(The First Assignment)
Arranged By:
Name : Pribadi Hadhi
SRN : 0713042037
Course : Second Language Acquisition
Lecturer : Drs. Heri Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D.

Alhamdulillaah, praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty, for the mercy and strength so that the writer can finish this paper. Invocation and peace go to Muhammad, the Prophet, his families, and his disciples. May Allah bless them and give them peace.
This paper is written as the final assignment of Second Language Acquisition subject. The writer would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to Drs. Heri Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D., as the lecturer for giving us the opportunity to finish this paper.
Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect so that he invites all critical comments. However, he hopes that the paper would give worthwhile contribution to the improvement of the English teaching-learning process.
Bandarlampung, November 2010
The Writer,
Pribadi Hadhi
SRN 0713042037
Tittle………………………………………………………………… i
Acknowledgement………………………………………………….. ii
Table of Contents…………………………………………………… iii
2.1 Subject of Study………………………………………………… 4
2.2 Data Collection………………………………………………….. 4
3.1 The Transcript of the First Occasion……………………………… 5
3.2 The Transcript of t he Second Occasion………………………….. 10
4.1 The Analysis of the First Occasion……………………………….. 14
4.2 The Analysis of the Second Occasion…………………………….. 17
Teacher talk is another variation of foreign talk in an educational setting. Study of teacher talk reveals how NS teachers communicate with NNS Students. Henzl was the first to gather empirical data on what she called Foreign Language Classroom Register (1973 p.207). Henzl compared features of texts recorded by Czech native speaker for adult native speakers with those recorded by the same native speakers for non-native speaker university learners of Chech.
Furthermore, Wong-Fillmore (1985) suggests that there are some characteristics of teacher talk that might work as input. They are as follow:
1. The talk has clear separation of language (no alteration or mixing)
2. The talk emphasizes on comprehension.
3. The language used is entirely grammatical.
4. The talk use tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of
participation from students.
5. The talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, playfulness.
For foreign language learners , classroom is the main place where they are frequently exposed to the target language. The kind of language used by the teacher for instruction in the classroom is known as teacher talk (TT). For this term, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines it as “that variety of language sometimes used by teachers when they are in the process of teaching.
In trying to communicate with learners, teachers often simplify their speech, giving it many of the characteristics of foreigner talk and other simplified styles of speech addressed to language learners” (Richards, 1992: 471).
Having studied the SLA for many years, Rod Ellis (1985) has formulated his own view about teacher talk: “Teacher talk is the special language that teachers use when addressing L2 learners in the classroom. There is systematic simplification of the formal properties of the teacher’s language… studies of teacher talk can be divided into those that investigate the type of language that teachers use in language classrooms and those that investigate in the type of language they use in subject lessons.” He also commented “the language that teachers address to L2 learner is treated as a register, with its own specific formal and linguistics properties” (Ellis, 1985: 145).
From the definitions, firstly we can see that teacher talk in English classrooms is regarded as one special variety of the English language, so it has its own specific features which other varieties do not share. Because of the restriction of the physical setting, special participants as well as the goal of teaching, teacher talk has its own special style.
Secondly, we can see that teacher talk is a special communicative activity. Its goal
is to communicate with students and develops students’ foreign language proficiency. Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom activities (Feng Qican, 1999: 23). Teachers adopt the target language to promote their communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to encourage the communication between learners and themselves. Therefore we can say teacher talk is a kind of communication-based or interaction-based talk.
There is no learning without teaching. So as a tool of implementing teaching plans and achieving teaching goals, teacher talk plays a vital important role in language learning. Quite a few researches have discussed the relationship between teacher talk and language learning. As Nunan (1991) points out: “Teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the processes of acquisition. It is important for the organization and management of the classroom because it is through language that teachers either succeed or fail in implementing their teaching plans. In terms of acquisition, teacher talk is important because it is probably the major source of comprehensible target language input the learner is likely to receive.” The amount and type of teacher talk is even regarded as a decisive factor of
success or failure in classroom teaching. (Hakansson, cited from Zhou Xing & Zhou Yun,2002)
Gaies (1977,1979), Henzl (1979), Long (1983b), Long & Sato (1983) observed all kinds of phenomena about teacher talk, and made some comparison between the language that teachers use in and out of language classrooms. Their main findings are as follows:
1) Formal adjustsments occur at all language levels. Henzl observed adjustments
in pronunciation, in lexis, and in grammar.
