Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Meila Sari (0713042033)

Background of the Problem

Second language acquisition is the study of how second languages are learned. It is the study of how learning creates a new language system with only limited exposure to a second language. It is the study of what is learned of a second language and what is not learned. Second language acquisition is concerned with the nature of the hypothesis (whether conscious or unconscious) that learners come up with regarding the rules of the second language. But before the learners learn second language acquisition, they will learn their first language.

Learning a first language is an amazing accomplishment. It is a learning task perhaps like no other. At the beginning stage of the language learning acquisition , a child has much to determine about the language he or she hears. At the end of the journey, every child who is not cognitively impaired has an intact linguistic system that allows him or her to interact with others and to express his or her needs. Every child learn their first language from their mother and their family, that’s why first language also called mother tongue. Even from within the womb, babies are trying to communicate. A return kick to a tummy rub, a punch to a loud song, these are the earliest forms of communication. From birth until about 4 months of age, this communication consists mainly of reflexive crying to express feelings. The next stage of communication is what has been referred to as “babbling. Through interactions with caregivers and other members of their community and environment, babies mirror and learn early language skills.

In a “child-centered” context, caregivers engage babies in conversations and routines such as greetings and question-answer from birth, directly speaking with baby so she will understand. These caregivers often adjust their speech to children by using baby-talk. Baby-talk is what is used by adults in talking to toddlers and infants. Baby talk, also referred to as caretaker speech, infant-directed speech (IDS) or child-directed speech (CDS) and informally as "motherese", "parentese", or "mommy talk", is a nonstandard form of speech used by adults in talking to toddlers and infants. It is usually delivered with a "cooing" pattern of intonation different from that of normal adult speech: high in pitch, with many glissando variations that are more pronounced than those of normal speech. Baby talk is also characterized by the shortening and simplifying of words. Baby talk is similar to what is used by people when talking to their pets (pet-directed speech), and between adults as a form of affection, intimacy, bullying or condescension.

After birth, and leaving the underwater world of the womb, an infant will begin to vocalize his or her communication. From birth until about 4 months of age, this communication consists mainly of reflexive crying to express feelings. The next stage of communication is what has been referred to as “babbling.” At the age of around 4 to 6 months babies start to make many more sounds. Before speaking words, babies practice the sounds, intonations and rhythms of language (Fitzpatrick, 2002).

Through interactions with caregivers and other members of their community and environment, babies mirror and learn early language skills. They also become linguistically and culturally competent members of their community Much of this relates to the way that caregivers react and respond to the communication attempts of the baby. In a “child-centered” context, caregivers engage babies in conversations and routines such as greetings and question-answer from birth, directly speaking with baby so she will understand. These caregivers often adjust their speech to children by using baby-talk and trying to interpret unintelligible utterances. This helps to socialize children with simplified language and introduces them gradually to adult language (King and Park, 2003).

The Script and Analysis

2.1 The Script

Conversation 1 ( 5 minutes, 55 seconds )

Speaker : 1. Miss Yuni ( Aunty, 27 years old)
2. Naila Mudzalifah (the baby, 4 years old)

