(Final- Test assignment of Second Language Acquisition)

In order to get the information, human need to have an interaction each other. In communicating using language, people have to make the production of input and output to be comprehensible each other. One of the activities that can provide opportunity for learners to get comprehensible input and produces comprehensible output in through negotiation of meaning.
In this paper the writer would like to analyze the negotiation of meaning in second language interaction through conversation that has been recorded from upper and lower students.
ü Negotiation of meaning in interaction
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressor and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors. During communicative exchanges in which addressees had difficulty understanding and addressors sensed this difficulty, addressors could restructure the conversation in order to make their input comprehensible to addresses in thus allow the conversation to continue .In this restructuring, addressors could, for example, pause and question addresses as to weather they understood, or sensing confusion on the addresses’ parts, addressors could simply repeat themselves verbatim or in paraphrase.
Pica et al (1989) suggests that negotiation of meaning basically consists of four interrelated moves (trigger, signal, response, and follow-up moves).
Figure 2
Definition and examples of negotiation of meaning exchange and its elements as adapted from Pica et al (1989)
e.g. NNS : I still don’t know what the word is ? NS : the what?
e.g. NNS : on the right side. NS : on the right side?
e.g. NNS : this is not uh this hasn’t common nature NS : cars have common nature?
e.g. NNS : sun and uh… NS : rays
i. Phonological modification e.g. NNS : there is a Zebra…you know…Zebras NS : deborah NNS: Zebra is what a z… ii. Semantic modification through synonym, paraphrase, or example e. g. NNS: and this one have glass around the house… NS : grass? NNS: grass. plants, glass uh plants iii. Morphological modification through addition substations, or deletion of inflectional morpheme (s) and/ or functions e. g. NNS: maybe we use, we have use NS : in the classroom you mean? NNS: we have already used, huh iv. Syntactic modification through embedding and elaboration in clause(s) e. g. NNS: no a triangle, inside the triangle NS : inside the triangle, there’s another triangle? NNS: above square, there’s a triangle, and that sign in inside the triangle e. Repetition of NNS Trigger f. Confirmation or acknowledgement of Signal only g. Indication of difficulty or inability to respond
(from Pica, Holiday, Lewis and Morgenthaler (1989) |
ü The roles of Negotiation of meaning in second language acquisition
- Through negotiation of meaning (particularly in interaction involving native speakers) non- native speakers obtain comprehensible input necessary for second language acquisition much more frequently than in interactions without negotiation of meaning.
- Negotiation of meaning provides opportunities for non- native speakers to produce comprehensible output necessary for second language acquisition. Much more frequently than in interactions without negotiation of meaning.
- An important element for second language learning through communication is that negotiation of meaning can function as an indication of pursuit of communication.
Information Gap
Information gap task offered the largest percentage of opportunities for the NNS to modify their output in response the requesting for clarification and confirmation.
In Information Gap activities, each student has information that the other student(s)
don't have. The objective is for students to ask questions to find out what they can
from the other(s).
don't have. The objective is for students to ask questions to find out what they can
from the other(s).
The test:
A's Information:
Person's Name | From | Occupation | Weekends | Movies |
1. Jill (female) | | doctor | | romance |
2. | | professor | go fishing | |
3. Jared (male) | Cincinnati | | | action |
4. | Cleveland | banker | play cards | |
5. Janet (female) | Dayton | | | |
B's Information:
Person's Name | From | Occupation | Weekends | Movies |
1. | Toledo | | relax at home | |
2. Jason (male) | Columbus | | | horror |
3. | | mechanic | play baseball | |
4. Jenny (female) | | | | drama |
5. | | lawyer | read novels | comedy |
Sample Questions:
What is the first person's name?
How do you spell it?
Where is he/she from?
What is his/her occupation
What does he/she do on weekends?
What kind of movies does he/she like?
How do you spell it?
Where is he/she from?
What is his/her occupation
What does he/she do on weekends?
What kind of movies does he/she like?
Two upper and two lower students from different class of University were included in this Conversation. This transcript consists of 4 parts of conversation that was upper 1 – upper 2, upper 1 and lower 1, upper 2 and lower 2, lower 1 – lower 2.
Upper 1 – upper 2
Tari : hi, I have a sheet.
Tina : worksheet ? yes I have a worksheet too.
Tari : ya, but I need some information from your sheet, because there are some incomplete information. Would you give it to me ?
