A Discussion of Baby Talk
SRN : 0713042019
Subject : Second Language Acquisition
Chapter I Introduction …………………………………… 2
1.1 Definition of Baby Talk ……………………… 2
1.2 How Do Children Acquire Language? ………... 3
Chapter II Content ………………………………………….. 5
2.1 Video 1 ……..…………………………………… 5
2.2 Video 2 ……..…………………………………… 7
2.3 Video 3 .................................................................. 8
Chapter III Discussion …………………………………… 11
3.1 Discussion on the Videos .................................... 11
3.2 Supporting Study …………………………….. 12
Chapter IV Conclusion …………………………………… 14
1.1. Definition of Baby Talk
Baby talk also referred to as caretaker speech, infant-directed speech (IDS) or child-directed speech (CDS) and informally as "motherese", "parentese", or "mommy talk", is a nonstandard form of speech used by adults in talking to toddlers and infants. It is usually delivered with a "cooing" pattern of intonation different from that of normal adult speech: high in pitch, with many glissando variations that are more pronounced than those of normal speech. Baby talk is also characterized by the shortening and simplifying of words. Baby talk is similar to what is used by people when talking to their pets (pet-directed speech), and between adults as a form of affection, intimacy, bullying or condescension. Possible purposes of baby talk are:
A. Use with infants
Baby talk is more effective than regular speech in getting an infant's attention. Studies have shown that infants actually prefer to listen to this type of speech. Some researchers, including Rima Shore (1997), believe that baby talk is an important part of the emotional bonding process between the parents and their child that help the infants learn the language. More than one language can also be learned because eventually, the child will be clever enough to differentiate the languages. It is easier to learn languages as an infant than as an adult. Other researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Wisconsin confirm that using basic “baby talk” helps babies pick up words faster than usual. Infants actually pay more attention when parents use infant-directed language, which has a slower and more repetitive tone than used in regular conversation.
Colwyn Trevarthen studied babies and their mothers. He observed the communication and subtle movements between the babies and mothers. He has links to music therapy with other theorists.
B. Use with non-infants
The use of baby talk is not limited to interactions between adults and infants, as it may be used among adults, or by adults to animals. In these instances, the outward style of the language may be that of baby talk, but is not considered actual parentese, as it serves a different linguistic function.
1.2. How Do Children Acquire Language?
Children acquire language quickly, easily, and without effort or formal teaching. It happens automatically, whether their parents try to teach them or not.
Although parents or other caretakers don't teach their children to speak, they do perform an important role by talking to their children. Children who are never spoken to, will not acquire language. And the language must be used for interaction with the child; for example, a child who regularly hears language on the TV or radio but nowhere else will not learn to talk.
Children acquire language through interaction - not only with their parents and other adults, but also with other children. All normal children who grow up in normal households, surrounded by conversation, will acquire the language that is being used around them. And it is just as easy for a child to acquire two or more languages at the same time, as long as they are regularly interacting with speakers of those languages.
The special way in which many adults speak to small children also helps them to acquire language. Studies show that the 'baby talk' that adults naturally use with infants and toddlers tends to always be just a bit ahead of the level of the child's own language development, as though pulling the child along. This 'baby talk' has simpler vocabulary and sentence structure than adult language, exaggerated intonation and sounds, and lots of repetition and questions. All of these features help the child to sort out the meanings, sounds, and sentence patterns of his or her language.
The next chapter will provide the example of baby talk recorded by the writer.
This chapter provides the examples of baby talk that the writer managed to record. The participants in these videos are the neighborhood of the child. They are:
1. Ayu : The child who is being baby- talked. A girl aged 3 years old and quite active one.
2. Ganda : A boy who lives in the neighborhood. He is a student who is currently enrolling at senior high school. He is a quite passive boy for his age
3. Yudha : Ganda’s younger brother. He is currently at junior high school. He is a very active person, and he loves child.
4. Ida : A woman in Ayu’s neighborhood. Ayu often visits her house to play with her.
There are three videos with duration approximately three minutes each. Some actions from the videos are not transcripted for being has nothing to do with baby talk (Ayu was juast running around withut saying a thing). A space between conversations refers to this situation.
Video 1
Yudha : Ini apa?? Hi…
Ayu : Ga mau. Nanti gigit.
Ida : Di gigit siapa?
Yudha : Digigit siapa yu?
Ayu : Ga mau.
Ida : Siapa yang masak ini yu? Siapa yang nggoreng?
Ayu : Ibu.
Ida : Ayu udah makan belum?
Ayu : Udah.
Ida : Sudah, ya.
Ganda : Pakai sayur apa makannya?
Ayu : Pake sayur minyak.
Ida : Enak?
Ayu : Enak.
Ida : Ga ngasih anyik?
Ayu : Enggak.
Ida : Pelit dong Ayu.
Ida : Mana adek ?
Ayu : (.....)
