(Second Language Acquisition Final Assignment)
Name : Silvia Agustina
SRN : 0713042046

I. Theorytical Background
In the second language acquisition, we know the term of negotiation of meaning. (Yufrizal, 2008) negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by interlocutor. It implies that negotiation of meaning is very important because it helps us to understand and be understood.
Van den Branden (1997) defines negotiation of meaning as a side sequences to the main flow of conversation aimed at signaling and solving problems of message comprehensibility, that is, aimed at restoring mutual understanding. On the other word, negotiation of meaning solves our problem in conversation so that we get understanding of the conversation.
There have been many proposals of negotiation of meaning advocated by experts. Yet, this analysis tries to depart from a definition suggested by Pica et al (1989). They defined that negotiation of meaning basically consists of four interrelated moves. They are trigger, signal, response and follow-up moves.
Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated move. The moves are trigger,signal,response, and follow-up moves. Definitions and examples of each move were completely described in Pica et al (1989) and Pica et al (1991) and these have been used as a fundamental resource for most recent studies of interaction and negotiation of meaning (Kasanga, 1996;Foster, 1998; Martyn, forthcoming; Roebers, forthcoming; Valera, 1999)
• Trigger (T) : utterances followed by native speaker (NS) signal of total/partial lack of understanding.
• Signal (S) : of total or partial lack of understanding. There are many types of signal. They are:
a. explicit statement or request for clarification
b. request for confirmation through repetition of the nonnative speaker (NNS)
c. request for confirmation through modification of the NNS
d. request for confirmation through completion or elaboration of the NNS
• Response (R) : there are two responses, i.e.
1. NNS Response:
a. Switch to the topic
b. Suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to NS signal
c. Repetition of the NS modification of trigger
d. Self modification of trigger
e. Repetition of NNS trigger
f. Confirmation of signal only
g. Indication of difficulty or inability to respond
Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated move. The moves are trigger,signal,response, and follow-up moves. Definitions and examples of each move were completely described in Pica et al (1989) and Pica et al (1991) and these have been used as a fundamental resource for most recent studies of interaction and negotiation of meaning (Kasanga, 1996;Foster, 1998; Martyn, forthcoming; Roebers, forthcoming; Valera, 1999)
• Trigger (T) : utterances followed by native speaker (NS) signal of total/partial lack of understanding.
• Signal (S) : of total or partial lack of understanding. There are many types of signal. They are:
a. explicit statement or request for clarification
b. request for confirmation through repetition of the nonnative speaker (NNS)
c. request for confirmation through modification of the NNS
d. request for confirmation through completion or elaboration of the NNS
• Response (R) : there are two responses, i.e.
1. NNS Response:
a. Switch to the topic
b. Suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to NS signal
c. Repetition of the NS modification of trigger
d. Self modification of trigger
e. Repetition of NNS trigger
f. Confirmation of signal only
g. Indication of difficulty or inability to respond
II. Transcript
a. The transcription of male-to-female talk
Pita : Oi.
Pita : Oi.
Aria : Oi.
Pita : what are you doing?
Aria : waiting for my friend.
Pita : where will you go?
Aria : to Karang, I have something to do with my friend.
Pita : ooh.
Aria : Pit,have you finished Kewirausahaan task?(T)
Pita : Task?(R)
Aria : Taskgiven by Mr. Sugiman.(S)
Pita : Which task?.(T)
Aria : Ih.. Kewirausahaan task..(S)
Pita : it’s about the inventors, isn’t it?(S)
Aria : No.
Pita : so, which one?(T)
Aria : the new one, about kewirausahaan proposal .(S)
Pita : kewirausahaan proposal?(S)
Aria : yes..
Pita : I don’t know about the task.
Aria : Haaah?(T)
Pita : yes, I don’t know.()
Aria : How could you don’t know?
Pita : I didn’t come that time.
Aria : why you didn’t come?
Pita : I was sick. So, what’s the task about?(T)
Aria : we have to make a kewirausahaan proposal.(S)
Pita : Proposal?(R)
Aria : yes, proposal. We have to make a proposal which contains why we choose the business, the budgets, opportuinity,etc.(TU)
Pita : oh.(TU)
Aria : get it?
Pita : Heeh. When we must submit it?
Aria : in final examination.
Pita : Owh, okay. Thank’s
Aria : You’re welcome.
b. The transcription of female-to-female talk
Pita : Agnes.
Agnes : Oi.
Pita : Have you finished kewirausahaan task?
Agnes : Yes. Why?
Pita : I haven’t finished it yet.
Agnes : So?
Pita : I want to see yours. Only forexample
Agnes : owh, but the task is at my room, I don’t bring it today.
Pita : where is your boarding house? I want to go there tonight.
Agnes : kampung baru.
Pita : owh. where?
Agnes : At bunga mayang.
Pita : is it across the rail?(T)
Agnes : heeh.(TU)
Pita : then?(T)
Agnes : go ahead across the rail.(S)
Pita : after or before four-junctions?(T)
Agnes : which four-junction do you mean?(T)
Pita : four-junction after the rail.(S)
Agnes : after.(R)
Pita : and then?(T)
Agnes : just go ahead.(S)
Pita : I will be hit if I just go straight ahead.
Agnes : hahahahaha.
Pita : nah,.
Agnes : hahaha.
Pita : then?(T)
Agnes : from the rail you just go straight ahead, you will find a four-junctions, but you just go ahead, my boardinghouse is at the corner.(R)
Pita : owh, is it near Desi’s?(S)
Agnes : which Desi?(T)
Pita : Desi, Math Major.(S)
Agnes : Yes.(TU)
Pita : where?
Agnes : after hers, my boarding house is the pink one.
Pita :owh okay, I will go there tonight.
Agnes : Okay.
c. The transcription of male-to-male talk
Andres : Ki,,
Kiki : yes, ndres?
Andres : do you like listening to music?
Kiki : heeh.
Andres : what trend of music do you like?
Kiki : Anything. Hahahaha.
Andres : aish.
Kiki : hahaha. Why are you asking that?
Andres : do youlike watching music concert?
Kiki : yes.
Andres : In April, there will be Maroon 5 concert. Would you like to watch it? (T)
Kiki : are you sure?(S)
Andres : heeh.(TU)
Kiki : wah..(TU)
Andres: do you want to watch it?
Kiki : how much the ticket’s price?
Andres : Rp. 800.000,00
Kiki : Rp. 800.000,00? It’s very expensive.
Andres : yeah.
Kiki : where we can buy the ticket?(T)
Andres : at the promoter’s house.(S)
Kiki : at the promoter’s house?(R)
Andres : heeh.
Kiki : owh.
Andres : so, do you want to watch?
Kiki : let me think first.
Andres : errr?(T)
Kiki : yep, the ticket is very expensive, I have to collect the money first.(TU)
Andres : owh okay. Let me know if you want to watch.
Kiki : okay.
III. Analysis
From the dialogue, there are some negotiation of meaning done by the speakers. The speakers tried to clarify each words which probably difficult to be understood. It commonly happens with Indonesian’s students in which English is a foreign language. Negotiation of meaning is a part of learning the language. That is one of ways to acquire the language directly. They try to negotiate the meaning when they find the difficulties in comprehending the aim of the speakers. As stated above there are T (Sound that can make misunderstanding), S (Confirmation Check, Clarification Request), R (Self Repetition), Follow up/TU (statement showed understanding). They are the symbol of negotiation of meaning.
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