Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

umi azizah (negotiation of meaning)

Umi Azizah
Second Language Acquisition
English Department Lampung University


Negotiation of meaning defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by interlocutors (Yufrizal 80:2008). When we have some conversation we can find such kind of misunderstanding in a conversation. Then in this analysis of negotiation of meaning we will analysis about the conversations below. The objective of the research is to find how many sequences of negotiation of meaning that occur in those conversations.

1.1 Speakers’ Background
The speakers of the conversations are girls and boys learners. All of the learners are students of university
Female 1 : her name is Tiwi
Female 2 : her name is Ike
Male 1 : his name is Rudy
Male 2 : his name is Ma’ruf

1.2 Task
The task used in this research is information gap. In the first conversation, a speaker has information about a picture of someone that another speaker wants to know. Then, the speaker who has information shares it to the speaker who wants to know the picture.
In the second conversation, a speaker has information about a catalog that another speaker wants to know. Then, the speaker who has information shares it to the speaker who wants to know the catalog.
Third conversation, a speaker has information about someone that another speaker wants to know. Then, the speaker who has information shares it to the speaker who wants to know someone.


2.1 Theory
There are sequences of negotiation of meaning in the conversation of showing information. Those conversations are analyzed by using Pica’s theory. Based on Pica, each sequence consists of elements below:

• Trigger (T) : utterances followed by native speaker (NS) signal of total/partial lack of understanding.

• Signal (S) : of total or partial lack of understanding. There are many types of signal. They are:
a. explicit statement or request for clarification
b. request for confirmation through repetition of the nonnative speaker (NNS)
c. request for confirmation through modification of the NNS
d. request for confirmation through completion or elaboration of the NNS

• Response (R) : there are two responses, i.e.
1. NNS Response:
a. Switch to the topic
b. Suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to NS signal
c. Repetition of the NS modification of trigger
d. Self modification of trigger
e. Repetition of NNS trigger
f. Confirmation of signal only
g. Indication of difficulty or inability to respond

2. Response to NNS:
a. Comprehension signal
b. Continuation move

• Follow up (F) : indication of understanding

Rudy : Hello Ike
Ike: Hello Rudy
Rudy: Ike… Tiwi said one of your ex boy friend is cover boy finalist? (trigger)
Ike: pardon me? (signal)
Rudy: tiwi said that your ex boy friend is cover boy finalist? (R)
Ike: hmm… yes (R)
Rudy: who is his name? (trigger)
Ike: his name? (signal)
Rudy: yes (response)
Ike: he is Rafi Ahmad (response)
Rudy: Rafi ahmad?, so your ex boy friend is Rafi Ahmad? (signal)
Ike: yes (response)
Rudy: which one in this picture? (trigger)
Ike: in this picture? (signal)
Rudy: yes which one is he in this picture? (response)
Ike: this is Rafi Ahmad (response)
Rudy: isn’t it the MC? (signal)
Ike: oo.. No… this is Rafi Ahmad (response)
Rudy: so the girl is only the MC, and Rafi Ahmad is the finalist?,
Ike: yes
Rudy: so who is the winner? (trigger)
Ike: the first winner? (signal)
Rudy: yes, in that cover boy competition? (response)
Ike: Wiratama! (response)
Rudy: Wiratama? (signal)
Ike: yes, he is the winner (response)
Rudy: where is Wiratama? (trigger)
Ike: here! (response)
Rudy: how about Rafi Ahmad? (trigger)
Ike: he is runner up (response)
Rudy: oh my gods, And do you still love Rafi Ahmad? (trigger)
Ike: what? (signal)
Rudy: do you still love Rafi Ahmad? (response)
Ike: I think yes… (signal)
Rudy: why? (trigger)
Ike: he is quite handsome (response)
Rudy: but, I think I more handsome than Rafi Ahmad (response)
Ike: oo.. (smiling) (response)
Rudy: I’m the winner, the first position is me (trigger)
Ike: ooh.. are you sure? (signal)
Rudy: yes I’m sure (response)
Ike: the first winner is Wiratama, Rudy.. (response)
Rudy: no, the first winner is MUh. Rudy (follow up)
Ike: up to you lah…. (response)
Rudy: and the third winner is Wiratama (follow up)
Ike: how about this? (trigger)
Rudy: the girl? (signal)
Ike: yes (response)
Rudy: using the white dress? (follow up)
Ike: yes (response)
Rudy: she is one of my partner in that competition (follow up)
Ike: oo… in grand final? (trigger)
Rudy: yes, grand final of cover boy (signal)
Ike: who is she? (trigger)
Rudy: she is Tuti, Tuti Almanda Binti Sukiem (follow up)
Ike: ooo (signal)
Conversation between girl and girl
Tiwi: hai ike !
Ike: hai Tiwi, what do you do? (trigger)
Tiwi: I’m looking at catalog, the exactly Oriflame catalog (response)
Ike: excuse me, Oriflame catalog?, what is it about?(signal)
Tiwi: it’s about comestics, you know here are a lot of lipsticks, nail polish, and perfumes and etc (follow up)
Ike: do you wanna buy lipstick or nail polish? (trigger)
Tiwi: pardon?
Ike: do you want to buy lipstick or nailpolish?
Tiwi: may be yes, but I’m confused which one should be chosen?(trigger)
Ike: what? Lipstick or nail polish? (signal)
Tiwi: may be lipstick, what do you think? Which one is good? (response)
Ike: based on this picture, I think it’s beautiful (follow up)
Tiwi: is it good? (trigger)
Ike: yes (response)
Tiwi: it’s glow (follow up)
Ike: yes, and it’s shining (response)
Tiwi: what about the color? Which one is suitable for me? (trigger)
Ike: yes? (signal)
Tiwi: which color is suitable for me? (Response)
Ike: I think the suitable color for you… this is the purple one (response)
Tiwi: oke, I’ll check it later (follow up)
Ike: eumm…….. there are another one I think ! (trigger)
Tiwi: which one? (trigger)
Ike: let’s see, another lipstick (follow up)
Tiwi: do you use any lipstick? What do you use? (trigger)
Ike: yes, I use lip ice (response)
Tiwi: is it good? (trigger)
Ike: it is good (response)
Tiwi: eum……. What about this? (trigger)
Ike: this is foundation (response)
Tiwi: fo What? Where should I use it? (signal)
Ike: foundation, it’s used on your face before use powder (response)
Tiwi: oo… alright (follow up)
This is lipstick right? (trigger)
Ike: yes, but I think it’s too dark (response)
Tiwi: wow, there so many lipsticks!! (follow up)
Ike: yes, you want to buy lipbalm or lipstick? (trigger)
Tiwi: eumm… what the differences between lipstick and lipbalm? (signal)
Ike: lipstick the color is more bright! (trigger)
Tiwi: bright?? (signal)
Ike: yes but lip balm is more natural (response)
Tiwi: oo…….. the color is the same as our lip skin? (follow up)
Ike: yes (response)
Tiwi: I think it is good to buy lip balm right? (follow up)
Ike: yes (response)

