Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Negotiation of Meaning - Delia Elmanisya

Negotiation of Meaning
(Second Language Acquisition)

Delia Elmanisya
NPM: 0713042018



Negotiation is one of the most common approaches used to make decisions and manage disputes. It is also the major building block for many other alternative dispute resolution procedures.
Negotiation occurs between spouses, parents and children, managers and staff, employers and employees, professionals and clients, within and between organizations and between agencies and the public. Negotiation is a problem-solving process in which two or more people voluntarily discuss their differences and attempt to reach a joint decision on their common concerns. Negotiation requires participants to identify issues about which they differ, educate each other about their needs and interests, generate possible settlement options and bargain over the terms of the final agreement. Successful negotiations generally result in some kind of exchange or promise being made by the negotiators to each other. The exchange may be tangible (such as money, a commitment of time or a particular behavior) or intangible (such as an agreement to change an attitude or expectation, or make an apology).
Negotiation is the principal way that people redefine an old relationship that is not working to their satisfaction or establish a new relationship where none existed before. Because negotiation is such a common problem-solving process, it is in everyone's interest to become familiar with negotiating dynamics and skills. This section is designed to introduce basic concepts of negotiation and to present procedures and strategies that generally produce more efficient and productive problem solving.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that negotiation of meaning is a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors. In this case, when native speakers (Ns) and non native speakers (NNs) are involved in an interaction, both interact ants work together to solve any potential misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs, by checking each others’ comprehension, requesting clarification and confirmation and by repairing and adjusting speech (Pica, 1988).
There have been many proposals of negotiation of meaning advocated by experts. Yet, this analysis tries to depart from a definition suggested by Pica et al (1989). They defined that negotiation of meaning basically consists of four interrelated moves. They are trigger, signal, response and follow-up moves.

The first to go, trigger, is viewed as any utterances followed by the addressee’s signal of total/partial lack of understanding. Then, signal is that of total or partial lack of understanding. There are some types of signal: (1) explicit statement or request for clarification, (2) request for confirmation through repetition on the addresser, (3) request for confirmation through modification of the addresser, and (4) request for confirmation through completion or elaboration of the addresser. The next is response, consisting of: (1) switch to a new topic, (2) suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to addressee signal, (3) repetition of the addressee’s modification of trigger, (4) self modification of trigger, (5) repetition of the addresser’s trigger, (6) confirmation or acknowledgement of signal only, and (7) indication of difficulty or inability to respond. The last is follow-up moves that consist of: (1) comprehension signal, and (2) continuation move. All of the analysis below will much rely on the concept above.

From T. Pica (1987). “Second-language acquisition, social interaction, and the classroom.”
Applied Linguistics, 8, 3-21.
Signals of comprehension difficulty
          Confirmation checks: Moves by which one speaker seeks confirmation of the other’s
preceding utterance through repetition, with rising intonation, of what was perceived to
be all or part of the preceding utterance.
• Clarification requests: Moves by which one speaker seeks assistance in understanding
the other speaker’s preceding utterance through questions, ... statements such as “I don’t understand,” or imperatives such as “Please repeat.”
• Comprehension checks: Moves by which one speaker attempts to determine whether the other speaker has understood a preceding message.

First Transcript (girl-girl)
Tika     : Api guwai mu ngah? (TU)
Putri    :Lagi mejong-mejong gawoh. (TU)
Tika     : ohhhh,, kukira lagi mikirko si dedi.. haha (T)
Putri    : Mikirko sapa? Edi? (S)
Tika     : Dedi! (R)
Putri    : Ohhhh, Dedi? Mawat uiii.. Niku ji..  Jak ipa ka? (TU)
Tika     : hmmmmm,, jak lamban gawoh. (T)
Putri    : Api? Jak Jamban? (S)
Tika     : Lamban ngah.. ngapi kik niku? Bang jadi tilu.. (R)
Putri    : Mawat, haaha.. Mak kuliah niku? (TU)
Tika     : Mawat, lagi ujian tanno. Kidang khani nji mak ngedok. Kapan niku wisuda ngah? Niku sinji.. Pacaran tekhus sih,, mak lulus-lulus jadi.. (TU)
Putri    : Lagi menikmati kuliah.. hahaha.. Ini ka, petis.. (TU)

(Silent, eating)

