Senin, 10 Januari 2011

teacher talk(yuliana widiyanti0613042054)






Teacher talk is another variation of foreigner talk in an educational setting. Study of teacher talk reveals how native speaker teachers communicate with non native speaker students. Henzl was the first to gather empirical data on what she called Foreign Language Classroom Register ( 1937, p.207).

 Henzl compared features of text recorded by Czech native speaker for adult native speaker with those recorded  by the same native speaker for non native speaker university learners of Czech. The characteristics of the recordings were well formed utterances, showing systematic modification from the native speaker directed tapes in aspects of phonology, syntax, lexicon, and delivery “ in accordance with speakers judgment of what is easy, simple and clear for the listener to hear, perceive and comprehend”.

Furthermore, Wong Fillmore (1985) suggest that there are some characteristics of teacher talk that might work as input. The characteristics are :
  1. The talk has clear separation of languages (no alteration or mixing)
  2. The talk emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by
·         Use of demonstration, enactment to convey meaning
·         New information presented  in context of known information
·         Heavy message redundancy
  1. The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by :
    • Using simple structure, avoiding complex structures
    • Repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines
    • Using repetitiveness, using paraphrase for variation
  2. The talk use tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students
  3. The talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, playfulness  


Modification by native speakers occur at the level of linguistics and interaction. Chaudron (1988) has outlined the modifications made by the teachers in terms of : speech rate, phonology, intonation, articulation and stress, modifications of vocabulary, modification of syntax, and modification of discourse.

 Wensche (1944), summarizes the modifications in terms of speech rate, phonology and prosody, vocabulary, and modification in vocabulary.
Pica (1994) also summarizes the modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation ; modification in word choice  and frequency of use, modification of utterance length  and structural complexity , modification in organization and elaboration of information ; modifications in organization and elaboration of information ; modification n proportion of questions, statement and imperatives.

These types of modifications are elaborated below :

  1. Modifications in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation

Pica (1994) states that two features had been of special interest n research on rate of speech : reduced number of words per minute and increased length of pauses. Both areas were sensitive to learner proficiency. Exaggerated intonation, more careful intonation, reduction of vowel and consonant clusters, fewer contractions of verb phrase constituents often accompany the slower rate of speech. These action were found to aim at directing learner attention to important content words and aid in identifying major constituents.

  1. Modification of morphology and syntax

From the complexity of syntax, the following characteristics of modifications was identified :
    • There is a shorter average length of T-units in input directed to non native speaker student than is found in native speaker to native speaker interactions, but there is no significant difference in the number of S-nodes per T-unit
    • Modified interaction does not produce the syntactically simplified and modified input described in the earlier descriptive studies of input
    • There is a wide variety of sentence types but the sentences are not more complex, longer, and more repetitive input than non modified interaction

  1. Modifications in vocabulary

According to Chaudron (1988) the most common measure used to investigate vocabulary modifications is the ratio of number of different words to number of words produced. This is done by calculating the number of different words and dividing by the total number of words in a stretch of speech.

  1. Modification of discourse
Discourse level features of interactional modifications have been less studied than sentence phenomena because procedures and measures for classifying and quantifying them have not been widely agreed. Therefore, modifications at this level is also called interactional modifications. Hatch (1978has proposed a taxonomy of interactional moves. The taxonomy includes comprehension check , clarification request, exact other repetitions, exact self-repetitions, restatement, expansion and topic switch.


A.      Video record

Teacher         : ayo, siapa yang mau disayang bu guru?
Students        :(mengacungkan tangan) saya bu…saya    bu…
Teacher         : kalau mau disayang bu guru harus duduk yang man….?
Students         : manis
Teacher         : Harus jadi anak yang ba….?
Students         : baik
Teacher          : kalau begitu semua harus duduk di bangkunya masing-masing
Students         : (bergegas duduk)
Teacher          : sekarang tangan di atas meja…(nyanyi lagu nina bobo)

Students        : (seolah-olah tidur)
Teacher         : (nyanyi lagu bangun tidur)
Students        : (seolah-olah baru bangun tidur)
Teacher         : selamat pagi anak-anak ibu yang pinter ?
Students        : selamat pagi bu guru
Teacher         : anak-anak ibu sudah mandi semua belum?

Students       : sudah
Teacher        : sudah gosok gigi belum?
Students       : sudah
Teacher        : pintar. Gigi harus digosok setiap hari supaya giginya se……?
Students       : sehat
Teacher        : kalau sehat nanti bisa jadi ank yang pintar…hayo siapa yang mau jadi ank pintar?
Students        : saya…saya….
Teacher         : anak-anak ibu yang pinter ini sudah sarapan semua belum ?
Students        : sudah bu…belum bu….
Teacher         :  yang sudah sarapan berarti pintar…sayang sama bu guru…trus yang gak sarapan kenapa? Coba bilang am ibu kok ada yang gak sarapan ? coba riko sarapan gak ?
Students        : gak bu.
Teacher        : kenapa sayang?kan ibu guru udah bilang kalau sebelum berangkat ke sekolah harus sa…?
Students        : sarapan
Teacher         : hayo riko kenapa gak sarapan?
Students        : ibu masak kangkung. Riko gak suka
Teacher         : kangkung itu bagus sayang. Bisa buat riko sehat. Sayuran hijau banyak vitaminnya. Nanti ibu guru mau liat bekalnya. Kalau ada yang bawa sayuran hijau trus dimakan sampai habis nanti ibu kasih hadiah. Mau?
Students        : mau..mau…