Ayu : Ni apa ?
Yuda : Bagus ya, yu ?
Ganda : Bagus ya kartunya, yu ?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : Hi...Awas momok.
Ayu : (lari)
Ida : Kok, lari, yu?
Ayu : Takut.
Ida : Sini, yu. Sama Anyik sini.
Ayu : Ga mau.
Ida : Ayu bisa nyanyi ga?
Yuda : Bisa ga, yu?
Ayu : (Tertawa)
Ida : Kok ketawa? Ga mau nyanyi Ayu?
Ayu : Ga.
Ayu : Ni, apa?
Yuda : Ini , kartu.
Ayu : Kartu apa?
Yuda : Kartu momok.
Ayu : (tertawa).
Yuda : Ketawa dia.
Ayu : (tertawa).
Yuda : Ayu mau maen kartu?
Ayu : Itu..(menunjuk ke arah mobil-mobilan)
Yuda : Oooh. Ayu mau maen mobil?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : Sini abang ajarin.
Yuda : Pencet yang ini.
Ayu : (........)
Yuda : Ya, pencet terus.
Ayu : (tertawa melihat mobil-mobilan berjalan).
Ayu : Ngeeeeeeng...
Yuda : Ayo kejer.
Ayu : (.......)
Ganda : Bantuin Yud. Mobilnya nyangkut.
Yuda : Nyangkut ya, yu? Nyangkut ya mobilnya?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : Awas. Mobil Ayu mau lewat.
Ayu : (........)
Yuda : Iya, numbur mobilnya, yu. Numbur.
Ayu : Ehh...
Ganda : Ambil Yud.
Ida : Ngebut ga mobilnya ?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : Neeehh. Kayamana itu, yu ? Mobilnya ga mau jalan.
Ayu : Iya.
(Ayu bermain mobil selama beberapa menit)
Ida : Panggil mobilnya, yu.
Ayu : Ngeeeng.
Ida : Ayu mau kemana naek mobil.
Ayu : Beli gorengan.
Ida : Oo...beli gorengan ya?
Ayu : Nih, mobilnya. Rusak.
Ida : Ooh.
Ayu : Jalan. Jalan.
Yuda : Ga bisa jalan mobilnya. Rusak mobilnya.
Ayu : Eeeh..
Yuda : Ini batunya. Batu mobilnya.
Ayu : Ini.
Ida : Ada berapa batunya, yu?
Ayu : Satu.
Yuda : Kok, Cuma satu?
Ayu : Dua.
Ida : Terus?
Ayu : (........)
Ida : Tiiiga.
Ayu : Tiga.
Ida : Eeeempat.
Ayu : (........)
Ida : Eeeempat.
Ayu : Empat.
Ayu : Jalan.
Yuda : Iya, jalan.
Ayu : (tertawa)
Yuda : Mana giginya yu?
Ayu : Aaa (mennjukkan giginya).
Yuda : (tertawa)
Ayu : (........).
Video 3
Ganda : Tumbur om ndut, yu.
Ayu : (........).
Ganda : Iya, tumbur aja , yu.
Ida : Ayo, jalanin mobilnya, yu.
Ayu : (........).
Ida : Apa warna mobilnya, yu?
Ayu : (........).
Ida : Waaarna. Apa warnanya, yu?
Ayu : Eeeh....(merengek)
Ida : enggak, ga pa pa. Nakal emang Om ganda ini.
Yuda : Pukul aja, yu.
Ida : Warnanya apa yu?
Ayu : enggak.
Ida : Warnanya, Puuutih.
Ayu : (........).
Yuda : Ga mau dia.
Ida : Oo. Warnanya merah, ya.
Ayu : (........).
Ida : Meeeerah.
Ayu : Meyah.
Ayu : Ni, apa ya?
Ida : Apa coba itu, hayo?
Ayu : Ga tau.
Ida : Itu laampu.
Ayu : Lampu?
Ida : Iya. Itu laampu. Warnanya apa lampunya?
Ayu : Meyah.
Ida : Meeerah.
Ayu : (........).
Ayu : Bukain.
Ida : Bukain mobil?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : Jangan, ga muat Ayu.
Ayu : Ga muat, ya?
Yuda : Ayu mau kemana naek mobil?
Ayu : (........).
Yuda : Ayu mau ikut ga? Kepasar beli gorengan?
Ayu : Naek apa?
Yuda : Naek mobil.
Ayu : Mobil mana?
Yuda : Itu.
Ayu : (tertawa).
Ida : Anyik mau ke pasar, ayu mesen apa?
Ayu : Pasar?
Ida : Iya. Pasar. Ayu mau mesen apa?
Ayu : (........).
Ayu : Waah.
Yuda : Kenapa, yu?
Ida : Kenapa?
Yuda : Angin puyuh di TV.
Ida : Takut ya Ayu? Sini, sama anyik.
