Jumat, 31 Desember 2010



By: Lilis Fauziyah
SRN: 0713042032



This paper is constructed to fulfill a requirement of Second Language Acquisition subject. It contained an analyses of some talks which then, is directed to an exploration toward the negotiation of meaning occurred in the language used in the talks.

There are three talks to be analyzed, with two persons taking role as the addresser and the addressee respectively. Each of the talk has about three minute’s duration. All of them use the same language that is Javanese. The first is a male-to-female talk. Meanwhile the second is a male-to-male talk. And the last is a female-to-female talk.

Due to lack of experience and knowledge possessed by the writer, it is obvious that this analysis is still far from perfection. Thus, the writer is pleased looking for any suggestion and criticism from the readers.


As advocated by Wagner (1996), the interest in the study of interactions within the last two decades is partly due to consideration of the role of communication for second/foreign language acquisition. The communication itself undoubtedly involves at least, if not one, two subjects, taking roles as the addresser and the addressee respectively. Each of them are trying to settle their knowledge and understanding of what is being talked.

However, in the process, there frequently occurs a misunderstanding or even non understanding by one of the speaker of his interlocutor’s utterances. Here, the function of negotiation of meaning plays its role in assisting an achievement of mutual understanding between the speakers.

Regarding the thoughtful view above, there subsequently emerges a reasonable question: “What is meant by negotiation of meaning?” Responding to this, there has been an attempt defining that negotiation of meaning is a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors. In this case, when native speakers (Ns) and non native speakers (NNs) are involved in an interaction, both interactants work together to solve any potential misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs, by checking each others’ comprehension, requesting clarification and confirmation and by repairing and adjusting speech (Pica, 1988).
There have been many proposals of negotiation of meaning advocated by experts. Yet, this analysis tries to depart from a definition suggested by Pica et al (1989). They defined that negotiation of meaning basically consists of four interrelated moves. They are trigger, signal, response and follow-up moves.

The first to go, trigger, is viewed as any utterances followed by the addressee’s signal of total/partial lack of understanding. Then, signal is that of total or partial lack of understanding. There are some types of signal: (1) explicit statement or request for clarification, (2) request for confirmation through repetition on the addresser, (3) request for confirmation through modification of the addresser, and (4) request for confirmation through completion or elaboration of the addresser. The next is response, consisting of: (1) switch to a new topic, (2) suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to addressee signal, (3) repetition of the addressee’s modification of trigger, (4) self modification of trigger, (5) repetition of the addresser’s trigger, (6) confirmation or acknowledgement of signal only, and (7) indication of difficulty or inability to respond. The last is follow-up moves that consist of: (1) comprehension signal, and (2) continuation move. All of the analysis below will much rely on the concept above.