Tina : yes of course, because I have incomplete worksheet too.
Tari : ok, can I start now ?
Tina : yes
Tari : ok. There are five…… five information
Tina : yes
Tari : and I will start from number one, but I don’t know the first person’s name. can you tell me ?
Tina : the first person’s name is Jill.
Tari : ok, and what is her occupation ?
Tina : her occupation is a doctor.
Tari : doctor ? (Confirmation through repetition)
Tina : doctor.
Tari : and what kind of movies does she like.
Tina : she likes a kind of romance movies.
Tari :e… romance ?
Tina : romance. And now can you tell me about where does Jill come from ?
Tari : Jill come from Tolledo.
Tina : Tolledo?
Tari : Tolledo.
Tina : Tolledo. Yes, and what she….. what does she do on weekend ?
Tari : She just relax at home.
Tina : relax at home ?ok… now I want to know second person’s name .
Tari : yes, second person’s name is Jason.
Tina : Jason ? can you tell me where does he from ?
Tari : Jason from Columbus.
Tina : Columbus? ya, and his occupation is Professor
Tari : Professor? And I want to know what that he do on weekend.
Tina : e….. he goes fishing on weekend.
Tari : goes fishing ?
Tina : yes, can you tell me what kind of movies does………..he like ?
Tari : Jason like horror movies. And in my sheet, I don’t know the third person’s
name. can you tell me ?
Tina :e……..
Tari : can you tell me ?
Tina : yes, e……..the third person’s name is Jared.
Tari : Jarot?
Tina : Jared.
Tari : can you spell it to me?
Tina : yes of course. J
Tari : J
Tina : A
Tari : A
Tina : R
Tari : R
Tina : E
Tari : E
Tina : D
Tari : D
Tina and Tari : JARED
Tari : ok, and where is She from ?
Tina : He….
Tari : oh ya I’m sorry I’m sorry
Tina : yes because He is male. He comes from Cincinnati.
Tari : Cincinnati ?
Tina : Cincinnati.
Tari : Cincinnati. Ok,and what kind of movies does he like ?
Tina : he likes kind of action movies. E…e….. Can you tell me what does he do
on weekend?
Tari : he…he plays baseball.
Tina : Now the fourth person’s name, I don’t know the name of the fourth person.
Tari : the fourth person’s name is Jenny.
Tina : Jenny, what kind of movies does she like ?
Tari : She like drama, She like drama
Tina : She like drama plays
Tari : yes, and this is my time, I want to know where does she from.
Tina : Jenny comes from Cleveland.
Tari : Cleveland ?
Tina : Cleveland.
Tari : and what about her occupation ??
Tina : her occupation is banker.
Tari : banker ?
Tina : banker, yes
Tari : and her activity on the weekend ?
Tina : she plays card on the weekend.
Tari : play card ?
Tina : plays card, yes.
Tari : and for the last I don’t know the last person’s name
Tina : e…..the last person’s name is Janet.
Tari : Janet ?
Tina : yes
Tari : and my last question, where is she from ?
Tina : He is come from Dayton.
Tari : Dayten ?
Tina : Dayton.
Tari : Dayton.
Tina : Dayton, ok and what is her occupation ?
Tari : He is a lawyer.
Tina : a lawyer
Tari : lawyer
Tina : and what does she do on weekend ?
Tari : She reads novel on the weekend.
Tina : She read novel….. reads novel.
Tari : yes reads novel
Tina : and what kind of movies does she like.
Tari : she likes comedy.
Tina : comedy.
Tari : comedy, ok thank you for the information.
Upper 1 and Lower 1
Tari : Halo
Lala : Halo
Tari : I have a worksheet and I need some information from you.
Lala : information ?
Tari : yes, information.
Lala : ok because my worksheet is…is kosong.
Tari : what ? Information incomplete.
Lala : e…I think I need e… your information.
Tari : ya, me too.
Lala : e…e…my first person’s name. Do you know?
Tari : Do you know the first person’s name ?
Lala : I…I…I don’t have.
Tari : you don’t have.
Lala : yes
Tari : a… the first person’s name is Jill.
Lala : Jill ? (Confirmation through repetition)
Tari : Jill.
Lala : is he female or male ?
Tari : Jill is female. And where is Jill from ?
Lala : Jill ….em…Jill is…is come…come from Toledo.
Tari : Toledo ?
