Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

SITI HARIDAH's paper (0713042047)


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Name : Siti Haridah
SRN : 0713042047



1.1 Background of the Problem
There are some factors that influence a teaching learning process. Such as teacher, students, material, methodology, media, situation and condition in the classroom and also interaction between students and teacher. Interaction in the classroom is fundamental. Without that aspect, teaching learning process in the classroom will not exist. Interaction gives learners the opportunities to incorporate target language structures to their own speech. The meaningfulness for learners of classroom events of any kinds whether thought of as interactive or not, will depend on the extend to which communication has been jointly constructed between the teacher and the learners (Craig Chaudron, 1998: 10).

Classroom interaction includes all of the classroom events, both verbal interaction and non-verbal interaction. The verbal interaction takes place because of the teacher and learners talk, while non-verbal interaction covers gestures or facial expression by the teacher and learners when they communicate without using words. One of the guidelines to analyze the interaction activities is by using Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC). FIAC is a concept which states that teaching will be effective depending to a large degree on how directly and indirectly teachers influence the learners’ behaviors.
Based on the FIAC, there are three categories in the classroom interaction, they are: teacher talk, students talk, and no/all talk. Teacher talk includes accept feeling, praises, accept/ uses ideas of students, ask question, lecturing, giving direction and criticizing. Student talk includes student talk response and student talk initiation. And no/all talk is the situation which is in silence. (Allwright and Bailey, 1991: 202)

It is clear that the active role of both the teacher and learners is absolutely needed to create a good interaction because everyone will learn something better if he experiences it by himself. The learners have to learn the knowledge about English from the teacher, be active in responding the teacher’s questions, and introducing their own ideas. Besides that, the teacher must be creative in using teaching methods and techniques to support his talk in order to be interesting to be learned by the learners. Those are not easy tasks for many teachers, because as Goodman said that language appears sometimes to be so easy to learn and at other times so hard (Goodman, 1986:39). If the teacher fails, he cannot achieve the teaching-learning objectives.

1.2 Formulation of the Problems
Based on the background above, the writer formulates the problems as follow:
1. How is the aspects of teacher talks occurred in classroom interaction situation?

1.3 The Objectives of Research
In the relation to the research problems above, the objectives of the research are:
1. To analyze the aspects of teacher talk occurred in classroom interaction.

1.4 The Uses of Research
The results of this research are expected to be used as:
1. Theoretically, this research can be used as a reference for the next researcher who is going to analyze teacher talk in schools.

1.5 The Scope of Research
This research only focused on analyzing aspects of teacher talk in classroom interaction situation. The researchers did the observation to record classroom interaction activities, transcribed the conversation between teacher and students and then analyzed the aspects of teacher talk that occurred in the classroom. The researchers also identified in what aspect the teacher check the students’ understanding about the material.


2.1 Flanders Interaction Analysis Technique
The teaching-learning situations in the class-room involve interaction between the teacher and the students. The success of a teacher may be judged through the degree of effectiveness of his teaching which may be objectively assessed through his class-room behavior or interaction. Thus a systematic or objective analysis of the teacher’s classroom interaction may provide a reliable assessment of what goes on inside the class-room in terms of teaching and learning.

Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC) is a concept which states that teaching will be effective depending to a large degree on how directly and indirectly teachers influence the learners’ behaviors. Based on the FIAC, there are three categories in the classroom interaction, they are: teacher talk, students talk, no/all talk.
1. Teacher Talk
In the classroom, teachers make adjustments to both language form and language function in order to help communication in the classroom. These adjustments are called ‘teacher talk’. Teacher talk is a major way used by the teacher to convey information, have discussion and negotiations and motivate his students, so he can give the students knowledge and control their behavior.
There are three major aspect of teacher talk:
 Physiological aspect
This aspect related to the voice produced by the teacher. The teacher has to be able to control his voice during he speaks in the classroom.
 Interpersonal aspect
This aspect related to how the teacher speaks with utterances which is structured appropriately with the situation to the students so it can make a good classroom climate.
 Pedagogical aspect
This aspect related to how teacher organize the lesson, so it can create a good interaction. (Johnson, et. al., 1986: 70-72)

2. Students Talk
Student talk can be said as student’s speech when he imitates his teacher’s examples, expresses his idea or gives comments and criticism about something in the classroom.