a. The transcription of male-to-female talk
Delia : Yon, Yon..
Dion : Yoo..
Delia : Omahmu ki neng endi?
Dion : Arep ngopo emange?
Delia : Yoo.. Pengen reti wae.
Dion : Ooo.. neng iki ee, neng Batang Hari.
Delia : Batang Hari ki neng arah..
Dion : Telong poloh wolu (38).
Delia : Telong poloh wolu (38)?
Dion : Hooh..
Delia : Ooo.. Seng nompak mobil warna abang yo?
Dion : Hooh..
Delia : Ooo..
Dion : Seng anu, arah stadion kae lo..
Delia : Lo.. Stadion kan lurus?
Dion : Iyo.. kan kae belok..
Delia : Hooh.. Belok.. Belok.. Belok..
Dion : Kiri..
Delia : Kiri.. ngiwo yo?
Dion : Kiri wae lah, timbangane ngiwo, kowe angel.
Delia : Ooo.. belok kiri. Eee.. terus karo pasar.. pasar iku?
Dion : Ngko ngko ndisek.. Ki teko ndi ki?
Delia : Seng omahe Denik..
Dion : Nggak. Iki teko ndi? Mlaku neng omahku ki teko.. teko metro po..
Delia : Teko Metro lah.
Dion : Halte?
Delia : Halte ki ngendi?
Dion : Yo hal.. haaahh, halte meneh.. terminal.. terminal..
Delia : Ooo.. Yo, yo, yo. Seko terminal ki ngendi? Nompak mobil abang to?
Dion : Hooh.. Teko nganu.. numpake teko.. opo kae.. Rumah Sakit Umum..
Delia : Ooo.. Rumah Sakit Umum. Hooh.. hooh. Terus?
Dion : Terus.. kan teruuuuss.. nyampe pertigaan kae..
Delia : Hooh.. seng enek bunderane?
Dion : Hooh, pertigaan.. pat likur kae
Delia : Pat lik.. oo.. yo yo.. heeh.. heeh..
Dion : Hooh, pat likur.. belok kiri, teruus..
Delia : heeh. Nah.. terus nek tekan pasar?
Dion : Pasar.. pasar templek kae to?
Delia : Hooh..
Dion : Teruuuss..
Delia : jek terus?Adoh men lo..
Dion : hooh.. hohohoho….. Emang adoh.
Delia : Adoh men lo.. Sak pirang jam neng omahmu ki?
Dion : Nek nompak angkot yo sekitar telong poloh menitan.
Delia : Hoooh, adohe adohe..
Dion : hehehehehehe.. Sepuluh kilo lo..
Delia : Karo omahe Fitri terus?
Dion : Fitri sopo?
Delia : Fitri temen SMP..
Dion : Oo, Fitria Melina?
Delia : Seng..
Dion : Oo, seng..
Delia : Oo.. lali aku.
Dion : Hooh, seng Supermi ae to?
Delia : Seng duwur.
Dion : Hooh, hooh.. Terus, kae kan jek telong poloh wolu.
Delia : Oo, terus. Aku ora reti meneh seblah kono-kono ki.
Dion : Terus wae, melok dalan utama wae.
Delia : Omahmu pinggir jalan?
Dion : Hooh. Ngko ketemu pasar meneh, bar pasar kui pasar meneh.
Delia : Ooo, pasar opo iku?
Dion : Kui pasar patang poloh nem.
Delia : Oo. Omahmu sebelah kiri po sebelah kanan?
Dion : Kanan no, nyebrang ledeng
Delia : Oo.. nyebrang neng ledeng. Koe aduse neng ledeng no?
Dion : Yo orak no..
Delia : Halah, nagku wae, koe. Hahaha..
Dion : Hahahaha.. Orak, uduk wong Batang Hari Ogan ki.
Delia : Ooo.. Nek nompak angkot bayare piro?
Dion : Nek cah sekolah sewu mangatus..
Delia : Ooo, nek umum?
Dion : Nek umum rongewu mangatus nyampe telungewu.
Delia : rongewu mangatus.. Koke bedo-bedo ngono to?
Dion : Yo iyo no! Yo kan tarife bedo nggo anak sekolah kambek umum.
Delia : Ooo, ngono.
Dion : Hooh.
Delia : Yo wes nek ngono. Aku arep neng omahmu kapan-kapan. Arep njalok mangan.
Dion : Hahaha.. Ora oleh! Ora oleh!
Delia : Hahaha..
Dion : Ora oleh..
Delia : Yo wes yo, Good Bye!