2) In general, ungrammatical speech modifications do not occur.
3) Interactional adjustments occur. (Ellis, 1985:145)
Long and Freeman found that teacher talk is simplified in other ways -- syntactically, phonologically and semantically. In the syntactic domain, utterance length to children is shorter. In the area of phonology, speech to children is pitched higher, has more exaggerated intonation, and uses a wider pitch range. It’s characterized by clearer articulation, pauses between utterances and an overall slower rate of delivery. In the semantic domain, vocabulary is more restricted, teachers carefully select the words they use according to the students proficiency and level. New words and difficult words are avoided.
2.1 Subject of Study
This study aims to describe the teacher talk in the classroom. For that reason, the subject hat was observed in this study was the students of Play Group. The writer held the observation at Play Group Bintang Ceria. It is located on Jln. Bumi Manti IV Lk. II No. 07 Kampung Baru, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. There are ten students at the playgroup, contains of five boys and five girls.
2.2 Data Collection
During the observation, the writer recorded two videos for two different occasions. The recordings were taken by camera hand phone 2 mega pixels only. The recordings were taken naturally, which were done by the writer as the observer to get know how the teachers communicate to their students.
The first occasion was with the the first teacher, which was introducing the alphabet. Meanwhile, the second occasion was with the second teacher, which mostly contained of practicing how to write the alphabet.
3.1 The Transcript of the First Occasion
Guru : Ini huruf apa?
Siswa 1 : E
Siswa 2 : B,……. Huruf B
Siswa 3 : E
Guru : Habis huruf E ada huruf?
Siswa 1 : Hijaiyah
Guru : Ha?
Siswa : Hijaiyah
Guru : Huruf apaaa?
Siswa 1 : Huruf F
Siswa 2 : F
Siswa 3 : F
Guru : Habis huruf F ada huruf?
Siswa 1 : Hijaiyah
Siswa 2 : E
Siswa 3 : Hijaiyah
Guru : Huruf?
Siswa : Huruf…..
Guru : G
Siswa : G
Guru : G, sudah?
Guru : A
Siswa : A
Guru : B
Siswa : B
Guru : C
Siswa : C
Guru : D
Siswa : D
Guru : E
Siswa : E
Guru : F
Siswa : F
Guru : G
Siswa : G
Guru : A
Siswa : A
Guru : B
Siswa : B
Guru : A, lihat yang A, bebeknya warna hijau.
Guru : Yang B, bebeknya warna bi….
Siswa : Biru
Guru : B, kenal semua kan ini huruf B
Siswa 1 : Kenal bu
Siswa 2 : B
Guru : C
Siswa : C
Guru : C
Siswa : C
Guru : C
Siswa : C
Siswa 2 : Iya iyalah orange
Guru : Yang C bebeknya warna?
Guru : Sekarang D
Siswa : D
Guru : D
Siswa : D
Guru : Kenal semua?
Siswa 1 : Kenal
Siswa 2 : Kenal bu
Guru : D, D, bebek warna ku….
Siswa : Kuning
Guru : Sekarang E
Siswa : E
Guru : E
Siswa : E
Guru : E
Siswa : E
Guru : Rendi, tau huruf E?
Siswa : E
Guru : Kenal huruf E?
Siswa 1 : E
Siswa 2 : Warnanya hijau
Siswa 3 : B
Guru : F
Siswa : F
Guru : F
Siswa : F
Guru : Rendi, yang mana huruf F?
Siswa : F
Guru : Kenal?
Siswa : Kenal….