Time : November 6, 2010. 10.00 A.M

Miss Yuni : Sakit apa gadis? Lho, kok gak ada suaranya sih..
Baby : Panas..
Miss Yuni : Oo,, sakit bener ya? Abis panas-panasan ya?
Baby : Bukan.. ini anginnya.. anginnya udah kayak gini..
Miss Yuni : Oo, anginnya udah kayakgini.. bukan anginnya tp cuacanya panas.. Abis mam es gak?
Baby : Enggak..
Miss Yuni : Bener nih enggak,, udah suntik belum?
Baby : Belum..
Miss Yuni : Belum? Udah ke dokter?
Baby : Udah,, waktu itu juga udah ke dokter juga,, dua kali ke dokternya.
Miss Yuni : Iya tah udah dua kali? Disuntik gak?
Baby : Iya
Miss Yuni : Dimana?
Baby : Disini..
Miss Yuni : Sakit gak?
Baby : Iya sakit,, aww gitu!! Hehee
Miss Yuni : Heheehe.. Udah berapa hari adis sakit?
Baby : Emmm,, udah.. udah 3..
Miss Yuni : Udah 3 hari,, gak mandi donk gadisnya? Pantesan bau,, hehee
Baby : Mandinya pake aer anget,.
Miss Yuni : Oo, mandinya pake air anget. Disuruh dokternya ya?
Baby : Emm, dokternya mandi aer anget..
Miss Yuni : Oo, gak diboleh makan apa sama dokter?
Baby : Gak boleh makan ale-ale, gak boleh makan yang dingin-dingin..
Miss Yuni : Iya gak boleh ntar tambah sakit.. Oiya,, ibu kemana?
Baby : Ibu.. ibu ke pasar..
Miss Yuni : Biasanya ikut dek ya?
Baby : Sakit sih gadisnya..
Miss Yuni : Iya kalo sakit gini gak bisa ikut,, uhh sedih donk gadisnya ditinggal ke pasar ya?
Baby : Gak boleh gadisnya lagi sakit.. Di sekolah gadis ada kolam renangnya.. kalo mau berenang harus,, harus itu.. harus bawa baju renang biar enak mandinya.. nanti kalo udah beres mandiannya bajunya dijemur dipagernya itu.. abis itu main anak-anaknya itu..
Miss Yuni : Di sekolah belajar apa aja dek?
Baby : Belajar.. belajar bebek belajar kambing..
Miss Yuni : Ngegambar bebek gitu ya?
Baby : Iya,, trus nyanyi itu nyanyi cicak-cicak.. nyanyi itu..
Miss Yuni : Nyanyi balonku?
Baby : Iya nyanyi balonku..
Miss Yuni : Apal gak lagu-lagunya?
Baby : Gak apal..
Miss Yuni : Waduhh,, koq gag apal dek?
Baby : Apal yang judulnya apa ya.. yang tiup lilinnya aja..
Miss Yuni : Hahaa,, Cuma apal itu.. kalo cicak-cicak di dinding apal gak?
Baby : Apal..
Miss Yuni : Coba kalo apal nyanyi dulu!!
Baby : Cicak-cicak di dinding diam-diam merayap,, datang seekor nyamuk.. hap hap,, lalu ditangkap..
Miss Yuni : Horeee,, banyak ya temennya di sekolah?
Baby : Iya banyak,, di sekolah PAUD Hidayah disuruh ibu guru buat lingkar-lingkaran..
Miss Yuni : Banyak mainannya gak disana?
Baby : Banyak.. ada ayunannya terus ada perosotannya juga.. 

Conversation 2 ( 4 minutes, 47 seconds )

Speaker : 1. Miss Cici (Aunty, 21 years old)
2. Naila Mudzalifah (the baby, 4 years old)

