Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Dellia Astuti 0713042003


Dellia Astuti



Teacher Talk

Teacher talk is another variation of foreigner talk in an educational setting. Study of teacher talk reveals how NS teachers communicate with NNS students. Henzl was the first to gather empirical data on what she called Foreign Language Classroom Register (1973, p.207). Henzl compared features of texts recorded by Czech native speaker for adult native speakers with those recorded by the same native speakers for non-native speaker university learners of Czech. The characteristics of the recordings were well-formed utterances, showing systematic modifications from the native speaker-directed tapes in aspects of phonology, syntax, lexicon, and delivery “in accordance with [speaker’s] judgement of what is easy, simple and clear for the listener to hear, perceive and comprehend (1973, p.218). Henzl’s work indicated that foreigner talk in the classroom environment is grammatically well-formed.


The observations were done in a kindergarten named “Tanbih Al-Ghofilin”. This kindergarten consists of 2 classes, class A and Class B. There are 2 teachers, Ms. Tanti and Ms. Santi and there are 12 students of both classes (Bima, Iza, Ica, Eci, Rani, Lia, Siska, Shifa, Salma, Selvi, Dian, and Fara)

First observation
Date : Monday, 25th October 2010
Time : 7.30 a.m

Teacher : “Ayo anak-anak, sekarang kita belajar nulis ya. Kita mulai dari huruf pertama.”
All of students : “A”
Teacher : “Terus..”
All of students: “B…C…D…E…F…”
Teacher : “Terus yang kayak angka sembilan…”
All of students : “G”
Teacher : “Terus yang kmaren barusan ditulis.”
All of students : “H”
Teacher : “Ya, terus hari ini nulis…tambah lagi hari ini nulisnya. Garis lurus terus dikasih titik di atas namanya huruf…..”
All of students : “I”
Teacher : “Sekarang tulis dari huruf A sampai I ya. Bisa enggak?”
All of students : “Bisaaaaaaaa……”
Teacher : “Silahkan siapa yang mau duluan?”
(All of the students write the letters on the whiteboard orderly. After they finished their writing, the teacher asked them to write “I” on their book)

5 minutes later
Teacher : “Ayo,nulisnya yang rapi ya!”
Bima : “Bu, kayak gini ya Bu?
Teacher : “Iya, pinter!”
Iza : “Bu guru, ini bener gak Bu?”
Teacher : “Iya, bener. Ayo, jangan berisik. Kalo dibilangin ibu guru harus nurut. Di rumah juga harus nurut sama orang tua. Ayo, anak- anak kalo di rumah nurut enggak sama Ibu sama Ayahnya?”
All of students : “Iya Bu.”
Teacher : “Nah, pinter kalo gitu semuanya. Sekarang udah selesai belum?”
Lia : “Saya udah mau satu baris lagi, Bu.”
Teacher : “Tinggal satu baris lagi, bukan udah mau satu baris lagi.”
Lia : “Iya, tinggal satu baris lagi.”
Teacher : “Nah, pinter kalo kayak gitu. Kalo udah selesai dikumpul ya! Abis itu kita mau mewarnai”
All of students : “Iya Bu

Second observation
Date : Wednesday, 27th October 2010
Time : 8.00 a.m

Teacher : “Ayo duduk anak-anak sholeh! Tangannya dimana? Tangannya dimana semua? Salma di sini Nak, nanti ketabrak sama ibu guru.” (Miss Santi talked to one of the student)
Ica : “Ibu, Lia di sini ni Bu.”
Teacher : “Gak keliatan tu! Keliatan enggak? Geseran ke sana Nak!”
“Kemarin kita abis nulis apa?”
All of students : “I”
Teacher : “huruf “I”? huruf I bener? “I” apa “J”?”
Rani : “J”
Teacher : “Abis huruf “J” huruf apa ya?”
All of students : “K”
Teacher : “Coba kita ulang lagi!”
All of students : “A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J.” (While the students were saying the letters out loud, the teacher wrote the letters on the whiteboard)
Teacher : “Nah, sekarang abis “J” huruf….”
All of students : “K”
Teacher : “Nah, liat bu guru! Buat angka satu dulu, terus dikasih satu lagi, terus dikasih satu lagi! Nah, huruf apa namanya? Huruf…”
All of students : “K”
Teacher : “Hewan apa yang depannya huruf K?”
Bima : “Kuda.”
Teacher : “Terus apa lagi?”
Selvi : “Sapi.”
Teacher : “He….huruf K, kan kita nulis K.
Siska : “Kucing”
Teacher : “Kucing, terus apa lagi?”
Shifa : “Kambing”
Teacher : “Kambing. Terus apa lagi yang hurufnya K? Hewan yang suka makan wortel..”
All of students : “Kelinci”
Teacher : “Kelinci. Terus apa lagi? Apa lagi ya yang hurufnya K?”
Bima : “Bu, pensil mana?”
Teacher : “Pensil saya mana, Bu?”
Bima : “Iya, mana Bu?”
Teacher : “Coba cari di dalam lemari!”

The analysis

Based on the data above, we get the characteristics of teacher talk (Wong-Fillmore, 1985):
• The talk has clear separation of languages. The teacher said word by word slowly to make the students clearly understand what the teacher meant is.
• The talk emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by:
- Use of demonstration, for example in the second observation, the teacher demonstrated how to make “K”. It was done to make the students understand how to make “K” easier. (“Nah, liat bu guru! Buat angka satu dulu, terus dikasih satu lagi, terus dikasih satu lagi!”)
- New information presented in context of known information. For example in the second observation, the teacher asked the students what kind of animal was begun by letter “K”. (“Hewan apa yang depannya huruf K?”)
- Heavy message redundancy. For example in the first observation, the teacher asked the students to obedient to their parents. (“Di rumah juga harus nurut sama orang tua. Ayo, anak- anak kalo di rumah nurut enggak sama Ibu sama Ayahnya?”)
• The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by:
- Using simple structure, avoiding complex structure. For example in the second observation, when the teacher gave a clue about what kind of animal which is preceding by “K”, the teacher used simple structure. (“Hewan yang suka makan wortel.”)
• The talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, and playfulness.

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