Guru : G
Siswa : G
Guru : G
Siswa : G
Guru : Coba…. A
Siswa : A
Guru : B
Siswa : B
Guru : C
Siswa : C
Guru : Rendi
Siswa : C
Guru : D
Siswa : D
Guru : D
Siswa : D
Guru : Bukan B ya, tapi D
Siswa : D
Guru : E
Siswa : E
Guru : E
Siswa : E
Guru : Ada yang gak liat kesini ya
Guru : E
Siswa : E
Guru : F
Siswa : F
Guru : G
Siswa : G
Guru : G
Guru : Sudah kenal semua yah?
Siswa : Sudah…..
Guru : Sudah tau hurufnya?
Siswa : Sudah
Guru : Sekarang ini hurufnya apa?
Siswa : G
Guru : Hayo, katanya tadi sudah kenal?
Siswa : F
Guru : Apa?
Siswa : F
Guru : F
Siswa : F
Guru : Ini huruf apa ya?
Siswa : A
Guru : Ha?
Siswa 1 : C. C
Siswa 2 : A
Siswa 3 : B
Guru : Ssstt…..lomba lipat!
Guru : Ini hurf apa?
Siswa : C
Guru : C?
Siswa : C
Guru : Yang ini huruf apa?
Siswa 1 : A
Siswa 2 : A
Guru : Rendi?
Rendi : A
Siswa : B
Guru : Yang ini huruf apa?
Siswa : A
Guru : Rio?
Rio : E
Siswa 1 : A
Siswa 2 : E
Guru : Hurf apa, Ramzi?
Ramzi : E
Guru : E?
3.2 The Transcript of the Second Occasion
Guru : Satu, dua, ti….
Siswa : Ga
Guru : Ga…. Yuk coba
Siswa 1 : Satu……dua…..tiga….
Siswa 2 : Kan gini, gini
Guru : Ya, sekarang dengarakan. Ibu mau beri tugas, nanti anak
anak menulis huruf G
Siswa : G
Guru : Apa ini Ramzi?
Ramzi : G
Guru : Apa?
Siswa : G
Guru : G, Rio?
Rio : G
Guru : Panji? Gak boleh begini begini nak, ayook apa?
Panji : G
Guru : Apa?
Guru : Apa ini Leo?
Siswa : G
Guru : Kemudian ini?
Siswa : G
Guru : Baik, apa? Jarimu jangan ditarik gitu lagi
Guru : Yok apa?
Siswa : G
Guru : Ya, sekarang kumpulkan….
Guru : Coba, kursinya menghadap ke meja
Guru : Yang bekerja tangan, tak bersuara yah
Siswa 1 : Aku duduk di depan
Siswa 2 : Aku punya pensil
Siswa 3 : Aku juga punya
Siswa 4 : Yang panjang….
Guru : Mau pakai pensil apa nggak? Kalo gak mau pensil
yaudah, nulisnya gak usah pake pensil
Siswa 1 : Yang panjang
Guru : Sama saja
Siswa 2 : Ini panjang
Guru : Sama saja, nanti walaupun panjang tapi kalo gak ada
penggarisnya gimana?
Guru : Udah?
Siswa 3 : Ini sama yah?
Guru : Ayo, ini pegang
Guru : Dah, yang bekerja tangannya
Siswa 1 : Bu guru, gini kan?
Guru : Ya…ya…..liat contohnya ya
Siswa 2 : Bu guru, gini kan?
Guru : Dicoba
Guru : Yang huruf G, tadi sudah kita lihat, sudah kita pake huruf
G nya, sekarang dicoba buat
Siswa 1 : Bu guru…
Guru : Apa ya? Luruskan, yang rapi coba
Guru : Ya, gak usah mengkol mengkol
Siswa 2 : Bu guru
Siswa 3 : Bu guru, gini yah?
Guru : Yah, tu apa itu? Kok kayak gitu?
Siswa 4 : Gini?
Guru : Nah, kayak gini nih.
Siswa 5 : Gini bu?
Guru : Gak usah diginiin, kalo gak mau pake kursi, awasin
Guru : Nah, sekarang gambar lehernya
Guru : Yok sama sama penghapusnya
Guru : Gini caranya
Siswa : Penghapus
Guru : Jangan dikit dikit ngapus, nanti kamu gak bias lagi
Guru : Ini ke bawah, coba liat contoh
Siswa 1 : Gini?