b. The transcription of male-to-male talk
Dion : Takon opo? Arep takon opo? SPMB? Opo arep Ninja Game Saga? Hahaha..
Joko : Iku, opo?
Dion : Opo, opo?
Joko : Ndaftar pengawas ujian iku harus piye to?
Dion : Oo, TPI to?
Joko : Nah..Hooh.
Dion : Ooo.. kowe neng dosen bersangkutan.
Joko : Dosen bersangkutan?
Dion : Hooh. Dosen penanggung jawab, koordinator.
Joko : Siapa di sini?
Dion : Yo nek neng kene yo pak.. pak sopo? Pak Cucu.
Joko : Pak Cucu? Walah, ndak usah to pak Cucu to..
Dion : Ha? Pak Cucu..
Joko : Gak usah.
Dion : Pak Cucu kambek Pak Imam.
Joko : Pak Imam.. Enakan yang mana ini?
Dion : Yo.. Yo terserah lek koe arep neng daerah ndi. Nek Pak Imam neng Lampung..
Joko : Seng pasti dapet yang gede. Yang mana-mana? Yang pasti dapet.
Dion : Yo, yo.. Dosen kesayangan, Cucu Sutarsyah. Hehehehehe..
Joko : La kuwe, kemaren entok piro?
Dion : Aku yo entok nganu, Pak Cucu kui, Pesawaran. Hooh, Pesawaran.
Joko : Piro iku?
Dion : Opone? Duite?
Joko : Hooh.
Dion : pitung atus, pitung atus..
Joko : Pitung atus? Per hari po po?
Dion : Heh?
Joko : Per hari ku pitung atus?
Dion : Ora, Yo nyampek rampong, pitung atus sewu.
Joko : Pitung atus..?
Dion : Hooh..
Joko : Kowe.. dapet di mana, dapet di mana?
Dion : Neng Pesawaran. Aku entok neng Tegineneng, Tegineneng kan Pesawaran juga.
Joko : Tegineneng Pesawaran?
Dion : Pesawaran. Hehehehe..
Joko : Aku baru tahu ya..
Dion : Hehehehe..
Joko : Terus.. syarate opo wae? Syarate po wae?
Dion : Syarate yo ndafter wae kok, nggak perlu syarat aneh-aneh
Joko : Lah, kok? cuma dateng, ngadep, nama..
Dion : Uwes.
Joko : Uwes?
Dion : Hooh, ooo, karo kambek nomer.. nomer hap.. nomer HP. Ngko nganu, di sms.
Joko : Ooo..
Dion : Di sms kambek Pak Cucu.
Joko : Formulir-formulir iku?
Dion : Nggak perlu
Joko : ndak ada?
Dion : Oo, kuwi ngko. Nek uwes di sms kui. Kan awake dewe ndaftar ndisek. Ndaftar kui ngko, nek misale di sms kon rapat ngono kui, nah kui.. Berart agek di trimo. Nek ora di sms yo orak.
Joko : Waih..
Dion : E, kui nek Pesawaran. Nek Lampung Selatan diumumke neng mading.
Joko : Oo, yo yo yo..
Dion : Sak Pesawaran khusus koyo ngono, gak di sms.
Joko : Kowe mau daftar lagi?
Dion : Yo iyo no..
Joko : Jangan lupa ya, ngajak-ngajak ya..
Dion : Tenang wae.

c. The transcription of female-to-female talk
Lilis : Eeh, mbiyen Astiti sekolahe neng ngendi?
Astiti : Neng Purworejo.
Lilis : Purworejo ki Jawa Tengah kan?
Astiti : Jawa Tengah.
Lilis : Jawa Tengah. SMP?
Astiti : SMA. SMP-ne pun kulo teng iku, teng Kasui, teng Way Kanan.
Lilis : Kasui?
Astiti : Way Kanan niku lo.
Lilis : SMP?
Astiti : Nggeh.
Lilis : Terus SMA-ne?
Astiti : Terus SMA.. Terus SMA-nya? Teng ik.., opo, neng kono, neng Jowo, neng Purworejo.
Lilis : Hooh, terus?
Astiti : Terus opo.. Terus opo?
Lilis : SMP-ne Neng Way Kanan?
Astiti : Hooh.
Lilis : Kok? SMA-ne neng Purworejo kok iso?
Astiti : Yo karepku lah.
Lilis : Iiihh, kok karepku si?
Astiti : Hahaha.. Nggak. Iku, ngrencangi, opo, temenin mbah.
Lilis : Ngrencangi mbah sinten?
Astiti : Mbah kulo
Lilis : Ooo.. Mbahe jenengan.
Astiti : Nggeh.
Lilis :Terus wong tuwone neng ngendi?
Astiti : Yo teng Way Kanan.
Lilis : Ooo.. Dadi neng kono melok Mbah? Mbah.. Mbah putri nopo mbah jaler?
Astiti : Putri
Lilis : Mbah putri nopo mbah jaler?
Astiti : Mbah putri. Mbah jalere sampon.. sampon.. sampon.. sampon gone.
Lilis : Sampon nilar!
Astiti : Nggeh, sampon nilar! Yak, betul! Terus.. mbak Lilis teng pundi?
Lilis : Aku..
Astiti : SMA-ne?
Lilis : Neng Mbandar.
Astiti : Neng Bandar Jaya?
Lilis : Heeh. Haa.. anu, mbiyen kan SMP-ne neng Way Kanan,
Astiti : Heeh..
Lilis : Neng Lampung. Terus SMA-ne neng Njowo. Bedone opo SM.., sekolah neng Lampong karo..
Astiti : Yo bedo, wong-wonge yo bedo.
Lilis : Tapi, maksude sekolahe kualitase piye?
Astiti : Nggak.. lek..
Lilis : Jeree lek neng Njowo lebih iki yo? Lebih.. opo si? Maksude secara.. secara goblok-gobloknya orang kuliah di.. orang sekolah di sana akan jadi pinter sekolah di sini. Iya nggak?
Astiti : Hooh..
Lilis : Hooh?
Astiti : Aku yo ngarasakke mbiyen waktu SMP yo aku ki yo entok lah juara no kan..
Lilis : Juara..
Astiti : La pindah.. pindah..
Lilis : tiga besar?
Astiti : Nggeh. Pindah.. teng.. iku, Jo.. Purworejo.. dadine sepuluh besar wae wes sukur. Opo, dadini ki piye yo? yo.. fasilitase yo heeh, yo.. guru-gurune yo apik-apik kabeh to.. terus iku.. eeee…
Lilis : Emang dasare muride we neng kono wes pinter, wes bedo karo neng kene opo emang gurune terlalu..
Astiti : Yo jelas, yo la wajar, pinter neng kono yo wajar lah.
Lilis : Wajare?
Astiti : Yo neng kono fasilitase apik. Guru-gurune yo do pinter-pinter to.. yo yo menunjang ngono lah
Lilis : Nek sekolah.. sekolah kene seng berkualitas misale Smanda, nek masuk kono kiro-kiro posisine kepiye?
Astiti : persis! Podo lah
Lilis : Ooo..
Astiti : Podo lah, ora bedo.
Lilis : Tapi neng kono isek standar yo, biasa wae yo?
Astiti : Lek sekolahanku ki standar.
Lilis : Tapi lak masuk ken uwes-uwes lumayan yo?
Astiti : Apik.
Lilis : Koyok Smanda ngono kae?
Astiti : Heeh.
Lilis : Waw!
Astiti : Yo piye.. Uwes?
Lilis : Ha..
Astiti : Matur nuwon yo.. Lo kok aku seng matur nuwon si?
Lilis : Oiyo, matur nuwun..
Astiti : Oiyo.. hehehe..


