Baby Talk

The baby’s name is Abi Manyu. He was born in Metro, November 23, 2006. He is about four years old. He is the third child of Y. Sigit Purnomo and Rosalia Sulistyari. He has two brothers. His first brother named Odilo Petra Irawan and his second brother is Ivo Anggit Erjuna.

An Adult made a conversation with Abi in three occasions. Then, the adult’s way of delivering the utterances to the baby is analyzed by using characteristics of mother’s speech to their children explained by Pica. The characteristics of the speech are as below:
1. It has shorter, more complex sentences.
2. The syntax is simplified through use of fewer subordinate clauses and coordinate construction.
3. The vocal pitch was higher and its range was wider.
4. The speaking rate was slower, marked by many pauses between utterances, but fewer dysfluencies within them.
5. The articulation was more precise, with more audible distinction between voiced and voiceless constants such as t and d.
6. Phonological features were simplified.
7. Attention to the here and now, the use of present tense verbs and reference to concrete items within the child’s view.
8. The use of self reference through kinship terms instead of pronouns.
Furthermore, the utterances of the adult to the baby are analyzed by using input modification theory. There are four modifications elaborated by some experts:
1. Modifications in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation
Pica (1994) states that two features had been of special interest in research on rate of speech: reduced number of word per minute and increased length of pauses. Lynch (1998) explains that exaggerated intonation, more careful articulation, reduction of vowel and consonant clusters, fewer contractions of verb phrase constituents often accompany the slower rate of speech.
2. Modifications of morphology and syntax
Patil (1994) found out that native speakers tend to use simple sentence with simple grammatical structure in their speech to the nonnative speakers possibly by intuitive process of simplification.
3. Modifications in vocabulary
Patil (1994) suggests that the vocabulary directed to nonnative speakers was structurally simpler containing practically no phrasal idioms. Lexical items of narrow semantic field were occasionally substituted by general words.
4. Modifications of discourse
Hatch (1978) has proposed taxonomy of interactional moves. The taxonomy includes comprehension check (to see if the listeners has understood), clarification request (for more information or explanation, exact self-repetitions, exact other repetitions, restatement (or semantic self-repetition) by the speaker, other statement (semantic other-repetition), expansion (of Native Speaker-statement), topic switches.