According to Flanders, the interaction is classified into several components as follows:
1. Teacher talk, which is divided into indirect and direct influence.
Indirect influence involved:
 Accepts feeling
accepts and clarifies the feeling tone of the students in a non-threatening manner. Feelings may be positive or negative. Predicting and recalling feelings are included.
 Praises or encourages
Praises or encourages student action or behaviour. Jokes that release tension, not at the expense of another individual, nodding head or saying 'uh huh?' or 'go on' are included.
 Accepts or uses ideas of students
Clarifying, building, or developing ideas or suggestions by a student. As teacher brings more of his own ideas into play, shift to category five.
 Asks questions
Asking a question about content or procedure with the intent that a student may answer.

Direct influence involved:
 Lectures
Giving facts or opinions about content or procedures; expressing his own ideas; asking rhetorical questions.
 Gives directions
Directions, commands, or orders with which a student is expected to comply.
 Criticises or justifies authority
Statements, intended to change student behaviour from non-acceptable to acceptable pattern, bawling someone out; stating why the teacher is doing what he is doing, extreme self-reference.

2. Learner talk is divided into two parts:
 Student talk-responses
Talk by students in response to teacher. Teacher initiates the contact or solicits student statement.
 Student talk-initiation
Talk by students which they initiate. If 'calling on' student is only to indicate who may talk next, observer must decide whether student wanted to talk. If he did, use this category
 Silence or confusion
Pauses, short periods of silence and periods of confusion in which communication cannot be understood by the observer.


3.1 Subject and Sample
The subject of this research is TK RIANA AL AMIN, Kecamatan Tanjung Karang, Bandar Lampung. The sample is the students from 5 until sixth grade who were studying in the kindergarden.

3.2 Data
The data of this research will be in the form of:
1. Description of analysis the teacher talk occurred in classroom interaction situation.
2. Description of analysis in what aspect the teacher check the students’ understanding about the material.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique
The researchers observed the teaching learning process and recorded all interactions or conversations occured in the classroom in the form of video recording.

3.4 Research Procedures
The procedures of this research are:
1. Determining the subject and samples.
2. Recording & observing all of the classroom activities in the form of video recording.
3. Transcribing the conversation in the video recording.
4. Categorizing the data.
5. Determining the focus of data categorization


4.1 Transcription
The conversation took place in English Class of fifth grade students. The duration of video recording is approximately 5 minutes. The contents of conversation as follow:

a. First Record
Teacher: ayo hitung satu sampe sepuluh pake bahasa inggris Lectures
Students: one! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!..
Teacher: Nasi?
Students: rice
Teacher: daging!
Students: meal
Teacher: sayuran! Lectures
Students: vegetable
Teacher: roti! Lectures Asks Question
Students: bread
Teacher: satu lagi apa ya? Criticises or Justifies authority
Students: nanas
Teacher: bukan
Students: daging?
Teacher: udah. Jeruk?
Students: orang
Teacher: orange
Students: orange
Teacher: nah nama-nama hari!
Studets: senin, Monday! Selasa, Tuesday! Rabu, Wednesday! Kamis, Thursday! Jumat, Friday! Sabtu, Saturday!
Teacher: iyaaa warna merah?
Students: red
Teacher: Ya...kuning? Asks Question
Students: yellow
Teacher: hijau? Asks Question
Students: green
Teacher: biru? Asks Question
Students: blue
Teacher: Hitam? Asks Question
Students: Black
Teacher: Putih? Asks Question
Students: White.
Teacher: ungu? Asks Question
Students: parr
Teacher: purple Criticises or Justifies authority
Students: purple oh puple
Teacher: abu-abu? Asks Question
Students: Grey
Teacher: Ok. Merah muda? Asks Question
Student: Pink
Student: brown
Teacher:, yaa…. kalo kepala apa bahasa inggrisnya?
Praises or Asks Question
Students: Head
Teacher: Ok, thank you.
Accepts Feeling Praises or encourages
Teacher: Mata ? Lectures
Students: eyes.
Teacher: hidung?
Students: Nose
Teacher: mulut? Gives Directions
Students: Mouth
Teacher: iya mouth… bibir? Accepts or uses idea of students
Students: lips
Teacher: pipi? Asks Question
Students: Cheek
Teacher: dagu?
Students: Chin
Teacher: iyaa, pisang apa pisang? Asks Question
Students: banana
Teacher: mangga? Asks Question
Students: Mango
Teacher: nanas?
Students: pineapple
Teacher: semangka?
Students: Watermelon
Teacher: Iya, bagus.. Praises or encourages
Apa lagi ya.. kupu-kupu!
Students: Butterfly
Teacher: Gajah? Lectures
Students: Elephant
Teacher: buaya apa buaya? Asks Question
Students: crocodile
Teacher: iya crocodile Accepts or uses idea of students
Students: Duck
Teacher: Kucing? Asks Question
Students: : cat
Teacher: Anjing? Asks Question
Students: dog
Teacher: kura-kura apa?
Students: toir…toir..
Teacher: Apa?
Students: ……..(pause) toir-toir
Teacher: iya, toir-toir …turtle! Accepts or uses idea of students
Students: Toir-toir
Teacher: sapi? Asks Question
Students: Cow!
Teacher: kuda?
Students: horse
Teacher: nah, sekarang ayo kita nyanyi Gives directions
Satu, dua, tiga!
(Teacher and Students sing together while clapping the hands)
Teacher and Students: kura-kura toir-toir, sapi cow, ikan fish,…
Kuda itu horse…
Teacher: ayo kita nyanyi lagi! Twinke.. twinke… Gives directions
Teacher and Students sing together: Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

b. Second Record
Teacher: nah, anak-anak coba liat gambar ini kerbau. Ada yang pernah liat
Students: saya bu gulu
Teacher: satunya lagi gambar apa ini?
Student: bebek…
Teacher: bangau… burung bangau. Bu guru mau tau mana binatang yang bisa
terbang sama yang ga bisa terbang?
Students: burung…
Teacher: burung bisa terbang ga?
Students: bisa..
Teacher: iya bisaa, kalo bisa nah caranya disini kan ada lingkaran kan ya? Di
dalam lingkaran itu dikasih tanda contreng. Ayo coba apa aja yang bisa terbang?
Students: burung…
Teacher: kalo burung dikasi contreng
Student: bu gulu salah bu gulu salah..
Teachers: dikasi tanda yang diatas. Oh kok gitu, dikasi tanda contreng kayak gini.
Udah semua?
Students: udah..
Teacher: kalo sudah liat disebelahnya gambar apa tadi?
Students: rusa..
Teacher: kalo ga bisa dikasi tanda si…
Students: tanda silang.. udah bu gulu..
Teacher: dikasi tanda silang, iya iya, gini gini taro dibawahnya, dibawah gambar.
Burung dikasi tanda apa? Dikasi tanda apa?
Students: contreng
Teacher: iya.. contreng.
Bisa ga gak pake ngobrol farhan? Udah? Udah dibawahnya gambar..?
Students: kerbau..
Teacher: kerbau tandanya apa?..
Student: silang..
Teacher: udah? kalo udah pinsilnya ditaro kedepan. Dah? Kalo udah, duduk. Kalo
ga diem ga dapet crayon
Student: yang bagus tangan ini kan? (showing right hand)
Teacher: iya tangan kanan. Kalo sudah, gambarnya diwarnai.
Student: bu gulu, bebek warnanya apa?
Teacher: coklat, warnanya coklat belang
Student: kuning?
Teacher: boleh, dah sekarang mulutnya ditutup.
Students: cekrik.