Ganda : Tu, sama anyik tu.
Ida : Ayu udah bobo?
Ayu : Iya.
Ida : Lama?
Ayu : Iya. Pake itu.
Ida : Itu apa?
Ayu : (........).
Ida : Kipaas aangin.
Ayu : Iya.
Ida : Ayu uda mandi?
Ayu : Udah.
Ayu : Itu mati. (menunjuk ke TV).
Ida : Siapa yang mati?
Ayu : Mbah.
Yuda : Mbah Marijan.
Ida : Itu mbah ayu?
Ayu : Mbah.
Ganda : Mana mbah Ayu?
Ayu : Mana mbah Maijan?
Ida : Itu.
Ayu : Beli apa?
Ida : Ga tau beli apa.
Yuda : Beli kuku bima.
Ida : Beli apa mbah ?
Ayu : Beli kuku Ima.
Ida : Roso itu ya ?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : Ayu suka Kuku Bima ?
Ayu : Iya.
Yuda : (tertawa).
3.1 Discussion on the Videos
This chapter will discuss about the videos that has been Tran scripted, which was recorded by writer. From what we can see on the videos, it is true that when a person talks to a baby, they automatically use different kind of language variation, which is called by baby talk. It is universal. Meaning, every adult in the world will do the same to their own baby. But, the participants in these videos do not include the baby’s mother. Do they actually have different kind of baby talk?
In the videos, we can see that the adults modify their way of speaking when they are talking to the baby. All of the participants do. Compared to the way they speak to other adults, the way of their speaking towards the baby has some criteria:
1. It has shorter, more complete sentences.
2. Some words are pronounced in higher pitch, in order to make the baby able to repeat the same exact words.
3. The speaking rate is slower.
4. The articulation is precise.
5. Phonological features were simplified.
6. The use of self reference by the adult participants.
As noted above, baby talk often involves shortening and simplifying words, with the possible addition of slurred words and nonverbal utterances, and can invoke a vocabulary of its own. Some utterances are invented by parents within a particular family unit, or passed down from parent to parent over generations, while others are quite widely known.
In that video, two participants, namely Ganda and Yudha, were speaking to the baby using baby talk. But, compared to the other participant, Ida, their baby talk is slightly different. Their baby talk is more straight forward, often using words which are actually not good for baby to learn. They also used baby talk to tease the baby by using the word “momok”, which is the simplified word of “ghost” in term of phonological features. They seem did not bother themselves to filter which word to be spoken and which word not.
Ida, in the other hand, always used good words to the baby. She apparently realizes that what she says will influence the baby a lot. That’s why she carefully chooses her words. She also did some correction to the baby’s words. When the baby said a word with wrong pronunciation or not in complete form, she repeated the word in baby talk. This is done by her with the purpose to make the baby realizes that she is wrong. The repetition in high speech can also influence the baby to follow what the participant says. For example, when the baby said “meyah”, Ida corrected it by saying “Meeeraaah” in high pitch. Afterwards, the baby tried to pronounce it again, this time, in the correct pronunciation. Ida’s baby talk also tended to be calming the baby, while the other two participants often stirred the baby up.
The reason for those differences may lies in their age and also gender. It is commonly known that female is more caring than male. Ida is a woman, while Ganda and Yudha are boys. The other factor is the age of the participants. Ida is a grown up woman, while Ganda and Yudha are still in their puberty. Those factors will influence the way they speak, not only to the baby but also to other adults. Besides, Ida has had children (her kids are now already mature). She has known the best way to deal with kids.
3.2 Supporting Study
What makes me sure the way each person talks to baby is different is that there was a study conducted by Japanese researchers regarding this matter. The researchers used functional MRI to assess brain activity in 35 first-time parents whose infants hadn't started to speak (preverbal) and compared them to 30 men and women without any parenting experience.
The participants' brain activity was monitored while they listened to recorded baby talk, which triggers brain activation patterns similar to those that occur when someone speaks baby talk. The brain scans showed that mothers with preverbal infants had increased brain activity in areas of the brain that govern language. This heightened brain activity did not occur in any other group.
Among mothers with preverbal infants, those who were extroverts also had increased cortical activation in speech-related motor areas of the brain, the investigators found. The results show that there are clear distinctions in how people process and generate IDS. This is evidence that baby talk acts as a link for linguistic transfer from mother to infant and plays a crucial role in the early stages of infant language acquisition, the researchers concluded.
Based on the discussion, we can draw conclusion that baby talk is universally used by people in the world when they talk to babies. We also know for sure that each person has different kind of baby talk. There are several factors that influence a person’s baby talk. Age and Gender are some of them. A Study done by Japanese researcher also shows that a mother will have a “particular” period of awareness to baby talk when they have infants. This period will gradually disappear along with the growth of their babies. And last, we know that baby talk is extremely important for the baby in order to acquire their first language.
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