a. the first talk analysis

In the first talk (the male-to-female talk) there is a trigger uttered by the addresser, that is when she said “Batang Hari ki neng arah...” This sentence indicates that she doesn’t know where it will be. That’s why she didn’t complete her sentence. Then, consequently, she has showed her trigger to the addressee to respond.

Hearing the addresser’s utterances unfinished, he tried to respond it by completing her sentence. He replied, “Telong poloh wolu.” He has helped the NNs understand that Batang Hari directs to block of thirty eight (telong poloh wolu).
After knowing the fact that Batang Hari directs to block of thirty eight, the NN tried to respond the NS by repeating his utterance. She said, “Telong poloh wolu”?
the NS, to show his comprehension signal, then he answered “Hooh.”
triggered by the NNS utterance of Ooo, the NS then gave his signal by saying “Seng anu, arah stadion kae lo.” After that, the NNS showed her signal confirmation or acknowledgement of signal only by saying “Lo, stadion kan lurus... The NS replied “Iyo, kan kae belok...” showing his response of continuation move. Again, the NNS gave her trigger by saying “Hooh, belok... belok... belok...” The same, the NS gave his signal of repetition by saying “Kiri.” Then the NNS gave her response by saying “Kiri... ngiwo yo?” The NS answered “Kiri wae lah, timbangane ngiwo, kowe angel”, showing his response of continuation move. The NNS triggered again by saying “Terus karo pasar... pasar iku?” The NS replied using his signal of request by saying “Ngo, ngko ndisek, iki teko ndi ki?” The NNS gave her response by giving her response of witching to a new topic and said “Karo omahe Denik?” The NS then gave his response of continuation move by saying “Nggak. Iki teko ndi? Mlaku neng omahku ki teko.. teko metro po.. again the NNS gave her trigger, by saying “Teko Metro lah”. Then, the NS gave his response of modification of the NNS by saying “Halte?”

