
Ryan : males, yowes aku mangkat deset
Cahyo : Iyoh.
Father and His Doughter Conversation
Pade : Jam pigho metei lapah kuliah?
Muly : Jam.. Jam jam walau naan
Pade : Biasowno tukuk..
Muly : Iyew ulah ije mak kau kuliah tukuk
Pade : Nyow dosennow males?
Muly : Enggat.. wat urusan si baghih
Pade : Gelaw urusan.. inow kan dosen
Muly : ayen , ikam.. ayen dosen
Pade : ooh.. gelow si agow diurusei muly kan lagi kuliah
Muly : yow at beasiswa, wat nilai, mati nayah si dapek diurus..
Pade : Ino alasanmu gawoh… niku hak males..
Muly : ho oh.. lamu males kak, kak sakow luwah jak unila
Pade :emm.. gelaw ijo munih, dwi jam pighow lapah sekulah.. kuliah?
Muly : ya bareng-bareng naan
Pade :bareng-bareng.. oo.. metei wo bareng motor now ya..
Muly : iya..
Pade : kak bayar , kak ghadu bayar kredit now lak wat?
Muly : lak wat.. bapak no jugo ngejuk duit kuliah munih lak wat..
Pade : Bapaknow mutus terus..
Muly : gelaw si mutus?
Pade : nayah utang.. niku ngertei mutus? (TRIGGER)
Muly : gelaw? (SIGNAL)
Pade : niku ngertei dew si mutus? (RESPON)
Pade : mutus inow gak ada duit.. mak kow duit..
Muly : oo.. mak kow duit.. Bak dapek mutus anow PNS kidah..
Pade : PNS ino duit now kak diakuk menow..
Muly : gelau si di akuk..
Pade : yow dia akuk, , , ngakuk now macem-macem
Muly : gelaw si di akuk nayah-nayah..
Pade : ngutang guwai si baghih..
Muly : yo lah nyow ngutang
Pade : bayar utang munih.. tutup lobang gali lobang. Iyow nyow caro.. muli ngelulih inow, jawabannow inow.. masa nyak nyawoke si baghih..
Muly : ya ghadew si baghih.. ngebahas utang..
Pade : iyew.. iyew ngebahas si baghih..
Muly : Bak sekam mak dak kattor
Pade : … jam pighow ije… jam pitew liwat, liwat limo belas. Ghadew kan?
Muly : lak wat..
Pade : Dwi jam pigho lapah kuliah? Dwi…?!
Muly : Dwi jamo Muly naan Pade..
Pade : Motor Pade berebei diughik mak wat? Di idupin gak?
Muly : iyalah..
Pade : oo..
Muly : Aneh Pade…
Pade : agow dipakai dew motor?
Muly : iyew, agow dipakai kuliah..
Pade : Muly tanow kak wat jugo ya, mak geguk lagi mak wat..
Muly : hah?
Pade : ya kak wat cepet mak geguk lagi..
Muly : ya.. ya iyalh cuti-cutik..
Pade : Haha.. sukur kidah lamo kak gahinow.. nyow kah.. ghadew?
Muly : yo ghadew lah..
Pade : bak jadi marah jamo Pade..?
Muly : enggat.. terimo kasih Pade..
3. Analysis of the Conversations
From all of the conversations we can see that the NS said something that makes the NNS can not understand the utterances, that is belong to Trigger. Then The NNS gave a code to the NS that she can not grasp the meaning of the utterances, this is called Signal. Next, the NS get the code and give a respond to the NNS to show her understanding and her clarification. Finnaly the NNS show her understanding about the clarification from the NS.
1. First Talk
Az Zahra : And… Could you see it? (TRIGGER)
Gusti : uhu..? (SIGNAL)
Az Zahra : Could you see it? (RESPON)
Gusti : Which one? (REACTION OF THE RESPON)
2. Second Talk
Ryan : Waduh materi wingi aku ora nyatet meneh iki, aku jeleh catetanmu yoh…! (TRIGGER)
Cahyo : Jeleh catetanku?? (SIGNAL)
Ryan : (nodding) (RESPON)
Cahyo : yo tapi kue bisa boco tulisanku opo ora..? (REACTION OF THE RESPON)
3. Third Talk
Pade : nayah utang.. niku ngertei mutus? (TRIGGER)
Muly : gelaw? (SIGNAL)
Pade : niku ngertei dew si mutus? (RESPON)
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