INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 Background of the problem ……………………………………………………… 3
1.2 The Problem of the research ………………………………………………..…….. 4
1.3 The objective of the research ……………………………………………………… 5
1.4 The uses of the research ……………………………………………………… 5
1.5 The target of the research ..…………………………………………………….. 5
FRAME OF THEORIES ...……………………………………………………………. 6
2.1 Negotiation of meaning in interactions ...……………………………………. 6
2.2 The procedures of the research ...……………………………………………. 6
2.3 Analyzing data ...……………………………………………………………. 7
RESULT ..…………………………………………………………………………….. 9
3.1 Transcript ...……………………………………………………………………. 9
3.2 Coding ...……………………………………………………………………………. 15
3.3 Quantifying the tape ...……………………………………………………………. 22
CONCLUTION ……………………………………………………………………… 24
EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION ……………………………………………………… 26
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………… 27
1.1 Background of the problem
In the second language acquisition, we know the term of negotiation of meaning. (Yufrizal, 2008) negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by interlocutor. It implies that negotiation of meaning is very important because it helps us to understand and be understood.
Van den Branden (1997) defines negotiation of meaning as a side sequences to the main flow of conversation aimed at signaling and solving problems of message comprehensibility, that is, aimed at restoring mutual understanding. On the other word, negotiation of meaning solves our problem in conversation so that we get understanding of the conversation.
Furthermore, Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated moves. The moves are trigger, signal, response, and follow-up moves. Trigger is defined as an utterance or portion of utterance on the part of the speaker, which results in some indications of non-understanding on the part of the hearer. Signal is an indication of non-understanding on the part of the hearer. Signal can be classified into two signals. The signals are signal of clarification request and signal of confirmation check. Response is the reaction to the signals. Response can be classified into nine responses. They are switch to a new topic, repetition of trigger, modification of trigger, repetition of indicator, confirm indicator, inability to respond, ignore indicator, and response unnecessary. Follow-up is the reply that is given in the case that trigger has been understood by hearer or it is an indication of understanding on the part of the hearer.
From explanation above, we find out that signal and response can be classified into some kinds of signal and response. But, we do not know yet which signal and response that are more frequently used in negotiation of meaning in a conversation. For this reason, the researcher conducted a research to find out which signal and response that are more frequently used in negotiation of meaning in a conversation titled An Analysis of Signal and Response in the Negotiation of Meaning conducted in Conversation between upper and lower students.
1.2 The Problem of the research
Considering the background above, the researcher formulates the problem of research as stated below:
Which signal and response are more frequently used in the negotiation of meaning conducted in conversation between upper and lower students?
1.3 The objective of the research
As stated in the background and the problem of the research, the researcher states that the objective of this research is:
To find out which signal and response are more frequently used in the negotiation of meaning conducted in conversation between upper and lower students.
1.4 The uses of the research
The researcher describes the uses of research as follows:
1. Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to confirm and clarify the previous theories about negotiation of meaning.
2. Practically, the results of this research can be used as an alternative consideration in developing second language acquisition.
1.5 The target of the research
Surya : an English student of STKIP Bandar lampung semester 3
Rita : an English student of STKIP Bandar lampung semester 3
Rio : a third year student of SMA N 3 Metro
Sinta : a third year student of SMA N 2 Metro
2.1 Negotiation of meaning in interactions
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by interlocutor. It implies that negotiation of meaning is very important because it helps us to understand and be understood. Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated moves. The moves are trigger, signal, response, and follow-up moves.
Van den Branden (1997) divides the negotiation of meaning into two elements: indicator and response. The indicator includes clarification request, confirmation request with trigger unmodified, confirmation request with trigger modified, non verbal indicator. The response includes Inability to respond confirm indicator, repetition of trigger, modification of trigger, modification of indicator, ignore indicator, response unnecessary, repetition of indicator, switch to a new topic.
2.2 The procedures of the research
The procedures of the research are stated below:
1. The researcher defines task: jigsaw task
2. The teacher chooses the target language: two boys and two girls, upper students and lower
3. The researcher asks the target to interact based on the task that is given
4. The researcher records the conversation conducted between upper and lower students
5. The researcher transcribes the record of conversation
6. The researcher codes the transcript
7. The researcher quantifies the record
8. The researcher analyzes signal and response in the negotiation of meaning.
2.3 Analyzing data
Data that is got will be analyzed by using Tally Sheet. The reason of the researcher uses Tally Sheet is Tally Sheet has many advantages. The advantages are stated below:
1. Objective
2. Good for observer to use while watching class
3. Good for self-analysis by teacher
4. Easy to compare different interaction categories
5. Easy to focus on specific elements
6. Orients one’s mind set as observer
7. Visual presentation – easy to overview.
3.1 Transcript
Surya (upper) : in this picture, a lamp, a teddy bears, a pillow, a mirror, a rug, a radio, a scale, a television, an air conditioner, a table and a chair. I don’t know where these things are put on. Could you tell me based on a sheet of paper you are handing?