4.2 Analysis of Teacher Talk in Classroom Interaction
In this research, the researchers used Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC) in analyzing the teacher talk in classroom interaction situation. The researchers found:
1. Direct Influence of Teacher Talk:
 Accepts Feeling
Accepts and clarifies the feeling tone of the students in a non-threatening manner. Feelings may be positive or negative. Predicting and recalling feelings are included.
1. Teacher: iya mouth…
2. Teacher:, yaa….
3. Teacher: iyaaa, kuning?
4. Teacher: iya crocodile
5. Teacher: iya, toir-toir …turtle!
6. Teacher: iya bisaa, kalo bisa nah caranya disini kan ada lingkaran kan ya? Di dalam lingkaran itu dikasih tanda contreng. Ayo coba apa aja yang bisa terbang?
7. Teacher: dikasi tanda silang, iya iya, gini gini taro dibawahnya, dibawah gambar.
Burung dikasi tanda apa? Dikasi tanda apa?
8. Teacher: iya.. contreng.
9. Teacher: iya tangan kanan. Kalo sudah, gambarnya diwarnai
10. Teacher: boleh, dah sekarang mulutnya ditutup.

(The underlined words refer to the teacher accepts the feeling of students. In this case the students give the positive feeling by answering the correct answers and the teacher repeats the students’ correct answer)

 Praises or encourages
Praises or encourages student action or behavior. Jokes that release tension, not at the expense of another individual, nodding head or saying 'uh huh?' or 'go on' are included.

1. Teacher: Ok. Merah muda?
2. Teacher: Ok, thank you
3. Teacher: Iya, bagus..
4. Teacher:, yaa…. kalo kepala apa bahasa inggrisnya?

(The underlined words refer to the teacher praises the students’ answer. They can answer correctly, so that teacher gives an appreciation by saying ‘ok’, ‘ok, thank you’ ‘ya’ ‘iya bagus’ for them in order to encourage their motivation to learn, have a good confidence and be more active in the classroom)
 Accepts or uses ideas of students
Clarifying, building, or developing ideas or suggestions by a student. As teacher brings more of his own ideas into play.
1. Teacher: iya crocodile
2. Teacher: iya bisaa, kalo bisa nah caranya disini kan ada lingkaran kan ya? Di dalam lingkaran itu dikasih tanda contreng
3. Teacher: iya tangan kanan. Kalo sudah, gambarnya diwarnai.

(The underlined words refer to the teacher accepts or uses the ideas of students. Teacher tries to build and develop the students’ ideas by following their way of thinking and then direct them to complete their answer. The aim is to make the students think to develop their own ideas by themselves)
 Asks Questions
Asking a question about content or procedure with the intent that a student may answer.
1. Teacher: Nasi?
2. Teacher: daging!
3. Teacher: sayuran!
4. Teacher: roti!
5. Teacher: udah. Jeruk?
6. Teacher: iyaaa warna merah?
7. Teacher: Ya...kuning?
8. Teacher: hijau?
9. Teacher: biru?
10. Teacher: Hitam?
11. Teacher: Putih?
12. Teacher: ungu?
13. Teacher: abu-abu?
14. Teacher: Ok. Merah muda?
15. Teacher:coklat?
16. Teacher:, yaa…. kalo kepala apa bahasa inggrisnya?
17. Teacher: Mata ?
18. Teacher: hidung?
19. Teacher: mulut?
20. Teacher: iya mouth… bibir?
21. Teacher: pipi?
22. Teacher: dagu?
23. Teacher: iyaa, pisang apa pisang?
24. Teacher: mangga?
25. Teacher: nanas?
26. Teacher: semangka? Apa lagi ya.. kupu-kupu!
27. Teacher: Gajah?
28. Teacher: buaya apa buaya?
29. Teacher: Bebek?
30. Teacher: Kucing?
31. Teacher: Anjing?
32. Teacher: kura-kura apa?
33. Teacher: sapi?
34. Teacher: kuda?
35. Teacher: nah, anak-anak coba liat gambar ini kerbau. Ada yang pernah liat
36. Kerbau?
37. Teacher: satunya lagi gambar apa ini?
38. Teacher: bangau… burung bangau. Bu guru mau tau mana binatang yang bisa terbang sama yang ga bisa terbang?
39. Teacher: burung bisa terbang ga?
40. Teacher: iya bisaa, kalo bisa nah caranya disini kan ada lingkaran kan ya? Didalam lingkaran itu dikasih tanda contreng. Ayo coba apa aja yang bisa terbang?
41. Teacher: kalo sudah liat disebelahnya gambar apa tadi? .
42. Burung dikasi tanda apa? Dikasi tanda apa?
43. Teacher: iya.. contreng.
44. Teacher: kerbau tandanya apa?..
45. ga diem ga dapet crayon
(The numbers words refer to the teacher asks questions to the students about the materials that have been learnt. To check the students’ understanding, the teacher mostly uses this way. We can see that the teacher gives many questions to know how far does the student understand the materials. The questions given are for individual and for all students. Individual questions will make the students pay attention to the teacher explanation, because if her/his name is called, they should answer the teacher’s question. In other hand, questions which given for all students will attract them to answer together. They will not afraid of making mistakes because they are not alone in answering the same question)

