By :
NPM: 0613042059
Lecturer : Hery Yufrizal, M.A. Ph.D
Subject : Second Language Acquisition
Note : The class is consist of 15 students (S), one teacher (T), and one teachers’ assistant (TA). They are studying about some basic vocabulary and also the meaning of the vocabulary.
TA : Lihat bukunya
T : We are going to repeat once again. Let’s say together ‘Duck’
S : Duck
T : What is ‘Duck’ ?
S : Bebek
T : Ok. Bebek. Next ‘Door’
S : Door
T : One more time. ‘Door’
S : Door
T : What is ‘Door’?
S : Pintu
T :Ok. Move on. Next, we got ….
S : Elephant
T : Yes. Everybody say ‘Elephant’
S : Elephant
T : What is ‘Elephant’ ?
S : Gajah.. ‘iii’ …. ‘Egg’
T : What is ‘Egg’?
S : Telur
T : Alright
S : Monkey. Monkey
TA : No
T : Hah? They are not monkey
TA : Big
T : Big iya. Bigger than monkey. What is this?
S : Gorilla
T : Good job. Gorilla
S : Gorilla
T : Gorilla
S : Gorilla
T : Gorilla. Gorilla juga in Bahasa Indonesia. Next
S : Girl
T : Girl. One more time. Girl
S : Girl
T : What is ‘Girl’?
S : Cewek. Perempuan
T : Ya. Perempuan. Cewek. Anak perempuan. Siapa yang disini ‘Girl’?
S : Aku Miss.
T : Ada yang buka ‘Girl’?
TA : No
T : Jadi. Oh Girl juga. Ada yang bukan ‘Girl’?
TA : No Miss
T : Next. Move on. What picture is this?
S : Gurita
T+TA : Yes. Say it in English
T : Ayo diingat-ingat. Diingat-ingat
TA : Ayo, Celine. Masih ingat gak teman-teman?
T+TA : Oc…..
S : October
T : October?... Octopus
S : Octopus
T : One more time ‘Octopus’
S : Octopus
T : What is ‘Octopus’?
S : Gurita
T : Yes, Gurita. One more time. Oh, the last one. Ada pitch string blank-blank cut ball. Dimana pitch string-nya?
TA : Coba lihat. Dimana?
S : Diatas meja
T : Diatas meja ‘On’
S : On
T : One more time ‘On’
S : On
T : Ok. Ada some of pictures are missing. Ada gambar-gambar yang hilang. Ms.Indah will give you sticker. One sticker for one student. Come on Ms. Boleh di-share sekarang. Boleh di cek. Look at the sticker. Aduh, ada picture apa aja ya di stiker itu? Ada gambar apa aja di stiker?
TA : coba kalian perhatikan. Ada gambar apa saja distikernya?
T : Udah. Finish?
S : Finish
T : Ok, look at the sticker. How many pictures are there? Ada berapa gambar di stiker itu?
S : Tiga
T : Three. Three?
S : Empat
T : How many pictures?
TA : How many pictures?
TA : Four
T : May I borrow sebentar? Ada ‘one, two, three, four’ . Good job. Four pictures. Gambar apa aja itu? What pictures are there?
S : Bebek
T : Yes,yes. Ada gambar apa aja? Coba Celine? Ridwan?
Ridwan : Bebek, gitar, boneka, amplop
T : Yes. One by one
Ridwan : Bebek
T : Bebek
Ridwan : Boneka
T : Boneka
Ridwan : Amplop
T : Amplop. Terus? What else?
S : Gitar
T : Gitar. Good job. Now, may I borrow sebentar,saying? Ok, wait. Look at Ms.Erna ada stiker ada four. ‘one, two, three, four’. Gambar apa ini?
TA : Ada yang tau gambar apa?
S : Boneka
T : Yes, Boneka. Boneka. Doll. Everybody say ‘Doll’
S : Doll
T : What is ‘Doll’?
S : Boneka
T : Boneka. Good job
S : Guitar
T : Everybody say ‘Guitar’
S : Guitar
T : What is ‘Guitar’? Apa sih? Gitar juga Miss. Guitar in English ‘Guitar’.
Note : The class is consist of 15 students (S), one teacher (T), and one teachers’ assistant (TA). They are studying about shapes and numbers (plural/singular).
T : Ok, everybody look at this. Everybody, I have a palm kids
S : I have a palm kids
T : Look, how many triangles are there?
S : ‘One, two, three, four, five, six’
T : six triangles. They are six triangles
S : They are six triangles
T : Ok, now, how many big triangles are there? How many big triangles are there?
S : one, two, three
T : Three big triangles. There are three big triangles.
S : There are three big triangles
T : Now look, how many small triangles are there?
S : One, two, three. There are three small triangles
T : Ok, now, Ms.Ari is going to ask you one by one. Ok, Candy, how many triangles do we have?
S : There big triangles
T : Now, how many small triangles are there?
S : Three
T : Ok, put the color pencil over here. Just the color pencil
S : Miss, abang
T : Abang, ayo sit down. Ok, now close your book. Let’s make a triangle. Ok, show me your triangle. Very good. Everybody show me your triangle. Now, show me your circle. Small circle. Big circle. Now, let’s make a square. Can you make a square like this? Very-very good. Now look at this (Teacher write and draw triangle, circle, and square on the white board)
S : Small circle
T : What is this?