Lala : ya Toledo.
Tari : and what does she do on weekend ?
Lala : she…e…she is relax…relax at home
Tari : she relax at home.
Lala : oh ya, she relax at home. What is…is her…her occupation?
Tari : her occupation is Doctor.
Lala : Doctor ?
Tari : yes, Doctor.
Lala : and what a… what …a…is movies a…
Tari : kind of movies…kind of movies ?
Lala : does she like.
Tari : What kind of movies does she like does….does she like.
Lala : She likes romance movies.
Tari : romance.
Lala : yea ….a…e….Romance movies and I know the second person’s name.
Tari : yea what …what is the second person’s name ?
Lala : his…his name is…Jason and he is from Columbus.
Tari : Columbus ? Jason and from Columbus? Yea and what kind of movies does he like ?
Lala : he like… he like… he likes horror movies.
Tari : horror movies ?
Lala : yes and what is…what is his occupation ?
Tari : e…he is a professor.
Lala : what does she… or he ?
Tari : he
Lala : he do…he does on weekend ?
Tari : he do (request for clarification)
Lala : he do on weekend.
Tari : e…he… goes fishing.
Lala : he goes fishing.
Tari : on weekend
Lala : ya, and what is the third person’s name and where is she…she or he came
from ?
Tari : ya, third person’s name is Jared.
Lala : Jared ?
Tari : yes and he from Cincinnati.
Lala : he is from Cincinnati.
Tari : Cincinnati.
Lala : and his occupation is mechanic.
Tari : mechanic ?
Lala : yea.
Tari : and what does he do on weekend ?
Lala : he…he play …he plays baseball.
Tari : play baseball ?
Lala : plays baseball. Ok, and what…what…movies. What kind of movies does
he like ?
Tari : he likes action movies.
Lala : action movies ?
Tari : yes, and I want to know the fourth person’s name.
Lala : e…she is…female. And her name is Jenny.
Tari : Jenny ?
Lala : yes and I don’t know where is she from ?
Tari : from Cleveland.
Lala : She is from Cleveland.
Tari : Cleveland.
Lala : and what is her occupation ?
Tari : her occupation is Banker.
Lala : Banker ? so what he…do …on weekend?
Tari : She plays card on weekend.
Lala : she plays card.
Tari : on weekend. (Continue the information). What kind of movies does she
Lala : she like…she like…drama.
Tari : drama ?
Lala : ya, and I don’t know the last person’s name ? Do…you…know ?
Tari : yes, I will tell you. the last person’s name is Janet ?
Lala : Janet ? where is…where is she come from ?
Tari : she is from Dayton.
Lala : she is from
Tari : Dayton. (Continue the information)
Lala : Dayton.
Tari : and I want to know about her occupation and the activities on the weekend
and her favorite movies.
Lala : sorry, pardon me. (Asking to repeat the questions)
Tari : the occupation ?
Lala : o…occupation , she is a lawyer.
Tari : She…
Lala : she is a lawyer.
Tari : lawyer.
Lala : she reads novel on weekend.
Tari : read ? she reads novel on weekend.
Lala : she reads novel on weekend.
Tari : and the last kind of movies.
Lala : the last is movies does she like. She likes comedy movies.
Tari : comedy movies, ok I have complete my table now. Thank you.
Lala : ya, you are welcome.
Upper 2 and Lower 2
Tina : hi
Puti : hi
Tina : I have a worksheet here.
Puti : ya
Tina : and I want to know about the information, because some of the information
here are missing.
Puti : o…ya
Tina : for number one , can you tell me for the first person’s name ?
Puti : the first person’s name is Jill.
Tina : Jill ?
Puti : ya
Tina : ya and…a…what is her occupation ?
Puti : her occupation is Doctor.
Tina : and what kind of movies does she like ?
Puti : movies romance.
Tina : romance movies.
Puti : ya…and… I…don’t.. .know…where…is….she…from.
Tina : Jill is from Toledo.
Puti : Toledo? (Confirmation through repetition)
Puti : can you spell it ?
Tina : of course. T-o-l-e-d-o.
Puti : weekend…weekend
Tina : weekend…weekend…she relax at home.
Puti : she relax (request for clarification/ Confirmation through completion or
Tina : at home
Puti : she relax at home
Tina : yes, for the number two, here in my work sheet, the second person’s name
is Jason
Puti :. Jason ?