Tika     : Ngah, dipa Endang khik wo nia? (T)
Putri    : Ha? (S)
Tika     : Endang..(R)
Putri    : Endang kuliah, (TU)
Tika     : Wo nia? (S)
Putri    : Kerja.. (TU)
Tika     : Masih Endang jama Yusra? (TU)
Putri    : Masiiiiihhhhhh.. Lengket terus.. hahaha (TU)
Tika     : Hahaha,, niku sinji.. Khatong terus ngah? (T)
Putri    : Apa? (S)
Tika     : Khatong tekhus mawat? (R)
Putri    : Iya, tiap khani dateng. On time, biasa, menantu kesayangan.. (TU)
Tika     : Wo Nia khik Fery? (TU)
Putri    : Putus. (TU)
Tika     : Ha?? Putus?! Kapan??? (S)
Putri    : Mak pandai kudo niku? (S)
Tika     : Mawat, kan nyakku mak khatong2 mik dija khadu saka. (T)
Putri    : Apa? (S)
Tika     : Khadu saka mak mik dija. (R)
Putri    : Ohhh.. (TU)
Tika     : Terus kapan? (T/TU)
Putri    : Kapan api? (S)
Tika     : Wo Nia putus? (R)
Putri    : Khadu seminggulah tiyan putus, miwang-miwang si Nia.. (TU)
Tika     : haha..  Miwang?? (S)
Putri    : Naiya, miwang terus.. (R)
Tika     : Ngapi putus? (TU)
Putri    : Induh do, Nia mak cerita, angkah cutik ia cerita. (TU)
Tika     : Ngapi? (S)
Putri    : Ani, Fery jelmani kasar, ia mak gekhing. (TU)
Tika     : Nangun khadu keliyaan, kidang wo Nia masih gawoh haga jama ia. (TU)
Putri    : Ho oh, khadu dicawako nga jama Nia, kidang induh. Injuk mak pandai Nia gawoh niku nji. (TU)
Tika     : Terus tanno masih miwang-miwangan si wo nia. (TU)
Putri    : Masih, tapi khadu terobati cutik. Ada gebetan baru.. (TU)
Tika     : Gebetan baru?? (S)
Putri    : He eh, khik ku dulu, Kak Lando (T)
Tika     : Sapa ngah? Kalando? (S)
Putri    : Kak Lando, jelma Padang, kakak kelasku tumbay.. (R)
Tika     : oohhhh.. Wo Nia khadu uwat, Endang sekhbok lagi khadu haga ngajong…. Hhahaha (T/TU)
Putri    : Ngapi ka? (S)
Tika     : Wo Nia uwat gebetan, Endang sekhbok lagi ngajong.. (R/T)
Putri    : Mejong? (S)
Tika     : Ngajong. (R)
Putri    : Oohhh,, halok.. haha.. (TU)

Second Transcript (boy-girl)

Santi    : Jak ipa bang, bang ampai mulang? (TU)
Abang : Biasaaaa,, gelakh ni bakas.. (T)
Santi    : Ngapi kik bakas?? (S)
Abang  : Yaa,, midokh-midokh mak tantu..  (R)
Santi    : ohhhh,,  (TU)
Abang : Gulai api ti?? (TU)
Santi    : Ehmmmm,, ehmmm,, gulai iwa titaboh. (TU)
Abang : Taboh tekhus,, pantas tensi darahku cakak tekhus,, mani tiap khani gulaini taboh.
            Kik mak taboh iwa, taboh bung, taboh tangkil, tabooohhh unyiiinnn… (T)
Santi    : Api bang? (S)
Abang  : Mak baik untuk kesehatan ti.. Taboh kan mak baik untuk kesehatan, lamon dampakni. Injuk darah tinggi, jantung, kolesterol. (R)
Santi    : Ohh. (TU)
Abang  : Api lagi mak khik bak, kan khadu metuha. (T)