Rio (lower) : yes, of course!
……. (silent)
Rio (lower) : the scale are put on the carpet. It is… nearby the cupboard in the right side.
The television is put on the small cupboard. It is in the right side.
Surya (upper) : in the right side?
Rio (lower) : yes, it is in the right side.
Rio (lower) : the rugs is put on the flower that is in front of bed.
The air conditioner is put on the wall. It is in the up.. left side.
Surya (upper) : iya..
Surya (upper) : where is the teddy bear put on?
Rio (lower) : the teddy bear?
Surya (upper) : yes
Rio (lower) : the teddy bear is… on the bed. It is in the right side.
Surya (upper) : where is the pink pillow put on?
Rio (lower) : sorry?
Surya (upper) : where is the pink pillow put on?
Rio (lower) : o… pink pillow. It is put on the bed. It is in the left side.
Rio (lower) : on the wall in the up right side, there is a flower picture.
Surya (upper) : above the photo?
Rio (lower) : yes, above the photo.
Surya (upper) : where is the lamp put on?
Rio (lower) : it is put on the small cupboard. It is in the left side.
Surya (upper) : pardon?
Rio (lower) : the lamp is put on the small cupboard in the left side.
Surya (upper) : in the left side?
Rio (lower) : yes. In the left side nearby bed.
Surya (upper) : how about the chair?
Rio (lower) : the chair is put on the floor. It is in the left side bed.
Surya (upper) : in the left side bed?
Rio (lower) : yes
Rio (lower) : the table is put on in front of chair in the left side.
Surya (upper) : sorry?
Rio (lower) : the table is put on in front of chair in the left side.
Surya (upper) : in front of chair in the left side.
Rio (lower) : yes, it is.
Surya (upper) : where is the mirror?
Rio (lower) : mirror?
Surya (upper) : yes, mirror.
Rio (lower) : the mirror is put on the table in the left side.
Rita (upper) : will you begin now?
Sinta (lower) : well, I will begin to explain where these things are put.
Sinta (lower) : the scale are put on the carpet. It is nearby the cupboard in the right side.
Rita (upper) : pardon?
Sinta (lower) : the scale are put on the carpet. It is nearby the cupboard in the right side.
Rita (upper) : on the carpet. nearby the cupboard in the right side.
Sinta (lower) : yes, it is..
Sinta (lower) : The television is put on the small cupboard. It is in the right side.
Rita (upper) : ya..
Sinta (lower) : the teddy bear is on the bed. It is in the right side.
Sinta (lower) : pink pillow put on the bed. It is in the left side.
Rita (upper) : on the bed in the left side.
Sinta (lower) : yes
Sinta (lower) : : the rugs is put on the flower that is in front of bed.
the table is put on in front of chair in the left side.
Rita (upper) : pardon?
Sinta (lower) : the table is put on in front of chair in the left side.
Rita (upper) : on in front of chair in the left side.
Sinta (lower) : that’s it…
Rita (upper) : where is the chair?
Sinta (lower) : pardon?
Rita (upper) : the chair
Sinta (lower) : o.. the chair is put on the floor. It is in the left side bed.
Sinta (lower) : the mirror is put on the table in the left side.
Rita (upper) : on the table?
Sinta (lower) : yes on the table.
Sinta (lower) : the lamp is put on the small cupboard in the left side.
Rita (upper) : on the small cupboard in the left side?
Sinta (lower) : yes, it is…
Sinta (lower) : The air conditioner is put on the wall. It is in the up left side.
on the wall in the up right side, there is a flower picture.
3.2 Coding
Surya (upper) : in this picture, a lamp, a teddy bears, a pillow, a mirror, a rug, a radio, a scale, a television, an air conditioner, a table and a chair. I don’t know where these things are put on. Could you tell me based on a sheet of paper you are handing? → trigger
Rio (lower) : yes, of course! → follow-up
……. (silent)
Rio (lower) : the scale are put on the carpet. It is… nearby the cupboard in the right side.