2. Direct Influence of Teacher Talk:
 Lectures
Giving facts or opinions about content or procedures; expressing his own ideas; asking rhetorical questions.

1. Teacher: ayo hitung satu sampe sepuluh pake bahasa inggris
2. Teacher: nah nama-nama hari!
3. Teacher: nah, sekarang ayo kita nyanyi. Satu, dua, tiga!
4. Teacher: ayo kita nyanyi lagi! Twinke.. twinke…
5. Teacher: iya bisaa, kalo bisa nah caranya disini kan ada lingkaran kan ya? Didalam lingkaran itu dikasih tanda contreng
6. Teacher: kalo burung dikasi contreng
7. Teacher: dikasi tanda silang, iya iya, gini gini taro dibawahnya, dibawah gambar.
8. Teacher: udah? kalo udah pinsilnya ditaro kedepan. Dah? Kalo udah, duduk. Kalo ga diem ga dapet crayon
9. Teacher: boleh, dah sekarang mulutnya ditutup.

(The underlined words refer to the teacher lectures. The teacher teaches the materials in the form of giving facts or opinions about content or procedures and expressing his own ideas)


5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result and discussion above, we can conclude that:
1. In teacher talk, there are two influences. The first is indirect influence. And the second is direct influence. Indirect influence includes accepts feeling, praises and encourages, accepts or uses ideas of students and asks questions. Direct influence includes lectures, gives directions and criticises or justifies authority.
2. In ‘accepts feeling’ aspect, the students give the positive feeling by answering the correct answers and the teacher repeats the students’ correct answer.
3. In ‘praises or encourages’ aspect, the teacher gives an appreciation by saying ‘good’, ‘ok, thank you’ for the students who answer the quetions correctly in order to encourage their motivation to learn, have a good confidence and be more active in the classroom.
4. In ‘accepts or uses the ideas of students’ aspect, teacher tries to build and develop the students’ ideas by following their way of thinking and then direct them to complete their own answer by themselves.
5. In ‘asks questions’ aspect, the teacher asks some questions before and after explaining the material to build up their background knowledge and check their understanding.
6. In ‘lectures’ aspect, the teacher teaches the materials in the form of giving facts or opinions about content or procedures and expressing his own ideas.
7. In ‘gives directions’ aspect, teacher gives directions, commands, or orders and expects the students to do it.
8. To check the students’ understanding about the materials that have been learnt, the teacher mostly uses questions and asks them to answer. Teacher gives many questions to know how far the student understands his explanation. The questions given are for individual and for all students. Individual questions will make the students pay attention to the teacher explanation, because if her/his name is called, they should answer the teacher’s question. In other hand, questions which given for all students will attract them to answer together. They will not afraid of making mistakes because they are not alone in answering the same question.

5.2 Suggestions
Based on analysis of teacher talk and on the theoretical framework discussed in the previous chapter, the writers would like to offer the following suggestions:
1. It will be better if the teacher uses English rather than mother tongue in giving directions and asking questions to the students. It will help in understanding simple sentence in school context.
2. If a student cannot answer the question, the teacher can ask another student to answer. If all of the students cannot answer, the teacher can give the other examples which have equal answer. So the students can answer the teacher’s questions correctly.

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