Time : November 6, 2010. 01.00 P.M

Miss Cici : Gadis.. gadis,, sukanya maen apa?
Baby : Maen bola..
Miss Cici : Emang bisa gadis maen bola.. Bisa tah?
Baby : Bisa donk..
Miss Cici : Kalah donk kak cici,, kak cici mah gak bisa maen bola.. hahaa
Baby : Hahahaa.. Tinggal ditendang aja,, pake sepatunya dulu terus disepak..
Miss Cici : Ditendang ya?
Baby : Iya,, terus bisa lari..
Miss Cici : Kejer-kejeran ya bolanya..
Baby : Iya kalo jatoh di rumput kan gak papa.. gak ada batu,, batunya itu.. batunya udah dibuang..
Miss Cici : Oo gitu ya,, maen dimana biasanya gadis?
Baby : Ya maen di lapangan,, bisa maen bola trus biasanya boleh maen layangan juga..
Miss Cici : Maen layangan?
Baby : Iya,, biasanya tuh ada layangan gambar naga..
Miss Cici : Gambar naga?? Di layangan nya itu gambar naga..
Baby : Iya,, biasanya itu gambar singa gambar macan,, gambar harimau,, gambar gajah..
Miss Cici : Naila punya layangan tah ya??
Baby : Punya..
Miss Cici : Mana?? Liat donk kak cici..
Baby : Udah rusak tapi..
Miss Cici : Yahhh,, gambar apa??
Baby : Itunya itu robek..
Miss Cici : Kertasnya robek?
Baby : Udah punya letop sih,, jadinya keinjek letop makanya robek..
Miss Cici : Oo gtu?!!
Baby : Iya tp ntar mau dilem,,
Miss Cici : Mau dibenerin,, udah dibenerin lum?
Baby : Belum, pake lem nti ngegituinnya.. naila bisa maen layangannya lagi..
Miss Cici : Kalah lagi donk kak cici gak bisa maen layangan juga,, hehee
Baby : Naila mah bisa..
Miss Cici : Hebat ya naila bisa maen layangan..
Baby : Iya dibantuin sama orang,, ditarik-tarik.. ada juga yang gambarnya serem..
Miss Cici : Serem gimana gambarnya?
Baby : Gambar hantu, gambar pocong..
Miss Cici : Emang ada ya Nai? Gak takut tah naila nya..
Baby : Gak papa,, buat layangan dari apa sih?
Miss Cici : Buat layangan itu dari bambu dipotong-potong terus dikasih kertas terus ntar dilem..
Baby : Diwarnain?
Miss Cici : Iya digambar..
Baby : Gambar bebek,, gambar rumah,, gambar mobil.. kereta ada,, orang juga ada.
Miss Cici : Banyak ya.. belinya dimana itu?
Baby : Di pasar,, biasanya dibawah juga ada yang bentuknya kayak kotak itu.. kalo yang gede itu biasanya belinya di jawa..
Miss Cici : Jauh amat belinya di jawa Nai?
Baby : Ihh,, salah salah.. biasanya ada di pasar.. hehee
Miss Cici : Hehee,, kirain beli di jawa.. jauh bener di jawa.. Lagi nonton apa sih??
Baby : Hemm, lagi nonton kartun..
Miss Cici : Apa kartunnya? Judulnya apa filmnya? Doraemon tah?
Baby : Iya.. filmnya kayak dora..
Miss Cici : Kalo spongebob ada gak filmnya?
Baby : Ada.. tuh Naila punya tas spongebob..

Conversation 3 ( 4 minutes, 55 seconds )

Speaker : 1. Mr.Nurmansyah (father, 32 years old)
2. Naila Mudzalifah (the baby, 4 years old)