The television is put on the small cupboard. It is in the right side. → trigger
Surya (upper) : in the right side? → signal: confirmation check
Rio (lower) : yes, it is in the right side. → response: confirm indicator
Rio (lower) : the rugs is put on the flower that is in front of bed.
The air conditioner is put on the wall. It is in the up.. left side. . → trigger
Surya (upper) : iya.. → follow-up
Surya (upper) : where is the teddy bear put on? → trigger
Rio (lower) : the teddy bear? → signal: confirmation check
Surya (upper) : yes→ response: inability to respond
Rio (lower) : the teddy bear is… on the bed. It is in the right side. → follow-up
Surya (upper) : where is the pink pillow put on? → trigger
Rio (lower) : sorry? → signal: clarification request
Surya (upper) : where is the pink pillow put on? → response: repetition of trigger
Rio (lower) : o… pink pillow. It is put on the bed. It is in the left side. . →
Rio (lower) : on the wall in the up right side, there is a flower picture. → trigger
Surya (upper) : above the photo? → signal: confirmation check
Rio (lower) : yes, above the photo. → response: repetition of indicator
Surya (upper) : where is the lamp put on? → trigger
Rio (lower) : it is put on the small cupboard. It is in the left side. → follow-up/ trigger
Surya (upper) : pardon? → signal: clarification request
Rio (lower) : the lamp is put on the small cupboard in the left side. → trigger
Surya (upper) : in the left side? → signal: confirmation check
Rio (lower) : yes. In the left side nearby bed. → response: modification of
Surya (upper) : how about the chair? → trigger
Rio (lower) : the chair is put on the floor. It is in the left side bed. → follow-up/
Surya (upper) : in the left side bed? → signal: confirmation check
Rio (lower) : yes→ response: inability to respond
Rio (lower) : the table is put on in front of chair in the left side. → trigger
Surya (upper) : sorry? → signal: clarification request
Rio (lower) : the table is put on in front of chair in the left side. → response: repetition of trigger
Surya (upper) : in front of chair in the left side. → signal: confirmation check
Rio (lower) : yes, it is. → response: confirm indicator
Surya (upper) : where is the mirror? → trigger
Rio (lower) : mirror? → signal: confirmation check
Surya (upper) : yes, mirror. → response: confirm indicator
Rio (lower) : the mirror is put on the table in the left side. → follow-up
Rita (upper) : will you begin now? → trigger
Sinta (lower) : well, I will begin to explain where these things are put. →
Sinta (lower) : newspapers are put on the carpet. It is on the corner of the right
side. → trigger
Rita (upper) : pardon? → signal: clarification request
Sinta (lower) : the newspapers are put on the carpet. It is on the corner of the
right side of the carpet. → response: modification of trigger
Rita (upper) : on the carpet. On the corner of the right side of the carpet? →
signal: confirmation check
Sinta (lower) : yes, it is.. → response: confirm indicator
Sinta (lower) : the lap top is put on the table. It is on the border of the table. →
Rita (upper) : ya.. → follow-up
Sinta (lower) : the watch is put on the pillow. The pillow near the table. The
pillow… that is put on the front side. → trigger
Sinta (lower) : The ceramic is put on the left side of the sofa faces the window.
→ follow-up/ trigger
Rita (upper) : on the left side of the sofa faces the window? → signal:
confirmation check
Sinta (lower) : yes → response: inability to respond
Sinta (lower) : The hand phone is put on the sofa faces the window.
The pink bear doll is put on the sofa faces us. It is on the right side. → trigger
Rita (upper) : pardon? → signal: clarification request
Sinta (lower) : the pink bear doll is put on the sofa faces us. It is on the right
side. → response: repetition of trigger
Rita (upper) : on the sofa faces us. On the right side? → signal:
confirmation check
Sinta (lower) : that’s it… → response: confirm indicator
Rita (upper) : where is the fan? → trigger
Sinta (lower) : pardon? → signal: clarification request
Rita (upper) : the fan → response: modification of trigger
Sinta (lower) : o.. the fan is put on the middle part of the shelf. It is between the
two pots. → follow-up
Sinta (lower) : the television is put on the left corner of this room. It is behind the
little table. → trigger
Rita (upper) : the left corner? → signal: confirmation check
Sinta (lower) : yes the left corner. → response: confirm indicator
Sinta (lower) : the owner room’s photo is put on the wall. It is on the narrow area
between the two window. → trigger
Rita (upper) : on the narrow part between the window? → signal:
confirmation check
Sinta (lower) : yes, it is… → response: confirm indicator
Sinta (lower) : the Clock is put on the wall. On the up corner of the left side.