Conversation between boy and boy
Ma’ruf: did you watch Obama Anak Menteng last night? (trigger)
Rudy: pardon? (signal)
Ma’ruf: did you watch Obama Anak Menteng last night? (response)
Rudy: yes, only a little (response)
M: ooo…… what do you think about that film? Do you like it? (trigger)
R: a film? (Signal)
Ma’ruf: yes (response)
Rudy: eum….. wait a minute, actually I didn’t watch it and I only watch his visit. (Response)
M: o… yeah, he ever visited Indonesia about last month, yeah last 2 month (follow up)
R: last two month (response)
M: last two month, he gave speech in university of Indonesia right? (signal)
R: yeah (follow up)
M: what do you think about his speech? (trigger)
R: good, because he can use bahasa Indonesia and English may be because his first language in Indonesia that’s why his bahasa Indonesia stay longer (response)
M: are you sure that Indonesia his first language, I think that he was born in Kenya not in Indonesia, he just lived in Indonesia for three years (signal)
R: yes, even thought Obama was born in Kenya but he growth his language acquisition in Indonesia, that’s why he is better acquiring bahasa Indonesia than Kenya language, I mean African language (response)
M: so, what is the content of his speech? (trigger)
R: Uh-huh (response)
M: is he talking about Indonesia cooperation with America or what? (trigger)
R: actually, I don’t know because I only watch the opening of his speech (response)
M: hehehe… only the opening of the speech? Not until the end of his speech? Yeah I heard that he talked about sate then Bemo (trigger)
R: bemo?? (signal)
M: bemo, sate right? NasiGoreng… (response)
R: hahahaha…. (response)
M: yeah, it just kind of memory yeah? (trigger)
R: yeah (foolow up)
Alright, do you think Obama will give a great influences for Indonesia? (trigger)
M: I don’t think so, since Obama visit with just a nostalgic (response)
R: eum… so there will no education for Indonesia, such as international education for Indonesia? For example Malaysia with American president sompany come to Indonesia, may be Indonesia will have strong relationship between Indonesia and America that is why Malaysia will be afraid with Indonesia (response)
M: I don’t think so, Obama visit was just for about 18 jam or more. I think irt is just a kind looking in and just stay for awhile. There is no any special purposes (response)
R: did he bring his children? (trigger)
M: no only his wife (response)
R: what is the name of his wife? (trigger)
M: actually, I knew bjut I forget (response)
R: you forgot? (signal)
M: yeah (follow up)


3.1 Length of Utterance
Each of the conversation was done for about 3 minutes. So, it is 9 minutes for all the conversations. There are about 445 words for the first conversation, 386 words for the second conversation, and 372 words for the third conversation. By all of the conversation it can be got that the mean of the utterances is:
= numbers of all of the words : numbers of conversation
= (235 + 260+ 345) : 3
=840 : 3
= 280
So, the mean of utterance length for all of those conversations is 270 words.