Time : November 6, 2010. 04.00 P.M

Father : Naila.. Nai,, sini geh..
Baby : Iya Bah..
Father : Udah sembuh belum? Masih panas gak?
Baby : Udah..
Father : Iya tah??
Baby : Gak percaya..
Father : Makanya sini Naila nya,, Abah pegang.. Ohh iya,, Udah dingin.. Mau maen gak? Hemm,, kesini geh..
Father : Yang udah nyembuhin Naila siapa nak??
Baby : ALLAH..
Father : ALLAH,, ALLAH itu siapa kita?
Baby : ALLAH itu Tuhan kita..
Father : Oo gitu,, iya geh pinter..
Baby : Bah,, maen Bah!!
Father : Ntar ya maennya kan abahnya mau ngerjain ini..
Baby : Bah,, maen sih Bah..
Father : Iya nanti,,
Baby : Maen itung-itungan itu..
Father : Maen itung-itungan?? Tunggu selesai Abahnya ya?
Baby : Hemm,, Bah..
Father : Nyelesain ini dulu Abahnya..
Baby : Hemmm…
Father : Eits,, jangan nakal geh!! Mau ini gak kamu ke pameran?
Baby : Hahhh..
Father : Ke pameran??
Baby : Udah ada tah Bah ya pameran nya??
Father : Aaada donk..
Baby : Mauuu,,
Father : Tapi jangan na???
Baby : Bah,, ayuk geh..
Father : Tapi jangan na??
Baby : Ihh.. Bah, ayuk geh,,
Father : Ya kan Abah nanya tapi jangan na??
Baby : Ya iya iya,, jangan nakal..
Father : Pinter, gak nakal tah??
Baby : Enggak..
Father : Emang ntar mau maen apa disana??
Baby : Mancing..
Father : Mancingan?? Emang gimana mancingnya?? Oo gitu,, wuihhh banyak bener lagak nya..
Emang ngeliat dimana?? Haa,, ngeliat dimana itu? Di mancing??
Baby : Di.. di laut..
Father : Di laut?? Siapa yang mancing??
Baby : Yang kayak di tv itu,, yang jarinya oke..
Father : Yang apa namanya?? Mancing mania?
Baby : Iya..
Father : Uhh,, hebat ya?
Baby : Iya orangnya
Father : Itu namanya pin??
Baby : Ter,, kayak gini ni Bah.. ditarik-tarik trus dpt ikan gede.. sampe berenang orangnya..
Father : Berenang??
Baby : Iya,, ampe yang dalem..
Father : Gak boleh yang dalem-dalem anak kecil mah..
Baby : Kalo udah gede sih.. kalo anak yang gak takut,, yang berani kayak si Bolang..
Father : Waduhh,, emang mau kayak si Bolang tah?
Baby : Biar Naila bisa berenang di laut yang dalem..
Father : Waduhh.. Dalem banget??
Baby : Kayak si Bolang kan dalem lho Bah..
Father : Oo gitu toh.. boleh!! Siapa bilang gak boleh ya Nai ya.. Kayak mandian di ini tu.. di tambak..
Baby : Iya.. di tambak itu airnya itu laut.. rasanya itu ase.. asem..
Father : Asin!!
Baby : Hehee,, iya asin.. Naila mah maunya yang airnya gak asin..
Father : Yang gak asin?? Dimana namanya di pantai..
Baby : Dipantai tuh airnya gak asin ya Bah??
Father : Sama lah.. pantai tu ya laut..
Baby : Tapi itu loh Bah.. Bah.. pake yang mata ada ini nya Bah,,
Father : Oo,, kacamata buat renang itu??
Baby : Iya,, sama yang buat dimulutnya itu.. apa Bah namanya?
Father : Itu namanya snorkel..
Baby : Iya biar enak biar gak keasinan..
Father : Oo,itu,, biar gak keasinan?? Boleh.. boleh..
Baby : Pake bajunya itu,, sama pake sepatu bebek itu lho Bah..
Father : Haduuh,, pernah nonton ya??
Baby : Iya.. yang kayak bull.. yang kayak bule-bule itu..
Father : Hahaahaa..
Baby : Yang anak bule itu Bah..
Father : Yang kayak gitu..
Baby : Iya bah..
Father : Oke deh!! 

2.2 Analysis of the Script

Baby talk is more effective than regular speech in getting an infant's attention. Studies have shown that infants actually prefer to listen to this type of speech. Some researchers, including Rima Shore (1997), believe that baby talk is an important part of the emotional bonding process between the parents and their child that help the infants learn the language. More than one language can also be learned because eventually, the child will be clever enough to differentiate the languages. It is easier to learn languages as an infant than as an adult. Other researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Wisconsin confirm that using basic “baby talk” helps babies pick up words faster than usual. Infants actually pay more attention when parents use infant-directed language, which has a slower and more repetitive tone than used in regular conversation. To analayze the Parent’s talk to their baby, the writer use Pica’s modification (1994):

a. Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation

According to three conversation above, it can be analyzed that the parents or adults used slow rate of speech to the baby. They talk slower and more repetitive tone than used in regular conversation with other adult. They used exaggerated intonation to attrack attention of tha baby. The parents used simple word and sometimes ungrammatical to make the baby understand what the parents said. Sometimes they give length of pauses to give the baby time to thinking what she wanted to speak. The parents also used repetition if the baby didn’t understand what the parents said.

b. Modifications of Morphology and syntax.

Parents like to used very simple sentences with simple grammatical structure in their speaking to their baby. For example, father asked the baby to do something with very simple language. “Naila.. Nai,, sini geh..”, its mean that the baby should come closer to him.

c. Modifications of Discourse
The parents usually used clarification request to the baby, for instance: “Mancingan?? Emang gimana mancingnya?? Oo gitu,, wuihh banyak bener lagak nya.. Emang ngeliat dimana?? Haa,, ngeliat dimana itu? Di mancing??.” Its mean that the father wants to know more information about something from the baby.

Besides that, father used comprehension check to see if the baby has understood. Takes fo example:

Father : Yang udah nyembuhin Naila siapa nak??
Baby : ALLAH..
Father : ALLAH,, ALLAH itu siapa kita?
Baby : ALLAH itu Tuhan kita..

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