Siswa 2 : Bu guru?
Guru : Dicoba dulu
Siswa 1 : Ih, gak boleh nanya.
Guru : Ayok, tulis yah?
Guru : Gitu, ok, udah
Siswa 1 : Bu guru, gini?
Guru : Agak miring nih, dilurusin
Guru : Dah, hooopp. Yang bekerja tangannya
Siswa 2 : Gini bu?
Guru : Itu apa?
Siswa 1 : Bu, punya dia jelek.
Guru : Gak usah ngurusin orang, nanti biarin nanti keluar asep
Siswa 1 : Banyak gini bu guru?
Guru : Ya
Siswa 2 : Gini bu guru?
Guru : Ya, teruskan
Siswa 3 : Gini yah bu
Guru : Ya, kan udah ibu kasih contoh
Guru : Coba di bawah garis
Guru : Ini terbalik yang ini
Siswa 1 : Gini bu
Siswa 2 : Gini
Siswa 3 : Gini bu?
Guru : Ya
Guru : Teruskan, dikasih lehernya dikit tuh
Siswa : Bu guru, uda selesai.
Guru : Selesai?
Guru : Coba betulin yang tadi
Guru : Kayak apa itu?
Siswa : Gini bu guru?
Guru : Hmmm….
Guru : Bukan dibuletin, tapi dikasih leher bawahnya
4.1 The Analysis of the First Occasion
From the first occasion, the writer can gather some characteristics of teachers talk that might work as input in the classroom of Playgroup Bintang Ceria, as Wong-Fillmore (1985) suggests:
· The talk has clear separation of language (no alteration or mixing).
For example:
Guru : Ini huruf apa?
Siswa 1 : E
· The talk emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by presenting new information the information in the context of known information. For example:
Guru : B, kenal semua kan ini huruf B
Siswa 1 : Kenal bu
· The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to theactivity by using simple structure, and avoiding complex structures. For example:
Guru : Rendi, yang mana huruf F?
Siswa : Yang ini bu
· Repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines. For example:
Guru : Sekarang D
Siswa : D
Besides, modifications by native speakers occur at the level of linguistic and interaction. Wensche (1994) summarizes the modifications in terms of speech rate, phonology and prosody, vocabulary, and modifications in vocabulary. Moreover, Pica (1994) also summarizes modifications in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
· Modification in speech rate and intonation
During the observation, when the teacher talked to the students, she tends to be slower. It is done in order the students know what is being said. In addition, the teacher also tends to have a more careful articulation, in which she wants to express and say the word to the students clearly. Consider the following dialogue:
Guru : Habis huruf F ada huruf?
Siswa 1 : Hijaiyah
Siswa 2 : E
Siswa 3 : Hijaiyah
Guru : Huruf?
Siswa : Huruf…..
Guru : G
Siswa : G
The dialogue above shows how the teacher talks to her students asking the alphabet. On the first one, she asked the students a question. When asking so, she tends to speak slower and she slowed down the speech rate. Then, each student answered the question incorrect. Then she repeated the question. And, when repeating so, she tends to increase her intonation. Finally, the students were able to answer the question correctly.
Learners in a classroom addressed as a group were generally addressed more slowly than learners spoken to as individuals. With individuals, the teacher generally paused less and used longer words.
· Modification of Morphology and Syntax
During the observation, the writer found the teacher tends to use simple sentences with simple grammatical structures in their speech to the students by intuitive process of simplification. Consider the following dialogue:
Guru : Kenal semua?
Siswa 1 : Kenal
Siswa 2 : Kenal bu
Guru : D, D, bebek warna ku….
Siswa : Kuning
The modification of morphology and syntax ocuured in the dialogue above shows an attempt made by the teacher to make her utterances easier to her students to comprehend the message delivered to them.