S : This is a small triangle
T : What is this?
S : This is a big triangle
T : What is this?
S : This is a big circle
T : This is a big circle. Now, what is this?
S : This is a small circle
T : Now, look what is this?
S : This is a small square
T : Very nice. Now, look what is this?
S : This is a big square
T : Good. Now, let’s try to spell this. Get ready
S : Miss, tahun dua ribu sepuluh warna putih
T : Masa sih?
S : Iya lihat tuh
T : Ya.. Now, I have a sticker. Where is my sticker? Ok, look ‘Triangle’
S : T-R-I-A-N-G-L-E (Students try to spell it)
T : Star for Kenny
S : Aku juga
The focus of this cross-sectional study was the investigation of Speech Naturalness (speech that sound normal or natural to the listener) of kids. Teacher as the speakers try to complete words before the following one are ready. Plan unavailability usually happens on the more complex content words rather than the relatively simple function words. There are two ways of dealing with this situation when it arises. Speakers can delay production of a content word by repeating prior function words or carry on and attempt to produce the following content word and gamble that the remainder of the plan arrives while it is being executed. In my observation in the first and second class where it consists of 15 students, there is one teacher and one teachers’ assistant, teacher always gives repetition of the words, in order student can follow and produce the word in an appropriate fluency and well pronunciation. The repetition usually happens on content words (nouns, main verbs, adverbs, and adjectives). For example Teacher: “We are going to repeat once again. Let’s say together ‘Duck’ then student will repeat the word “Duck”, Teacher will repeat the word around twice. Each child demonstrated normal articulation, language, voice, and speech fluency skills.
Intonation is the subtle shift of patterns of stress in language. The improper use of intonation in English can make it confusing and change the meaning of words or phrases. Because children have different learning patterns and needs than adults, special techniques can be used for effective teaching. In the first and second class that I’ve observed we can see that teacher begins by creating an atmosphere with as few distractions as possible. Using a brightly colored place mat under worksheets can help with focus. Both classes are using a book and a supplementary which is interesting and attractive enough for students, there are some colorful pictures. Both teachers stress some words clearly, use examples of how pauses change the meaning of sentences. Using humorous examples with pictures can help a child understand subtle differences. But in the second class, I found that teacher use role play to help students pronounce the sentences to demonstrate intonation and emotion. Practice using different tones and volumes with the same sentence to convey feelings. For instance, saying the sentence, " There are three big triangles” loudly can sound aggressive.
All young children, when they are just learning to speak, mispronounce words. As they grow older and their articulation skills develop, their pronunciation usually becomes clearer. Bilabial sounds like /b/, /p/, and /m/ are generally mastered fairly early, followed closely by /d/, /t/, and /n/. Other sounds are generally added in order of difficulty. In the second class teacher try to ask students to spell the words, for example Teacher: “Good. Now, let’s try to spell this. Get ready” Teacher: Triangle, then Student will try to spell it “T-R-I-A-N-G-L-E”. Spelling can make student learn to not mispronounce the words.
It is crucial that children are allowed to socially interact with other people who can vocalize and respond to questions. For language acquisition to develop successfully, children must be in an environment that allows them to communicate socially in that language. Grammar involves two parts. The first, syntax, is the rules in which words are arranged into sentences. The second, morphology, is the use of grammatical markers (indicating tense, active or passive voice, etc). In my observation, both teachers emphasizes on comprehension, it focus on communication by used of demonstration, enactment to convey meaning, for example when Teacher asked “What is this?” (Teacher makes a movement or body language to show “a big circle” by using her hands), and then students understood it very well by saying “This is a big circle”. New information presented in context of knows information by teachers. The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by using simple structure, avoiding complex structures, such as Teachers often said “How many pictures? Yes, Boneka. Boneka. Doll. Everybody say ‘Doll’ and What is this? Or Look, how many triangles are there?”. Teacher also repeating the use of some sentences patterns or routines. From both class, I could observe that children learn vocabulary best when a combination of approaches is taken. For example, repeated exposure to a word, coupled with building upon existing knowledge and providing a context for the word, are all great tips to build vocabulary.
Understanding subtractive bilingualism through research is a challenge because so few children are ever subjected to subtractive bilingualism. They never suffer an immediate and total loss of a first language and are then required to perform in a completely unfamiliar language. International adoptees a re the exception and do experience this exceptional situation. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of us adoptive parents the task of trying to have our children retains enough of their first language while learning ours is impossible. Such a task requires that one or both parents are true native speakers of the child's first language. Language is one of the areas most negatively impacted by time spent in a neglectful environment. In this case the environment is the school itself. I found there are many separation, alteration, and mixing of language. For example Teachers said “Ok. Ada some of pictures are missing. Ada gambar-gambar yang hilang. Ms.Indah will give you sticker. One sticker for one student. Come on Ms. Boleh di-share sekarang. Boleh di cek. Look at the sticker. Aduh, ada picture apa aja ya di stiker itu? Ada gambar apa aja di stiker?”. Mixing or bilingualism will delay language acquisition in children. Children in the latency period, though, may not be so quickly identified for any type of language delay. Yet, this is a critical time for cognitive development. They are in school and have the academic demands of keeping up with their peers who, for the most part, have benefited from years of nurturing and exposure to stimulating environments.
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