Teacher         : sudah. Sekarang ibu mau denger anak-anak ibu ini menyanyikan lagu one and one. Ayo man suaranya?
Students        : (nyanyi lagu one and one)
Teacher            : pintar smua anak-anak ibu guru. Ivan..ivan..hayo gak boleh lompat-lompat di atas meja. Kalau ivan nakal nanti ibu guru gak sayang..hayo siapa yang sayang sama ibu guru?
Students        : saya….saya…
Teacher         : siapa yang mau disayang ama ibu guru…?
Students        : saya…saya…
Teacher        : kalau mau disayang harus jadi anak yang ba…?
Students        : baik
Teacher         : kalau anak yang baik pasti tadi malam belajar. Hayo tadi malam siapa yang belajar?
Students        : saya..saya bu…
Teacher         : siapa yang semalam tidak belajar?
Students        : ivan bu…ivan
Teacher         : gak boleh menuduh temn seperti itu. Ivan pasti selmalam belajar. Ivan kan sayang sama bu guru. Kita tidak boleh menuduh teman ya..! karena anak ibu pinta-pin…?
Students        : pintar
Teacher         : Ibu guru mau tahu semalam belajar apa?
Students        : berhitung….
Teacher         : pintar..apalagi?
Students        : bernyanyi
Teacher         : bernyanyi? Trus apalagi?
Students        : mewarnai

Teacher         : ada yang mewarnai. Trus belajar apalagi
Students        : berhitung….
Teacher         : kan tadi sudah berhitung
Students        : (tertawa)
Teacher         : kalau sudah belajar berhitung ibu mau nanya.. kalau 7 itu bahas inggrisny apa hayo siapa yang tahu tunjuk tangannya?
Students        : saya tahu…
Teacher         : pintar. Kalu 6 apa?
Students        : six..six..six..
Teacher         : kalau 9 apa hayo?
Students        : nine…nine…bu..nine
Teacher         : hebat-hebat ni anak-anak ibu guru. Berarti semalam sudah belajar semua. Kau gitu ibu mau Tanya lagi. Kalo 2 ditambah 7 berapa hayo?
Students           : (ada yang menangis) bu guru…bu guru…bu ivan nakal bu.
Teacher         : lho kenapa di kok nangis?
Students        : ivan nakal bu.
Teacher         : ivan nakal ? adi diapain?
Students        : ditendang-tendang bu
Teacher         : ivan gak boleh kayak gitu sama teman harus sayang. Kalau gak syang sama teman nanti ivan gak punya kawan. Nanti gak ada yang mau kawanan sama ivan lagi..ivan sayang gak ama bu guru?
Students        : sayang bu

Teacher         : ivan mau disayang gak sama ibu guru?
Students        : mau
Teacher         : kalau mau gak boleh nakal dan harus sayang kawan ya      
Students        : ya
Teacher        : Kalu gitu ivan ama adi harus salaman. Kawanan lagi ya..hayo ivan maafan am adi!
Students       : maaf ya di
Teacher        : hayo adi bilang apa?
Students       : ya
Teacher        : sudah maafan adi sudah nangisnya…sudah ya sayang..anak ibu guru gak boleh cengeng..yuk kita belajar lagi yuk..
Students        : nakal ivan..huu..nakal     
Teacher        : sudah…hayo gak boleh ada nakal-nakalan lagi ya..nanti ibu gak sayang kalo nakal..kalau mau disayang gak boleh na?
Students        : nakal hayo 2 di tambah 7 berapa?
Teacher         : di tambah 7 berapa?
Students        : delapan bu..delapan bu
Teacher         : pintar…kalau 4 di tambah 5 berapa?
Students        : sembilan..sembilan..sembilan bu
Teacher         : itu kenapa lagi?..kenapa adi nangis lagi? Lho kok arif juga nangis?
Students        : dinakalin ivan bu…
Teacher         : kan tadi ivan sudah janji sama ibu guru kalau ivan gak mau nakal lagi..gak boleh gitu ya sayang sama kawan gak boleh nakal.


Teacher talk is kind of talk produced by teachers in speaking with their students.  Based on my observation, I have seen that the teacher can make well interaction with the students. We can see that from the sentences that the teacher use in the communication. They are communicate in simple way with the simple structure that can understand by the students. The teacher just use the word or the language that can be catch by the student. She also use low intonation to make the student comfort and does not afraid with the teacher because if the student’s fell is under present, they are not able to learn. 

The teacher should keep the student’s feeling to make the teaching learning process run well. So the teacher use low intonation but still can be heard by the students. The speech rate is also normal because they are use the first language. The teacher tends to use simple sentences with simple grammatical structure in their speech. The teacher also use the modification of morphology and syntax because that is show an attempt to make their utterances easier for their student to comprehend the message delivered to them. However, whether those modifications provide more comprehension or not, has not been mentioned.

The teacher also use modifications in vocabulary. The teacher try to make it their sentence or their direction in shorter. They try to make the student understand their direction without make very complex word. The teacher use restatement and comprehension check that to see if the students has understood. The talk has richness of language use and playfulness. The grammatical that use is appropriate to the activity. The repetitions the use of some sentence patterns or routines. The modifications in proportions of question is important point in teaching learning process.

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