· Modification of Vocabulary
Modifications made by teachers to TT may be reflected in the vocabulary they use. One way of measuring vocabulary is the calculation of token-type ratios which indicate the ratio between the total number of words measured and the occurrences of different words. For example, consider the following dialogue:
Guru : Sudah kenal semua yah?
Siswa : Sudah…..
Guru : Sudah tau hurufnya?
Siswa : Sudah
Guru : Sekarang ini hurufnya apa?
Siswa : G
The comprehensibility of vocabulary may be more determined by whether it is presented in an appropriate context and is relevant to the learner than its simplicity in terms of length or common use.
4.2 The Analysis of the Second Occasion
From the second occasion, the writer can gather some characteristics of teachers talk that might work as input in the classroom of Playgroup Bintang Ceria, as Wong-Fillmore (1985) suggests:
· The talk has clear separation of language (no alteration or mixing).
For example:
Guru : Ya, sekarang dengarakan. Ibu mau beri tugas, nanti
anak anak menulis huruf G
· The talk emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by presenting new information the information in the context of known information. For example:
Guru : B, kenal semua kan ini huruf B
Siswa 1 : Kenal bu
· The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the
activity by using simple structure, and avoiding complex
structures. For example:
Guru : Apa ini Ramzi?
Ramzi : G
Guru : Apa?
Siswa : G
Guru : G, Rio?
Rio : G
· Repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines. For
Guru : Apa ini Leo?
Siswa : G
Guru : Kemudian ini?
Siswa : G
Besides, modifications by native speakers occur at the level of linguistic and interaction. Wensche (1994) summarizes the modifications in terms of speech rate, phonology and prosody, vocabulary, and modifications in vocabulary. Moreover, Pica (1994) also summarizes modifications in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
· Modification in speech rate and intonation
During the observation, when the teacher talked to the students, she tends to be slower. It is done in order the students know what is being said. In addition, the teacher also tends to have a more careful articulation, in which she wants to express and say the word to the students clearly. Consider the following dialogue:
Guru : Teruskan, dikasih lehernya dikit tuh
Siswa : Bu guru, uda selesai.
Guru : Selesai?
Guru : Coba betulin yang tadi
Guru : Kayak apa itu?
Siswa : Gini bu guru?
Guru : Hmmm….
Guru : Bukan dibuletin, tapi dikasih leher bawahnya
The dialogue above shows how the teacher talks to her students to do something. On the first one, she gave the students an instruction. When she did it so, she tends to speak slower and she slowed down the speech rate. Then, each student did what she instructed.. Then she went to the second instruction. And, when repeating so, she tends to increase her intonation. Then, one of the student confirmed the answer to the teacher, and finally she increased her voice again to repeat the first instruction.
· Modification of Morphology and Syntax
During the observation, the writer found the teacher tends to use simple sentences with simple grammatical structures in their speech to the students by intuitive process of simplification. Consider the following dialogue:
Guru : Dicoba dulu
Siswa 1 : Ih, gak boleh nanya.
Guru : Ayok, tulis yah?
Guru : Gitu, ok, udah
Siswa 1 : Bu guru, gini?
Guru : Agak miring nih, dilurusin
Guru : Dah, hooopp. Yang bekerja tangannya
The modification of morphology and syntax ocuured in the dialogue above shows an attempt made by the teacher to make her utterances easier to her students to comprehend the message delivered to them.
· Modification of Vocabulary
Modifications made by teachers to TT may be reflected in the vocabulary they use. One way of measuring vocabulary is the calculation of token-type ratios which indicate the ratio between the total number of words measured and the occurrences of different words. For example, consider the following dialogue:
Guru : Mau pakai pensil apa nggak? Kalo gak mau pensil
yaudah, nulisnya gak usah pake pensil
Siswa 1 : Yang panjang
Guru : Sama saja
Siswa 2 : Ini panjang
Guru : Sama saja, nanti walaupun panjang tapi kalo gak ada
penggarisnya gimana?
The comprehensibility of vocabulary may be more determined by whether it is presented in an appropriate context and is relevant to the learner than its simplicity in terms of length or common use.
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