Ø The First Occasion
Situation: The conversation below has been done on Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 01.31 p.m. It was done in an adult’s house, in a living room exactly. The adult gave soft drink to the baby (Abi) but it was just a little bit. Actually Abi wanted it again but it has been empty. Then, he wanted to play a game by mobile phone.
Abi : lagi.
Adult : lagi? Abis.
Abi : aa?
Adult : abis, nih tinggal sekali lagi. (pause) Tuh diminum dulu. (pause) Enak gak?
Abi : tak buang ya?
Adult : apanya?
Abi : ininya.
Adult : apa sih?
Abi : ini.
Adult : nih, satu lagi. (pause) Abis. (pause) Dah abis.
Abi : besok beli lagi.
Adult : iya. Beli apa?
Abi : beli itu lagi. (pointing the soft drink)
Adult : apa punya duit?
Abi : (silent)
Adult : enak? (pause) Besok beli lagi aja.
Abi : pinjem hape-nya.
Adult : ini?
Abi : mainan.
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : mainan, ya mainan.
Adult : mainan?
Abi : mainan bola.
Adult : nyanyi aja nyanyi.
Abi : emoh to.
Adult : maunya?
Abi : mainan.
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : bola.
Adult : bola apa?
Abi : ya bola naik.
Adult : bola naik itu bola apa?
Abi : bola mata. Bola yang gak mata.
Adult : yang ada matanya itu to?
Abi : he’em.
Adult : ya nanti dulu lah. Apa ini?
Abi : mana?
Adult : ini. (pointing a mobile phone)
Abi : mana?
Adult : itu.
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : gak tahu?
Abi : permainan.
Adult : mana?
Abi : mana?
Adult : mana?
Abi : mana?
Adult : kamu bisa main?
Abi : bisa.
Adult : main apa bisanya?
Abi : main.
Adult : main apa bisanya?
Abi : gak mau main.
Adult : gak mau main apa?
Abi : gak mau main di hape.
Adult : maunya main apa?
Abi : gak tahu. Melotrok celanaku.
Adult : hahahaa……..(laughing) kok melotrok? Kenapa melotrok?
Abi : gendut perutnya.
Adult : oh… perutnya gendut. Kayak punya siapa? Dek vita apa dek niki?
Abi : bapak.
Adult : haha…(laughing), kayak punya bapak?
Ø The Second Occasion
Situation: The conversation below was done on Monday, October 29, 2010 at 08.02 p.m. It was held in Abi’s house, in the living room exactly. The conversation talked about Abi’s daily activity in a day.
Adult : kamu kok tadi gak bobo ngapa?
Abi : iya.
Adult : kamu bangun jam berapa?
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : iihh….. kok gak tahu? Tadi pagi mandi gak?
Abi : mandi.
Adult : siapa yang mandiin?
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : loh, gimana lo kamu tuh?
Abi : hahaa…
Adult : tadi main kemana?
Abi : tempat erland.
Adult : tempat erland? Ngapain?
Abi : gak tahu to.
Adult : la kamu ngapain tempat dek erland? Main ya?
Abi : (nodding)
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : la gimana lo kamu tuh.
Abi : main ya mainan.
Adult : mainan apa? Bola?
Abi : robot.
Adult : robot? Kamu punya?
Abi : enggak.
Adult : la punya siapa?
Abi : punya Erland…….
Adult : Erland yang punya? robot apa?
Abi : ya robot.
Adult : power ranger ya?
Abi : robot putih.
Adult : nonton power ranger gak?
Abi : enggak.
Adult : enggak? Hmmm….. kok enggak lo? Kamu sama Erland udah makan?
Abi : (covered his mouth by his hands)
Adult : lah males ditanyain kok kayak gitu lo. (pause) Eh, tadi ngapa lo yang mandiin mbak Titi? Kamu gak bisa ya? Mandi sendiri ya?
Abi : enggak.
Adult : bisa gak?
Abi : mandi sendiri ada setan……
Adult : hiiiiii…… ini pakai bajunya siapa?
Abi : pakai bajuku sendiri.
Adult : lo emang ada di tempat mbak Titi?
Abi : ada.
Adult : ada. Apa iya?
Abi : pakai bedak gak?
Adult : enggak.
Abi : iihhh…. Bau dong.
Adult : pakai……. Gak pakai bedak? pakai parfum gak?
Abi : ha?
Adult : pakai parfum gak?
Abi : (nodding)
Adult : ibumu masak apa?
Abi : masak nasi uduk.
Adult : boong! Kamu gak boong ya?
Abi : boong.
Adult : oh… boong.
Abi : metal
Ø The Third Occasion
Situation: The dialogue below was done on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 07.46 p.m. It has been done in adult’s house, in the living room exactly. The conversation talked about Abi’s interest of television program.
Adult : kamu sukanya nonton apa?
Abi : bernad
Adult : apa sih Bernad? (pause) Bernad tuh apa lo?
Abi : buaya.
Adult : bukan no.
Abi : apa?
Adult : beruang ya?
Abi : beruang.
Adult : beruang pinter apa gak?
Abi : beruang goblok.
Adult : beruang goblok? Kayak Abi ya?
Abi : ho’o.
Adult : berarti Abi goblok donk? iya?
Abi : berarti dek…dek…dek niki.
Adult : dek niki ngapa?
Abi : goblok.
Adult : ya engaklah.
Abi : ya iya ah….
Adult : enggak ah.
Abi : iya! goblok beneran.
Adult : kalo Abi pinter apa gak?
Abi : engak.
Adult : ih…kog engak sih?
Abi : kamu iya?
Adult : ya iya lah.
Abi : aku pinter, dek niki enggak.
Adult : lhooo…. dek Niki…pinter ah…..
Abi : kukuku panjang.
Adult : mana? O iya…. Ada item-itemnya lagi.
Abi : ada cacingnya………
Adult : itu cacingan itu…… kamu nanti kalo kamu sakit gimana? Ih……. jangan digigitin gitu donk…..
Abi : nanti digigit……….
Adult : nanti cacingnya nggigit. Nanti kalo cacingnya nggigit kamu sakit gak?
Abi : enggak disuntik?
Adult : disuntik lah… disuntik terus masuk rumah sakit. Mau?
Abi : mau.
Adult : mau? Mau masuk rumah sakit?
Abi : mau.
Adult : nanti disuntik mau?
Abi : mau.
Adult : mau? Gimana sih kamu tuh kok disuntik mau?….
Abi : kalo gak di Jalur.
Adult : di jalur?
Abi : he’e….
Adult : disuntiknya di jalur?
Abi : he’e. dulu aku pernah.
Adult : pernah?
Abi : pernah.
Adult : Abi pernah disuntik?
Abi : pernah, pernah di rumah sakit.
Adult : pernah di rumah sakit?
Abi : he’em.
Adult : nangis gak?
Abi : nangis, disuntik.
Adult : cemen. Kamu takut sama suster ya? iya?
Abi : emmm… dulu aku disuntik suster, itu susternya tak ajar.
Adult : kamu. galak ya kamu ya? La ngapa kok mbok ajar?
Abi : ya gak tau to…..
Adult : kamu nakal ya…..
Abi : tak jilat kakinya.
Adult : ih jorok……Kamu nakal ya sama suster ya? iya? ih… Abi tuh nakal.