The swan picture is put on the corner of the right side of this room. → trigger
3.3 Quantifying the tape
The utterances both in tape 1 and in tape 2 are about 80 words per minute. The quantification of signal and response is stated bellow:
- Clarification request
- Confirmation check
3 times
7 times
- Inability to respond
- Confirm indicator
- Repetition of trigger
- Modification of trigger
- Modification of indicator
- Ignore indicator
- Response unnecessary
- Repetition of indicator
- Switch to a new topic
2 times
2 times
3 times
1 times
1 times
- Clarification request
- Confirmation check
3 times
5 times
- Inability to respond
- Confirm indicator
- Repetition of trigger
- Modification of trigger
- Modification of indicator
- Ignore indicator
- Response unnecessary
- Repetition of indicator
- Switch to a new topic
2 times
3 times
1 times
1 times
Having analyzed the data, the researcher concludes that in the use of signal, signal confirmation check is dominantly used in negotiation of meaning in conversation conducted between upper and lower students. In conversation 1, the total use of signal clarification check is 3 times. In conversation 2, the total use of signal clarification request is 3 times. From the two conversations, the total use of signal clarification request is 6 times. On the other hand, the total use of confirmation check in conversation 1 is 7 times and in conversation 2, the total use of confirmation check is 5 times. From the two conversations, the total use of confirmation check is 12 times. The researcher assumes that this happens because the listeners have already had background knowledge of English, but the are not used to implementing it orally so that when they heard the others spoke English, they felt doubtful of what the others were saying. As we know, spelling and pronunciation in English are rather different from spelling and pronunciation in Indonesian language.
In the case of kinds of response that are found in negotiation of meaning in conversation conducted between upper and lower students, the researcher finds 5 kinds of response in conversation 1. The 5 kinds of response are inability to respond, confirm indicator, repetition of trigger, modification of trigger, and modification of indicator. Inability to respond is used 2 times. Confirm indicator is used 2 times. Repetition of trigger is used 3 times. Modification of trigger is used 1 time. Modification of indicator is used 1 time. In conversation 2, the researcher finds 4 kinds of response. The 4 kinds of response are inability to respond, confirm indicator, repetition of trigger, and modification of trigger. Inability to respond is used 1 time. Confirm indicator is used 3 times. Repetition of trigger is used 1 time. Modification of trigger is used 2 times. From the analysis of the two conversations above, response: confirm indicator is dominantly used in negotiation of meaning in conversation conducted between upper and lower students. The researcher assumes that this happens because the tellers tried to give information to the listeners based on the picture they were handing, so that when they knew that the listeners were doubtful of what was being said, the tellers gave the listeners confirmation through response: confirm indicator. Besides that the tellers have knowledge of English, especially in responding a question, so that it makes the other kinds of response are not dominantly used.
This research is very valuable for education, especially English, because it provides learners opportunity to get comprehensible input and produce comprehensible output. Yufrizal (2008: 105) states that one of the activities that can provide opportunity for learners to get comprehensible input and produce comprehensible output is through negotiation of meaning, which also provides learners opportunity to use the target language as much as possible.
This research is a useful way of ensuring the relevance of teacher-education programs. Walker (1985) sees research as a useful way of ensuring the relevance of teacher-education programs. Involving student teachers in real research is likely to make teacher-educational programs more relevant.
Having this research, we have stimulated processes of second language acquisition. Nunan (1989: 45) states that the SLA research has been concerned with identifying those types of communicative tasks which seem to stimulate processes of second language acquisition.
Yufrizal, Hery (2008) An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Bandung: Pustaka Reka Cipta.
Nunan, David (1989) Understanding Language Classrooms, New York: Prentice Hall International English Language Teaching.
Setiadi, Ag. Bambang (2001) Penelitian Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, Bandar Lampung: University of Lampung.
Universitas Lampung (2007) Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, Bandar Lampung: University of Lampung.
A lamp a teddy bears a pink pillow a mirror a rugs a flower picture
A scale a television an air conditioner a chair a table
A lamp a teddy bears a pink pillow a mirror a rugs a flower picture
A scale a television an air conditioner a chair a table
Eka Setiawan ( 0643042009 ) Negotiation Of Meaning
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