3.2 Negotiation of Meaning Sequences
From the first conversation there are five sequences of negotiation of meaning by explanation as below:
 The first sequence
Rudy: Ike… Tiwi said one of your ex boy friend is cover boy finalist? (T)
Ike: pardon me? (S)
(this is a signal of clarification request to the trigger)
Rudy: tiwi said that your ex boy friend is cover boy finalist? (R)
(this is a response of repetition of the trigger)
Ike: hmm… yes

 The second sequence
Rudy: who is his name? (T)
Ike: his name? (S)
(It is signal of request for clarification)
Rudy: yes (R)
(this is a response of the trigger)
Ike: he is Rafi Ahmad (F)
Rudy: Rafi ahmad?, so your ex boy friend is Rafi Ahmad? (S)
Ike: yes (R)

 The third sequence
Rudy: which one in this picture? (T)
Ike: in this picture? (S)
(It is signal of request for clarification)
Rudy: yes which one is he in this picture? (R)
(this is a response of repetition of the trigger)
Ike: this is Rafi Ahmad (F)
Rudy: isn’t it the MC? (S)
Ike: oo.. No… this is Rafi Ahmad (R)
Rudy: so the girl is only the MC, and Rafi Ahmad is the finalist? (F)
Ike: yes (R)

 The fourth sequence
Rudy: so who is the winner? (T)
Ike: the first winner? (S)
Rudy: yes, in that cover boy competition? (R)
Ike: Wiratama! (F)
Rudy: Wiratama? (S)
Ike: yes, he is the winner (R)

 The fifth sequence
Ike: how about this? (T)
Rudy: the girl? (S)
Ike: yes (R)
Rudy: using the white dress? (F)
Ike: yes (R)
Rudy: she is one of my partner in that competition (F)
Ike: oo… in grand final? (S)
Rudy: yes, grand final of cover boy (R)

From the second conversation, there are four sequences of negotiation of meaning. The explanation is as below:

 The first sequence

Ike: hai Tiwi, what do you do? (T)
Tiwi: I’m looking at catalog, the exactly Oriflame catalog (R)
Ike: excuse me, Oriflame catalog?, what is it about?(S)
Tiwi: it’s about comestics, you know here are a lot of lipsticks, nail polish, and perfumes and etc (R)
(It is response of self modification of trigger through embedding and elaboration in clause)

 The second sequence
Ike: do you wanna buy lipstick or nail polish? (T)
Tiwi: pardon? (S)
Ike: do you want to buy lipstick or nailpolish? (R)
Tiwi: may be yes, but I’m confused which one should be chosen?(R)
Ike: what? Lipstick or nail polish? (S)
Tiwi: may be lipstick, what do you think? Which one is good? (R)
Ike: based on this picture, I think it’s beautiful (F)

 The third sequence
Tiwi: what about the color? Which one is suitable for me? (T)
Ike: yes? (S)
Tiwi: which color is suitable for me? (R)
Ike: I think the suitable color for you… this is the purple one (R)
Tiwi: oke, I’ll check it later (F)

 The fourth sequence
Tiwi: eum……. What about this? (T)
Ike: this is foundation (R)
Tiwi: fo What? Where should I use it? (S)
Ike: foundation, it’s used on your face before use powder (R)

From the third conversation, there are three sequences. The explanation is as below:
 The first sequence
Ma’ruf: did you watch Obama Anak Menteng last night? (T)
Rudy: pardon? (S)
Ma’ruf: did you watch Obama Anak Menteng last night? (R)
Rudy: yes, only a little (F)

 The second sequence
M: ooo…… what do you think about that film? Do you like it? (T)
R: a film? (S)
Ma’ruf: yes (R)
Rudy: eum….. wait a minute, actually I didn’t watch it and I only watch his visit. (R)
M: o… yeah, he ever visited Indonesia about last month, yeah last 2 month (F)
R: last two month (R)

 The third sequence
M: is he talking about Indonesia cooperation with America or what? (T)
R: actually, I don’t know because I only watch the opening of his speech (R)
M: hehehe… only the opening of the speech? Not until the end of his speech? Yeah I heard that he talked about sate then Bemo (T)
R: bemo?? (S)
M: bemo, sate right? NasiGoreng… (R)


That is negotiation of meaning in those conversations. We can see from the sequence of the negotiation of meaning, it can be seen that signal and response have the same numbers and dominated those conversations. The signal that most occurred is signal of request for clarification and the response that most occurred is response of repetition of the trigger. Trigger given by a speaker made the signal by another speaker in a conversation. Then, the response occurred. The signal and response from both the speakers result the follow up and making the understanding between them.

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