Santi    : Api? Uwat metuha? (S)
Abang  : Khadu metuha! (R)
Santi    : Ohh,, Namanya juga orang lampung bang, mak jawoh jak taboh..  (TU)
Abang  : naiya, kidang cawako jama mak, dang sekhing ga.. (TU)
Santi    : Hmmmm,, bang jeno khik ku cekhita, si Yeyen, ani ia, tokek udi mahal. (TU)
Abang  : Tokek??? (S)
Santi    : Tokek, si injuk cicak, kidang balak lagi.. (R)
Abang  : Ohhh,, si bunyini “tekek- tokek” , kheno yu? (S)
Santi    : Naiya.. (R)
Abang  : Ohh,, kik seno khadu dengi nyakku, kidang mak pernah ngeliyak langsung. (TU)
Santi    : Tetangga ni, uwat si melihara tokek, mahal nihan ani, uwat si nawar empat puluh juta! (T)
Abang  : Apa? Ani si jualan? (S)
Santi    : Lain, ani Yeyen.. (R)
Abang  : Ani adikni Yeyen.. (S)
Santi    : Maksudnya, kata Yeyen.. (R)
Abang  :Ohhh.. (TU)
Iya tah? Gila! Haga nyakku kik njuk kheno.
Santi    : he eh, iya pernah dengi di radio, uwat si sampai empat belas milyar! (T)
Abang  : Koq bisa? Eh, dacok! (S)
Santi    : Ani tiyan, tokek udi dacok nyembuh ko AIDS khik kanker. (T)
Abang  : Iyalah, kik pak belas milyar mak kanker-kanker luwot. Makmur terus, dacok kebeli lamban! (S)
Santi    : Lain kanker seno bang, penyakik!! (R)
Abang  : Ohh,, haha (TU)
Santi    : Iya pernah dengi di radio, uwat bakas yang ngebeli tokek seharga tiga ratus lima puluh juta, mani haga nyembuh ko anak ni si ngidap kanker kulit. (TU)
Abang : Tokek ni tikhepa ko? Tikanik? (T)
Santi    : Api bang? (S)
Abang  : Tokekni ti khepako? (R)
Santi    : Empedu ni bang si tikanik. (TU)
Abang : Matah api tigulai? (TU)
Santi    : Mak pandai nyakku, kidang ani ulun nangun harga ni mahal nihan mani dipercaya dacok nyembuhko kanker khik AIDS seno. (TU)
Abang  : Naiya kudo? Haga nyakku nyepok tokek gawoh, ikin kerja luwot. (TU)
Santi    : Mak pandai aku, gelakhni angkah dengi-dengi jak ulun. Kidang payah nihan nyepok tokek seno bang. (T)
Abang : Api bang payah? (S)
Santi    : Mani angkah keluar debingi, khik hukhik ni debah-debah batu ani tiyan. (TU)
Abang  : Naiya kudo? Udi, di lamban pahmung lamon. (S)
Santi    : Paling angkah sai-sai bang, mak lamon. Mak pandai ah nyakku, Yeyen si cekhita. (TU)

Third Transcript (boy-boy)

Adit      : Di gambakh sinji uwat khua jelma lagi mancing iwa.. ehmmm,, di bah .. di bah.. (T)
Idho     : Di bah batang.. (S)
Adit      : Oia, di bah batang! (TU)
Idho     : Tekhus, wat sanak-sanak lunik, bebay lagi main-main. Main petak umpet? (T)
Adit      : Api? Petak Umpet? (S)
Idho     : Oh, iya.. Sesegokkan maksudku.. (TU)
Gambakh sinji injukni di desa, mani uwat pematang, kolam iwa, khik sanak-sanak lagi main petak umpet. (T)
Adit      : Sesegokan uy.. Bang lupa niku.. (S)
Idho     : Oia, main sesegokan. (R)
Sanak sai mancing makai kawai suluh khik ujau. Makai celana buntak khua-khuani.
            Khadu dacok telu iwa, iwa mas halok. Haha.. (TU)
            Tekhus, iwani tigulai, gulai iwa ikan mas! (T)
Adit      : Gulai iwa ikan mas? (S)
Idho     : Naiya, tigulai, maksudku gulai iwa mas! (R)
Adit      : ohhhhhh.. (TU)         
Adit      : Hmmmm.. Sawahni warna ujau.. (T/TU)
Idho     : Yaiyalah.. Masa suluh!! Haha (S)
Adit      : Laiinnn dho, kan sawah uwat si warna kuning, mani haga panen.. (R)
            Nah, si sinji ampai nanom, mangkani warna ujau..
Idho     : Iyuuu.. (TU)
Adit      : Sanak-sanak si main sesegokan wat 5 jelma. Si bebay buwok buntak, jaga..
            Si lainni segok khik uwat si tegakh. (TU)
Idho     : Hmmm..
Adit      : Geluk, nyakku haga midokh..
Idho     : Sabar!
            Api ya???
            Hmmmm.. Sanak si main uwat 5. (T)
Adit      : Khadu seno dho..(S)
Idho     : Oh,, khadu ya? (S)
Idho     : Iyu,, sanak-sanak seno telu bebay khik khua bakas.
Tiyan makai kawai warna…..
suluh, ujau, kuning, cokelat, khik halom. Bebay-bebayni makai rok, bakas ni makaaaaaiiiiiiii celana buntak. (TU)
            Suasanani di desa!  Khadu!
Adit      : Oia, sayang nihan gambakh sinji mak ngedok way balak yu.. (T/TU)
Idho     : Way balak injuk khepa? (S)
Adit      : Injuk ulok mekhcek, di Pahmung. (TU)
Idho     : Oia, ingok nyakku! Khadu tumbay nihan nyakku mak mandi di disan.
            Buka nimbi mak mandi nihan di disan. (TU)
Adit      : Naiya, mani kita mak minok di Pahmung. (TU)
Idho     : Ingok mawat niku Dit, si ngah Ira sampai haga miwang mani wat pacet di cukutni? (TU)
Adit      : Ingok!! Haha
            Si awan Si angkah lalang-lalang gawoh kan? (TU)
Idho     : He-eh, angkah lalang-lang gawoh, tekhus Ia mak haga mandi-mandi di Ulok Mekhcek lagi.. Hahaha (TU)