There are some characteristics of the adult’s speech delivered to the baby. By using the characteristics of mother’s speech to the baby stated by Pica, the adult’s speech to the baby can be analyzed as follow:

lagi? Abis. (From the first occasion) : it was delivered in short speech
siapa yang mandiin? (From the second occasion) : it was delivered in complete sentence
Beruang pinter apa gak? (From the third occasion) : it was delivered in complete sentence

maunya? (From the first occasion)
loh, gimana lo kamu tuh? (From the second occasion)
mau? Mau masuk rumah sakit? (From the third occasion)
Those adult’s speech were spoken in higher vocal speech and its range was wider in order to make the baby easy to get the meaning.

abis, nih tinggal sekali lagi. (pause) Tuh diminum dulu. (pause) Enak gak? (From the first occasion)
lah males ditanyain kok kayak gitu lo. (pause) Eh, tadi ngapa lo yang mandiin mbak Titi? Kamu gak bisa ya? Mandi sendiri ya? (From the second occasion)
Apa sih Bernad? (pause) Bernad tuh apa lo? (From the third occasion)

Abi : mana?
Adult : ini. (pointing a mobile phone)
(From the first occasion)

Adult : Beruang goblok? Kayak Abi ya?
This utterance showed that the adult called the baby’s name (underlined word) to refer the baby. She didn’t use pronoun ‘you’.
Adult : dek Niki ngapa?
This utterance showed that the adult called her name (underlined word) to refer herself. She didn’t use pronoun ‘I’.
Beside the characteristics of the adult’s speech, those conversations can be analyzed by using input modification theory as below:
1. Modifications in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation
Based on Pica and Lynch, there are reduced number of word per minute, increased length of pause, exaggerated intonation, more careful articulation, reduction of vowel and consonant clusters, fewer contractions of verb phrase constituents often accompany the slower rate of speech. The adult’s speech in those conversations showed those characteristics of speech. The adult’s speech had been reduced number of word per minute as shown below:
Adult : lagi? Abis. (From the first occasion)
Besides, the adult’s speech increased length of pause, such as:
Adult : abis, nih tinggal sekali lagi. (pause) Tuh diminum dulu. (pause) Enak gak?
Adult : nih, satu lagi. (pause) Abis. (pause) Dah abis.
(From the first occasion)
The adult also exaggerated intonation, delivered more careful articulation, made reduction of vowel and consonant clusters, and gave fewer contractions of verb phrase constituents to the baby which can be observed by the adult’s utterances below:
Adult : siapa yang mandiin?
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : loh, gimana lo kamu tuh?
Abi : hahaa…
(From the second occasion)
Adult : disuntik lah… disuntik terus masuk rumah sakit. Mau?
Abi : mau.
Adult : mau? Mau masuk rumah sakit?
Abi : mau.
(From the third occasion)
2. Modifications of morphology and syntax
As Patil’s research result that native speakers tend to use simple sentence with simple grammatical structure in their speech to the nonnative speakers, the adult’s speech was also delivered in simple sentence and grammatical structure to the baby. It is shown by conversation below:
Abi : besok beli lagi.
Adult : iya. Beli apa?
Abi : beli itu lagi. (pointing the soft drink)
Adult : apa punya duit?
(From the first occasion)
Adult : kamu bangun jam berapa?
Abi : gak tahu
Adult : iihh….. kok gak tahu? Tadi pagi mandi gak?
Abi : mandi.
(From the second occasion)
Adult : kamu sukanya nonton apa?
Abi : bernad
(From the third occasion)
Those utterances delivered by adult were spoken in simple sentences and simple grammatical structure so that the baby was able to respond the spoken well.
3. Modifications in vocabulary
As Patil’s suggestion that the vocabulary directed to nonnative speakers was structurally simpler containing practically no phrasal idioms, all of the utterances used by adult in those conversations were delivered in simple words without any complicated phrasal. Besides, the lexical items of narrow semantic field were occasionally substituted by general words. It can be observed from the following conversation:
Adult : nih, satu lagi. (pause) Abis. (pause) Dah abis.
Abi : besok beli lagi.
Adult : iya. Beli apa?
Abi : beli itu lagi. (pointing the soft drink)
Adult : apa punya duit?
(From the first occasion)
Adult : tadi main kemana?
Abi : tempat Erland.
Adult : tempat Erland? Ngapain?
Abi : gak tahu to.
(From the second occasion)
Adult : Abi pernah disuntik?
Abi : pernah, pernah di rumah sakit.
Adult : pernah di rumah sakit?
Abi : he’em.
(From the third occasion)
4. Modifications of discourse
Based on Hatch who has proposed taxonomy of interactional moves, the adult’s speech delivered to the baby can be included as follow:

Abi : mainan.
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : mainan, ya mainan.
Adult : mainan?
Abi : mainan bola.
(From the first occasion)
Abi : punya Erland…….
Adult : Erland yang punya? robot apa?
Abi : ya robot.
(From the second occasion)
Adult : disuntik lah… disuntik terus masuk rumah sakit. Mau?
Abi : mau.
Adult : mau? Mau masuk rumah sakit?
Abi : mau.
(From the third occasion)
Those conversations showed that the adult asked the same question more than once. It was done in order to check whether the baby understood.

Abi : mainan.
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : bola.
Adult : bola apa?
Abi : ya bola naik.
Adult : bola naik itu bola apa?
Abi : bola mata. Bola yang gak mata.
(From the first occasion)
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : gak tahu.
Adult : mainan apa?
Abi : gak tahu.
(From the second occasion)
Abi : he’e. dulu aku pernah.
Adult : pernah?
Abi : pernah.
Adult : Abi pernah disuntik?
Abi : pernah, pernah di rumah sakit.
Adult : pernah di rumah sakit?
(From the third occasion)
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