b. the second talk

Here, the negotiation of meaning is started by the NNS by saying “Iku, opo?” Then, the NS replied by saying, “Opo.. opo?” The NNS tried to give his trigger by uttering, “Ndaftar pengawas ujian iku harus piye to?” The NS responded by saying “Oo, TPI to?”, giving both comprehension signal and continuation move. Then, the NNS gave his trigger by saying, “Dosen bersangkutan?” The NNS replied, “Hooh. Dosen penanggung jawab, koordinator”, was showing his elaboration of the NNS. The NNS said, “Pak Imam.. Enakan yang mana ini?”, started again his trigger. The NS said, “Yo.. Yo terserah lek koe arep neng daerah ndi. Nek Pak Imam neng Lampung..”, was showing his request for confirmation through elaboration of NNS. Utterance of the NNS: “Seng pasti dapet yang gede. Yang mana-mana? Yang pasti dapet.”, showing that he began to trigger the NS again. Then, the NS replied by saying, “Yo, yo.. Dosen kesayangan, Cucu Sutarsyah. Hehehehehe..”, still the same, that it is a form of request for elaboration of NNS. Next, the NNS said, “La kuwe, kemaren entok piro?”, defining that he started his next trigger. The NS then answered, “Aku yo entok nganu, Pak Cucu kui, Pesawaran. Hooh, Pesawaran.”, elaborating his signal. The NNS triggered the NS by asking, “Piro iku?” The NS answered, “Opone? Duite?”, giving request for clarification. The NS said, “Hooh”, confirming and acknowledging the signal. Then, the NS replied, “Pitung atus, pitung atus, signaling that he were continuing his move. Triggering the NS, the NNS then asked, “Pitung atus? Per hari po po?” The NS answered, “Heh?”, giving his request for clarification. Asking “Per hari ku pitung atus?”, the NNS showed the NS his self modification of trigger (production of modified language), that is a phonological modification. Responding again, this time in form of indication of difficulty, the first speaker questioned the second speaker again, “SMP?” Then, the second speaker reacted by answering “Nggeh”, giving her response of signal comprehension.

c. the third talk

Note : Exclusively, The third talk consists of two persons who have the same language. Therefore, to avoid misconception, the term of Native and Non Native Speaker are not used here. Instead, in this third analysis, the term used are “the first speaker” and “the second speaker”. Due to this fact, this third talk analyzes more the negotiation of meaning focusing on the information gaps occurred in the talk.

The first speaker opened her trigger by asking the second speaker, “Eeh, mbiyen Astiti sekolahe neng ngendi?” Then, the second speaker answered by saying “Purworejo” After that, the first speaker continued to response, “Purworejo ki Jawa Tengah kan?”, providing a suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to the second speaker’s signal. Next, the second speaker answered, “Jawa Tengah”, as a form of her comprehension signal response. Then, the first speaker tried to give a response of repetition of the second speaker’s saying and switch to a new topic by saying, “Jawa Tengah. SMP?” The second speaker responded, “SMA. SMP-ne pun kulo teng iku, teng Kasui, teng Way Kanan.” as her continuation move. The first speaker asked “Kasui?”, trying to switch to a new topic. Next, the second speaker, again, gave her continuation move by answering “Way Kanan niku lo.” Responding again, this time in form of indication of difficulty, the first speaker questioned the second speaker again, “SMP?” Then, the second speaker reacted by answering “Nggeh”, giving her response of signal comprehension. Triggering the second speaker, the first speaker asked, “Terus SMA-ne?”
Giving her signal of request for confirmation through elaboration, she answered, “Terus SMA.. Terus SMA-nya? Teng ik.., opo, neng kono, neng Jowo, neng Purworejo. Triggering again, the first speaker asked, “Hooh, terus?” Then, the second speaker gave her response of request for clarification by asking the first speaker, “Terus opo? Terus opo?”


To summarize, negotiation of meaning has many definitions and classifications. One of those is as stated by Pica et al. They suggests that negotiation of meaning is generally consists of four interrelated moves. They are trigger, signal, response and follow-up moves.The first, a trigger, is viewed as any utterances followed by the addressee’s signal of total/partial lack of understanding. Next, signal, is that of total or partial lack of understanding. There are some types of signal: (1) explicit statement or request for clarification, (2) request for confirmation through repetition on the addresser, (3) request for confirmation through modification of the addresser, and (4) request for confirmation through completion or elaboration of the addresser. Then, response consists of: (1) switch to a new topic, (2) suppliance of information relevant to the topic, but not directly responsive to addressee signal, (3) repetition of the addressee’s modification of trigger, (4) self modification of trigger, (5) repetition of the addresser’s trigger, (6) confirmation or acknowledgement of signal only, and (7) indication of difficulty or inability to respond. The last is follow-up moves that consist of: (1) comprehension signal, and (2) continuation move.

All of those categories are well-studied by many experts. The basic and the main objective of the analysis is to know that there are always gaps in any communication. And to overcome this problem, it is the negotiation of meaning that plays its role well so that the communication can run well without any unnecessary misunderstanding.

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