Tina : yes, but I don’t know what is hy occupation ?
Puti : his occupation is professor.
Tina : professor.
Puti : yes, and I don’t know where is she from ?
Tina : She is from Columbus. What does he do on weekend ?
Puti : go fishing
Tina : Jason
Puti : Jason
Tina : goes
Puti : goes
Tina : fishing
Puti : fishing
Tina : on weekend
Puti : on weekend
Tina : Jason goes fishing on weekend
Puti : o…ya…Jason goes fishing on weekend
Tina : he likes kind of horror movies.
Puti : horror movies. And the third …… the third person’s name is Jared.
Tina : the third person’s name is Jared. His occupation is mechanic.
Puti : and a…from Cincinnati.
Tina : he is from Cincinnati.
Puti : ya, and he like action movies.
Tina : and Jared…Jared…a…plays baseball on weekend.
Puti : o…. plays baseball on weekend.
Tina : hohohohoho ( laughing ) for number four a…. I don’t know where is the
fourth person’s come from. Can you tell me.
Puti : o…..from… Cleveland… Cleveland…( wrong pronunciation ) and how
about the fourth person’s name ?
Tina : the name of the fourth person is Jenny.
Puti : ok, can you spell it ?
Tina : J-e-n-n-y.
Puti : Jenny….. Jenny. Ok here, her occupation is banker.
Tina : Jenny….Jenny’s occupation is banker.
Puti : ya, He is play card on weekend.
Tina : he plays card on weekend.
Puti : ya
Tina : and John likes kind of drama movies.
Puti : drama movies?
Tina : can you tell me the fifth person’s name ?
Puti : name is Janet.
Tina : Janet.
Puti : iya, and then he is from Dayton.
Tina : Jane occupation is lawyer.
Puti : lawyer ? how about what does he do on weekend ?
Tina : she reads … she reads …novel on weekend, she like kind of comedy
Puti : comedy movies? ok
Tina : ok, thank for your information.
Puti : you are welcome.
Lower 1 – Lower 2
Lala : hi
Puti : hi
Lala : I have a table do…you…have ?
Puti : yes… I have a table too…
Lala : but my table is…is…is…kosong is….is…kosong.
Puti : you mean incomplete.
Lala : o…ya…incomplete. And you…and how about you ?
Puti : ya
Lala : a…a…but I know the first person’s name.
Puti : can you tell me the first person’s name.
Lala : the first person’s name is Jill.
Puti : can you spell it ?
Lala : J-I-L-L
Puti :o… I-L-L.
Lala :ya, I-L-L.
Puti : Jill.
Lala : where is come from ?
Puti : from Toledo.
Lala : Toledo. She is Doctor a….
Puti : ow…
Lala : em…what…em…does she do on…on…weekend ?
Puti :re…lax at home.
Lala : o…e…
Puti : how about movies ?
Lala : she e… she e… she likes romance movies. Do you know the…the second
person’s name?
Puti : ya…she…Dayton.
Lala : But, can you spell it ?
Puti : D-a-y-t-o-n, Dayton
Lala : e…em…where…where… where he or she ?
Puti : e….male.
Lala : he…where is he from ?
Puti : from Columbus.
Lala : he from Columbus. What… What… What… occupation ?
Puti : occupation ?
Lala : do you know ?
Puti : no, I don’t know, I don’t have.
Lala : his…his…his occupation is is professor. And he…he goes fishing weekend.
Puti :.. on weekend
Lala : what movies like he….. ?
Puti : what kind of movies.
Lala : ya…ya… I mean.
Puti : he likes horror.
Lala : and the third person’s name is Jared and he is male.
Puti : Ja…red.
Lala : ya…he is male.
Puti : can you spell it ?
Lala : e…e… J-a-r-e-d ( pronounced in Indonesian ) and he is Cincinnati from.
and what occupation?
Puti : o…can you repeat.
Lala : Cincinnati…. Cincinnati…. Cincinnati
Puti : ya
Lala : and…and…what…what she what occupation.
Puti : what occupation do you mean? Yes, I know, his occupation is mechanic.
Lala : o…mechanic ? and she like… and she like… eh salah she likes action
movies and she can…..
Puti :ow….she playing baseball.
Lala : sorry
Puti : play baseball.
Lala : play baseball.
Puti : ya
Lala : and I don’t know the next person’s name.
Puti : the next person’s name is jenny.