Note    :          
Trigger (T)       : Sound that can make misunderstanding
Signals (S)        : Confirmation Check, Clarification Request
Response (R)    : Self Repetition
Follow up (TU) : Statement showed understanding

The Analysis of conversations
From the conversation above, we can conclude that the many mistakes made by both the speaker.
This happens because they have different linguistic backgrounds. On the other hand, one of the speakers is not really understand some of the words or meaning of that discussed by other speakers. We can find this situation in a conversation if there is one who is an expert in language/Native speaker (NS), and on the other pair of the speaker is not very fluent in using the language/ non native speaker (NNS). Even so, they try to overcome the mistakes made by using the negotiation of meaning (Trigger, signals, responses and follow up) to overcome the mistakes made by both speakers for the intended meaning can be conveyed properly.
Students in the conversation I, are in the different level of proficiency in English. When Tika is good enough in Lampung language, Putri is not too much to master the Lampung language.  They talk about her sister’s boyfriends. Although one of them do not master the Lampung language, but the error is not too much done. We can see from the number of negotiation of meaning that we have analyzed; Triggers (7), Signals (8), Responses (8), and Follow up (25). By doing much ‘follow up”, it means that she already enough understood what the other speaker said to her.
In second conversation between boy and girl, we can see that both of them are worse in mastering Lampung language than first conversation. Even they already fluent in that conversation, which talk about ‘the benefit of tokek’, but many mistakes that they made. We can see from this number of negotiation of meaning; Triggers (8), Signals ( 11), Responses (9), and Follow up (18). Actually, they both have quite mastered the Lampung language, but still a lot of words are not understood and make the wrong perception by the other.
Meanwhile, on the third conversation, we can see that both the speaker has already mastered the Lampung language well, although there is an error in interpretation made by other. For example when Idho said “iwani tigulai, gulai iwa ikan mas”, it makes the wrong perception in Adit’s mind, because “iwa” in Indonesia language is “ikan”, and Idho mention it too. So, Adit has to make sure that what he have heard is correct. This is the data that we can find from this conversation; Triggers (7), Signals (8), Responses (3), and Follow up (16).

We can conclude that negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchange conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors according to Yufrizal (2007; p.80). On the other hand, Pica, (1988) states, when native speakers (NSs) and non native speakers (NNSs) are involved in an interaction, both interactants work together to solve any potential misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs, by checking each others’ comprehension, requesting clarification and confirmation and by repairing and adjusting speech. There are such a classification who made by the researcher, and one of them is made by Pica. In short, the writer use one of Pica’s negotiation of meaning to analyze the conversation;  Trigger (T); Sound that can make misunderstanding, Signals (S); Confirmation Check, Clarification Request, Response (R); Self Repetition, Follow up (TU) ; Statement showed understanding.
From all the discussion about the negotiation of meaning which have been discovered by researchers, include Pica and Yufrizal, it aims to overcome the misunderstanding words or statement which happen between NNS and NS.
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