Lala : jenny ? Jenny ? o…she….from Cliveland.
Puti : you know where is she from ?
Lala : e… Cliveland. Ya I know she is from Cliveland. And occupation banker
and …
Puti : o… her occupation is banker.
Lala : yea banker, and weekend she…play card, and movies I don’t know
Puti : ak he likes horror movies, yea, I don’t know the….
Lala : the next is Janet.
Puti : Janet ? (Confirmation through repetition)
Lala : Janet.
Puti : can you spell it ?
Lala : J-a-n-e-t. em…
Puti : janet ?
Lala : from Dayton and occupation I don’t know.
Puti : o…you don’t know her occupation ?
Lala : ya.
Puti : in my sheet lawyer
Lala : lawyer? An on weekend where does he go ?
Puti : o.she read novel.
Lala : o…and movies…
Puti : she likes comedy movies.
Lala : ok thank
Puti : thank.
Upper 1 – upper 2
- Phonological modification
e.g. Tina : yes, e……..the third person’s name is Jared.
Tari : Jarot?
Tina : Jared.
- Morphological modification through addition substations, or deletion of inflectional morpheme (s) and/ or functions
e.g. Tina : she plays card on the weekend.
Tari : play card ?
Tina : plays card, yes.
- Request for Confirmation through repetition
e.g. Tina : her occupation is a doctor.
Tari : doctor ? (Confirmation through repetition)
Tina : doctor.
Upper 1 and Lower 1
- Semantic modification through synonym, paraphrase, or example
e.g. Lala : ok because my worksheet is…is kosong.
Tari : what ? Information incomplete
- Morphological modification through addition substations, or deletion of inflectional morpheme (s) and/ or functions
e.g. Lala : he do…he does on weekend ?
Tari : he do.
Lala : he do on weekend
- Syntactic modification through embedding and elaboration in clause(s)
e.g. Lala : Janet ? where is…where is she come from ?
Tari : she is from Dayton.
Lala : she is from
- Explicit Statement or request for clarification.
e.g. Lala : he do…he does on weekend ?
Tari : he do
Lala : he do on weekend.
- Request for Confirmation through repetition
e.g. Tari : a… the first person’s name is Jill.
Lala : Jill ?
Tari : Jill.
Upper 2 and Lower 2
- Phonological modification
e.g. Tina : hohohohoho ( laughing ) for number four a…. I don’t know
where is the fourth person’s come from. Can you tell me.
Puti : o…..from… Cleveland… Cleveland…( wrong pronunciation )
and how about the fourth person’s name ?
- Morphological modification through addition substations, or deletion of inflectional morpheme (s) and/ or functions
e.g. Puti : and a…from Cincinnati.
Tina : he is from Cincinnati.
- Explicit Statement or request for clarification.
e.g. Tina : weekend…weekend…she relax at home.
Puti : she relax (request for clarification)
Tina : at home
Puti : she relax at home
- Request for Confirmation through repetition
e.g. Tina : Jill is from Toledo.
Puti : Toledo? (Confirmation through repetition)
Puti : can you spell it ?
Tina : of course. T-o-l-e-d-o.
- Request for Confirmation through completion or elaboration
e.g. Puti : she relax (request for clarification)
Tina : at home
Puti : she relax at home
Lower 1 – Lower 2
- Phonological modification
e.g. Lala : e…e… J-a-r-e-d ( pronounced in Indonesian ) and he is
Cincinnati from. and what occupation?
Puti : o…can you repeat.
Lala : Cincinnati…. Cincinnati…. Cincinnati
- Morphological modification through addition substations, or deletion of inflectional morpheme (s) and/ or functions
e.g. Lala : lawyer? An on weekend where does he go ?
Puti : o.she read novel.
- Request for Confirmation through repetition
e.g. Lala : the next is Janet.
Puti : Janet ?
Lala : Janet.
ü Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressor and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors.
ü Negotiation of meaning can be done by Explicit Statement or request for clarification, Confirmation through repetition, completion or elaboration.
ü The students from upper and lower level sometimes have different attitude in negotiation of meaning.
ü There are some Negotiations of meaning in interacting through communication between the students from upper and lower level in phonological, morphological, and syntactical and semantically parts.
The members of groups:
Kasiyati 0613042031
Lidya Utami 0643042021
Rima Wati Arifin 0743042035
Victoria Alverina 0643042046

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